View Full Version : vandals

04-03-2007, 03:41 PM
hey guys,launched boat at bethania boat ramp about 7am yesterday,fished for about 4 hrs come back and back glass was smashed on the ute.>:( just a warning to anyone deciding to use this ramp,it's pretty bad when your car's not safe even in daylight(expensive fishing trip).

16-03-2007, 08:24 AM
That stinks. It about time our courts did something with offenders instead of the "naughty, naughty, slap on the wrist don't do it again" approach. Maybe then vandals would think twice about doing things like this.I am a baby boomer, and in my day if caught, the local policeman would give you a good kick in the backside, then take you home and dad would give you another, then take you around to apologise to the person concerned and offer to pay or work off the damage cost. I wonder how many would re-offend if when caught, they were made to wear say fluro green overalls (or something that people could associate with the crime) with "I am a vandal" printed on them and made to do community work in a public place. I realise that a lot of the vandals are under age, and cannot have their names printed in the paper, but surely something could be done to publicly shame them.I believe this is done overseas and works a treat.