View Full Version : livies in the passage

07-03-2007, 03:48 PM
just got myself my first cast net.
i'm slowly getting the hang of it. but every time i use it i come up with nothin(apart from happy moments:-[ )

can someone give me some tips on where, when and what to look for when chasing livies in the pumistone passage.



07-03-2007, 06:48 PM
find some small inlets, don't be affraid to throw your net in the shallows, you'll be surprised what is there. I do a lot off fishing in the pine and find it really easy to get poddy's/herring in small creeks or off drains. Just have a cast anywhere and everywhere. I was where you were 2months ago. And now i i'm confident i can find live bait...



07-03-2007, 07:05 PM
Sneazer summed it up pretty well. Bait is always easier to locate on the bottom half of the tide around the sort of features he has suggested. Seagrass beds are another spot that usually holds bait(plenty in the passage).

07-03-2007, 07:20 PM
MR HONKY, i agree with sneazer trial & error. Pummistone passage is full of live bait. Herring, Pike, Gar & mullet. Best bait for Tailor, big Bream & Queenfish. Just open your eyes & look for the signs.8-)

08-03-2007, 05:53 PM
Another suggestion Neil - use berley. It doesn't only work fishing with baits or lures, it will attract all sorts of things to where you are cast-netting. Of course, it is no use where there is a strong current, but at the turn of the tide or in blind canals, etc, it is worth a try.

Just scatter the berley, leave it a few minutes or so, then chuck your net. I have found that chook pellets (sometimes flavoured with tuna oil) work as well as anything. Even stale bread mushed up in a bit of water works.

Best of luck,


08-03-2007, 07:12 PM
hey honky
i grew up un bribie in the 80,s and still return on weekly bassis.
Down on top of the ledge where the old wreck used to be at any thing above middle of tide is good. Lots of weed beeds. or if your at the other en of the island there is a good drain between banksia beach and white patch. All this area is good. bongaree boat ramp also

good luck

08-03-2007, 07:36 PM
thanks guys for the info.
