27-03-2007, 12:31 PM
With the young bloke at school today,I decided to have a flick around the river this morning and get out of that wind. Caught endless amounts of small bream 20-22 cm mark. Another small cod took a flash prawn wriggler . Landed 5 keeper Bream 24- 31 cm so it was a fun little session. We 've recently rigged up a portable live well which keeps the fish in prime condition but that makes it hard to get a picture when their jumping all over the floor of the boat full of beans;D .Aquick pic and back into the tank and the 5 fish released at the end of session. I cant seem to get motivated to clean fish that small for a feed. Anyway boat is ready for the after school session when the young fellow gets home;D Lifes tough when you have a few days off. Sorry cant post the pic:-[ I've got to get Garrett to show me how to do this.