View Full Version : Where To Chase Prawns
13-03-2007, 07:40 AM
Hi All,
My neighbour wants to go and chase a few prawns on the southside of Brissy, as he's a Bundy boy and has no knowledge of the estuaries down here and I've never chased prawns at all I thought someone here may be able to point us in the right direction.
13-03-2007, 08:51 AM
As a starting point have a look at Nuggets jumpinpin map on his web page in the hints and tips section.
13-03-2007, 09:27 AM
I'd suggest scouring the reports section.
tinny creek ( Tingalpa creek) mate there are big bannana prawn there.
13-03-2007, 11:40 AM
That's interesting straddie, where can you launch to get into Tingalpa creek.
13-03-2007, 01:26 PM
Hi Paul.
I used to live at Lota and knew a few launching spots in Tinnie creek, but last year we did and exercise down there and I found another ramp.
There is a dirt one at the Esplande off Railways Pde Thornside. This is okay if you have a 4x4
There is the concrete ramp down along Queens Esplande at Thornside.
The new one that i found last year is at the very end of Chadwell Street which runs off Chelsea Road at Gumdale.
Try doing a Night (no Moon) run up Tingalapa Creeck and see how you go. Really shallow in spots and a nice very large Rock right near the Rickertt Road bridge.
Hope this info helps.
13-03-2007, 01:44 PM
Thanks Foxy,
That's very good inf especially the rock.
I've got a 4.1m boat (forward steer) do you think I would have much trouble getting up there in it.
13-03-2007, 03:39 PM
Paul, there are 4 ramps into tingalpa ad lota creek accessible with your boat, the other one wy upstreem is only accesible by boats/kayaks without trailers.
At low tide, expect to run aground anywhere doewnstreem of the shipyard pretty much.
It's extremely shallow at low tide in places (where you can't get a 12' tinny thorugh) and there are a number of rock bars.
First rockbar is under the road bridge, marked by an unofficial sign. Second is on the right hand side about 80M upstreem of the road bridgge and then again on the right side of the left hand bend upstream of the road bridge
The other one to watch out for is on the right hand ide upstream from the railway bridge, marked by a clearing in the bush.
I'd suggest you do a run up there in the daylight hours and get used to the whole creek first.
13-03-2007, 05:00 PM
I know a little place up Baffle Creek way. ;D
I might even show it to you in October. :-X
13-03-2007, 05:30 PM
Go to Woolies Paul hehehe
13-03-2007, 08:23 PM
Dave,thanks for the heads up on the rock bars,that info will be very handy and will possibly save on hull repairs.:P
Phill,will take you up on that!::)
Webby,your jokes just get better and better. ;D ;D ;D
Looks like Tingalpa creek it is.
Cheers all,thank you for your input.
13-03-2007, 09:13 PM
Tingalpa crk seems to be the go at the moment.
There are plenty of tinnies launching off the dirt at the end of railway parade.
Only on low tide would you maybe need a 4wd.
A hell of a lot of nets being thrown around under and near the railway bridge.
Even getting some off the bank at the ramp.
13-03-2007, 09:36 PM
As someone who does not know Tingalpa Creek real well, I have only tried there once and regret not having had the advice from someone who does. I think I found the biggest oyster encrusted rock (or maybe it was a shopping trolley or engine block:-/ ) in the entire creek, and would have cast the perfect circle right over the top of it. Yes it was ugly! Have not had to buy lead to make my own sinkers for a few years since, because that's all the net was good for after Tingalpa creek. Be careful and only cast where you see others casting. There's more than one reason for following crowds.;) ;)
13-03-2007, 11:41 PM
Know exactly how you feel Scalem.Cast my net straight over a sunken 10 ft tender in Townsville one day.Had to go back at low tide to retrieve the lead line.
Cheers Dazza
On the subject of prawns- I was wondering if Tiger Prawns are worth ago at night? Has anyone had as much success with Tigers at Night? I've heard they feed more at night is this true?
14-03-2007, 07:06 PM
Is Tingalpa able to be prawned from the bank? I have a cast net but no boat, and would desperately love to get a feed of fresh prawns. The ones at woolies and coles are foul :( I live at Newmarket, but will travel anywhere around Brisbane so that i can make a fresh prawn sandwich :P When does prawn season end?
Cheers guys
14-03-2007, 07:54 PM
G'day Rob
Yes tinny creek is able to be prawned from the banks. I'd suggest a 1/2 falling tide and just start at many of the bush tracks/boat ramps and go from there.
you can practically walk across it in places at dead low.
14-03-2007, 10:58 PM
Thanks Dave I will look up the creek in the refidex (im assuming its near tingalpa)? and make surre i get down there. A feedd of prawns would go down very well with a beer, and hopefully even lkeep a few and chase some decent bream off the Hornibrook in a month or so, or chase some bigger fish in the surf. Thanks for the advice
Try the creek near Marks road next to the Prawn farm. Great to see Nugget share the info on good spots. It would be good if more fishermen here did! I bagged out there Wednesday and just got back with another 2 kilos of tigers. Why are there mainly Tigers at the moment tho? I caught only 4 banana prawns (80 odd Tigers).
17-03-2007, 01:21 PM
Is Marks Rd out near the Pin area???
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