Mullet Musketeer
05-03-2007, 09:04 PM
This refers to last Thursday March 1st - sorry its late but better late than never. Those of you who follow my posts will realise now that I have forsaken the Passage in search of some new spots (at least until the beloved flathead return). I have also been a bit disappointed in my usual trusty GULPS and switched to the whole new (and expensive) world of hard bodies.
Last Thursday I was down at the seaway right on dawn. I found a spot where I felt I had a reasonable chance of landing a fish on the light gear (if I got one) and chucked a popper out . Wallop - second cast and I am on to a nice big Trevally but he heads for the deep and the cover of the rocks and there goes Popper no 1. I tie on some 14 lb leader to the 8lb Fireline and another Popper. This time its a Storm Yellow Blue Green one. This goes out and I decide I will count down from fifty casts - we get down to 46 to go and I'm hit again - this time he spits it, almost within reach. At least I did not lose another lure. Next time we only get to 47 to go when I am on again. I am not prepared to let this one go so the rod is well bent, the reel is wobbling like its going to come out of the seat and the drag is tight but still letting out the odd scream. I get it up to the rocks but with one final lunge it breaks the rod tip (2-4 kg) still I grab the line and pull it up anyway - an expensive but beatiful 2 KG Big Eye Trevally.
Well the fun continued for an hour or so and I ended up with four in total all over 1kg - beautiful fish and great fun. ;D
Last Thursday I was down at the seaway right on dawn. I found a spot where I felt I had a reasonable chance of landing a fish on the light gear (if I got one) and chucked a popper out . Wallop - second cast and I am on to a nice big Trevally but he heads for the deep and the cover of the rocks and there goes Popper no 1. I tie on some 14 lb leader to the 8lb Fireline and another Popper. This time its a Storm Yellow Blue Green one. This goes out and I decide I will count down from fifty casts - we get down to 46 to go and I'm hit again - this time he spits it, almost within reach. At least I did not lose another lure. Next time we only get to 47 to go when I am on again. I am not prepared to let this one go so the rod is well bent, the reel is wobbling like its going to come out of the seat and the drag is tight but still letting out the odd scream. I get it up to the rocks but with one final lunge it breaks the rod tip (2-4 kg) still I grab the line and pull it up anyway - an expensive but beatiful 2 KG Big Eye Trevally.
Well the fun continued for an hour or so and I ended up with four in total all over 1kg - beautiful fish and great fun. ;D