View Full Version : Hi Everybody

14-03-2007, 01:22 AM
Hello, I just signed up for this message board! I'm from Canada, and work on the websites for 2 Fly-Fishing lodges in Eastern Canada. I thought I'd post the river reports and any other articles about anything going on at them here in case any one here ever comes to visit our corner of the world!

14-03-2007, 07:53 AM
Welcome aboard

14-03-2007, 01:48 PM
Hello, I just signed up for this message board! I'm from Canada, and work on the websites for 2 Fly-Fishing lodges in Eastern Canada. I thought I'd post the river reports and any other articles about anything going on at them here in case any one here ever comes to visit our corner of the world!

Or, in other words, free advertising? :-/ ::)