09-03-2007, 09:56 AM
Sorry about this guys - but I originally posted this in News - then was asked to add it to 4WD - then someone else suggested it might get a better airing in General Chat - so to those who have seen it already - I apologise and if this goes against the rules or something - maybe the mods can move it?
But for those people who like Fraser (I have never been but want to go one day), this may be a very important issue. This petition is more likely to get action than many other petitions - because its a parliamentary petition - it's responses go directly and are actually managed by the local Member.
The following link is to a Parliamentary petition to keep Fraser Island (North of Hook Point) open to 4WDs. It has been generated by David Gibson MP. If you sign this petition, then David will take it to Parliament for debate. If you feel strongly about the issue - then forward the link on to anyone you know who has a 4WD or visits Fraser. So far there are 200 signatures (Thursday 10am) - we need many thousands if Fraser is to be kept open.
Be warned, they do ask you to verify yourself by providing name and address - Mickey Mouses and Donald Ducks wont go through
Heres the link: (
Subject:Keep the beach access around Hook Point open Eligibility:Queensland residents Sponsoring Member David Gibson MP Principal Petitioner:Lionel Powell PO Box 486 HERVEY BAY QLD 4655 Num of Signatures:200 Posting Date:05/03/2007 Closing Date:13/04/2007
Do you wish to sign this E-Petition? Yes (http://javascript%3cb%3e%3c/b%3E:__doPostBack%28%27ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$l nlSignPetition%27,%27%27%29)
Email this link to a colleague
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland
Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House this Labor Governments plan to close vehicular beach access to an 18km stretch of Fraser island, north of Hook Point.
Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to retain vehicular access of this stretch of Fraser island and recognise the iconic status of Fraser Island as a 4WD destination for tourists, recreational fishing, boating and camping.
But for those people who like Fraser (I have never been but want to go one day), this may be a very important issue. This petition is more likely to get action than many other petitions - because its a parliamentary petition - it's responses go directly and are actually managed by the local Member.
The following link is to a Parliamentary petition to keep Fraser Island (North of Hook Point) open to 4WDs. It has been generated by David Gibson MP. If you sign this petition, then David will take it to Parliament for debate. If you feel strongly about the issue - then forward the link on to anyone you know who has a 4WD or visits Fraser. So far there are 200 signatures (Thursday 10am) - we need many thousands if Fraser is to be kept open.
Be warned, they do ask you to verify yourself by providing name and address - Mickey Mouses and Donald Ducks wont go through
Heres the link: (
Subject:Keep the beach access around Hook Point open Eligibility:Queensland residents Sponsoring Member David Gibson MP Principal Petitioner:Lionel Powell PO Box 486 HERVEY BAY QLD 4655 Num of Signatures:200 Posting Date:05/03/2007 Closing Date:13/04/2007
Do you wish to sign this E-Petition? Yes (http://javascript%3cb%3e%3c/b%3E:__doPostBack%28%27ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$l nlSignPetition%27,%27%27%29)
Email this link to a colleague
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland
Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House this Labor Governments plan to close vehicular beach access to an 18km stretch of Fraser island, north of Hook Point.
Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to retain vehicular access of this stretch of Fraser island and recognise the iconic status of Fraser Island as a 4WD destination for tourists, recreational fishing, boating and camping.