View Full Version : Wello mornin' trip

18-03-2007, 09:49 AM
G'day anglers,

I can't beat most of the stories I've been reading but went out for my first boat trip in a long while courtesy of a good friend (who also hadn't been out in a while). We left Raby Bay about 5.00 am which was pretty busy and it wasn't long before we were drifting and wetting a line. Within minutes we were throwing back undersized squire which were a good bit of fun. As we continued to drift we seemed to hit patches of Moses perch which were around 27-29cm long and Grassy's. Unfortunately just about everything was undersized but we were getting plenty of action. At this stage I was thinking it was great to be out on the boat and having fun catching something different from catfish. I made this comment to Steve who exclaimed that he'd never caught catfish at this spot. Ten minutes later I picked up two. Steve thought this was hilarious and I swore that I was being stalked by the bastards.

Eventually as the tide got bigger we started seeing some larger fish and managed a couple of Grasssy keepers and Moses perch. Steve was onto a good sized shovel-nose which eventually spat the hook. I even managed to net a squid which was reluctant to let go of my squid bait. He happily transfromed into a couple of nice Grassy's.

With a few keepers each we headed back to collect our crab pots and managed a sandy each. (I supplied the bait, Steve the pots).

While we didn't land any huge fish, it was a great morning out with plenty happening to keep us entertained - although I am easily pleased.

The piccy below was of an 27cm grassy which went back to fight another day. After that photo we both were more interested in fishing than taking snap shots.


18-03-2007, 02:19 PM
Gidday mate,

I was talking to someone else who fished there Yesterday. Plenty of action, around 25 fish in total, but no keepers. A bit of a spoiling with the weather of late, all good days to be on the water, well done in getting out "finally" and giving it a go!


18-03-2007, 03:24 PM
I was also out there this morning, finally got my first fish on SP's ;D Just a couple of Bream, but at least I've got a score on the board.
How strong was the tidal run?!?!? First time every I can remember being anchored with the boat facing away from the wave/wind direction. :o

18-03-2007, 05:58 PM
Hey push you have raised an interesting question that has been troubling me for a while - is 25 legal for moses perch? There have been around pretty solidly in the bay at the moment and have been calling them as "All tropical snappers and sea perches" in the DPI requirements which has a legal of 25cm. Is this correct guys?

Have found that like a 25 cm sweety (Also legal) they dont have a great deal to them.


18-03-2007, 06:09 PM
G'day guys,

Hamish, wnd seemed to be blowing from west for a while. Pretty good conditions where we were. We weren't too far from shore. We drifted about 400m each time fairly quickly, but depending on wind our position changed. The boat was pointed in direction of drift so we had lines facing out back of boat all the time.


18-03-2007, 06:14 PM

Glad you brought it up. We weren't sure. We had out a sheet with min sizes and it didn't have the Moses Perch size on it although it had a picture of one on it. We took an educated guess and made 25cm as a min, which I hope is right. With the Grassy's they're 30cm I believe (We threw a few back at 29cm).

Like you, I'd like to know what the Moses perch are.


18-03-2007, 08:18 PM
Anyone out there got the answer for Moses Perch?

Sorry I was reading sweetlip under "All Emperor" rather than grass emperor. Grassys should really be under that heading where red throats are rather than as "Others".