View Full Version : Fridge behind seat in New Hilux ?

09-03-2007, 05:52 PM
Hi I have the latest model Hilux Dual cab, I would like to put my 40ltre Engel behind the driver seat somehow. Has anyone set it up in this way securely without taking the back seat out. I want to just tilt the seat up out of way without going to the added expense of getting a fridge slide and bolting it into the back of the ute which I use for storage of other things.
Thanks in advance Tony

12-03-2007, 07:31 AM
Hi Tony, you should be able to just lift the bottom of the seat up aand hook it to the top piece. Then just bolt a couple of tie down points to strap the fridge in. Obviously the kids won't fit in when the fridge is there, but that may not be a priority if the fridge is full of beer.LOL
