View Full Version : Split rings and snap swivels

25-03-2007, 06:58 PM
Does anyone know of any decent snap swivels or O/split rings I can easily use to change lures on?

90% of the snap swivels I see tend to bend straight very easily on a big fish. And the ones strong enough not to bend are so huge they impead the lure to much.

I have seen a few split rings in various shapes that look like they'd be strong and small enough, but alot of them are very hard to open and get a new lure on.

Any ideas? im looking for somthing around the 60-80lb mark. Im sick or tying 50 knots a day doing lure changes

25-03-2007, 10:53 PM
if you go the split ring , diawa make good split ring pliers that make it easy , the diawa ones hold the split ring a lot better than some of the other brands , about 50 bucks though .

26-03-2007, 09:04 AM
get some split ring pliers, and buy good quality swivels, the little 10 or 50 to a packet at Kmart and places are not worth crap!! buy good sampo's or something and be done with it, they will be much smaller than cheap crap and 10 times stronger as well as the fact that the swivel does swivel!

26-03-2007, 03:57 PM
This is where quality tackle shops come into their own. Tell them what you want and they'll have it. I rig in the same line class as you and I don't have problems with the gear I buy but I don't skimp on terminal tackle.