View Full Version : Longtail at the hills

16-03-2007, 03:47 PM
Went out for an early morning fish to try for some spotties. Looked everywhere but all we could find was many small schools of mac tuna from Cleveland to the Sand Hills.

Finally we spied a few schools of longtails near the Sand hills who were keen on a slug. Caught 2 around 10kg mark (let the green one go...) and kept 1 for the barbie

Beautiful conditions throughout the day 5-7 knots of breeze and little or no chop, with very little boat traffic.......the wonders of fishing on a weekday....

16-03-2007, 04:17 PM
thats a great fish mate. nicely done
conditions would have been magic to be out there in.

16-03-2007, 05:02 PM
Well done Vic1, are you a council worker on RDO. My RDO (building industry) is Monday so i will see if i can put a dint in em.;)

16-03-2007, 05:14 PM
You did better than I did Vic1. I fished Mud for about 3 hours from 5.30 for one legal parrot and about 20 undersize grassies, then headed to the sandhills with spotties in mind. Although I got close to a few schools of mack tuna or bonito they weren't interested in any of the slugs I threw at them and when my arms were about to drop off I went up to Comby and bagged a nice feed of squid just so I had something to bring home. Conditions were absolutely magic on the run home. Sure beats working
Cheers Freeeedom

16-03-2007, 07:11 PM
Nice fish Vic.
Hope they are still around Sunday.Plan on heading out that way myself.

Cheers Dazza

16-03-2007, 10:49 PM
where is comby, i have always wanted to catch some squid.???
is that near crab island


17-03-2007, 06:10 AM
where is comby, i have always wanted to catch some squid.???
is that near crab island

Comboyuro Point - inside the top end of Moreton Island. Squid (and a few cuttlefish) are found over the weed beds on the shallow flats which extend westwards from the island for a couple of hundred metres in the northern parts of the island to a kilometre or so in the south. I'd been for a drift over the Cowan artificial reef at slack tide so I just motored on up towards Bulwer and had a drift on the weed beds just south of the Bulwer Wrecks. These are the larger, so called 'tiger squid', not the slender 'arrow squid' or 'calamari squid' which we catch in the winter. Pic attached (although not of the ones I caught yesterday - forgot the camera again)
Cheers Freeeedom

17-03-2007, 06:40 AM
Nice fish mate, that would be great sushi.

Those squid look just as good too mate. Bring on the squid sessions, Richie are you ready?

17-03-2007, 02:16 PM
Great work

I was going to spend the weekend working round the house but your post was a great sanity check. I'll have a go Sunday; hopefully the traffic won't spook any lingering spotties too badly.


17-03-2007, 07:22 PM
Good one matey.
You seem to find them pretty regularly don't you :)

19-03-2007, 06:07 AM
Travelled from Brisbane R to Curtin Reef to the Sandhills, through the Rous and up the Rainbow an Sunday looking for surface feeding spotties to chuck lures at. Never sighted any. Also very noticible was the absence of surface schools of anything. Plenty of birds sitting on sandbanks but very few looking about. Listening on the radio seemed like everyone else had a bad day also.
Anyone do any good on spotteis lately or have they disappeared.

John H