View Full Version : Virgin Plastic Trip

18-03-2007, 08:01 AM
Had planned to meet mates at the local garage at 3:30am Sat morning, but they slept in and we didn't get away till well after 4:00am. We arrived at the boat ramp to see the car park was nearly full so we did n't waste any time and got the boats launched. Head out around Bribie to be greeted with are fairly flat swell so we could motor along fairly well.The mate wanted to stop and get some livies so we jigged near marker beacon he had got some at before then we headed out around the cape. Tried Roberts Shoal first but only go under sized grassy's. We moved around to a few other spot he had from previous trips and my deckie got a couple of wrasse. A call was made to try Deep Temest. I had a mark for out there and first drop was the first legal snapper(38). So we did the same drift to end up with 4snapper, 1 perlie, and a couple of wrasse. I didn't catch any snapper on the plastics but did land a lot of under sized red throat emporer, so I was glad I tried the plastics and I will probably give them another go next time I go outside

18-03-2007, 08:20 AM
gee stinker conditons mate:)


Frank OO
18-03-2007, 05:59 PM
Hi Freddy,

Well done mate but next time leave the bait at home. You will actually catch bigger and more fish on Plastics. Good to see you give them a go.

Frank OO