View Full Version : Moreton Bay Saturday

25-02-2007, 12:29 PM
Cheech and I put in at Whyte island about 3.00pm yesterday,with a plan to fish out from mud, till the tide changed.
We stopped on the way out of the river to help out a big Mustang cruiser that was aground and in danger of spending a long 12 hours stuck till the next tide big enough to get them off.
Cheech snigged them off the mud then we headed out hoping karma would see us well rewarded.
It was fairly lumpy outside mud and we only saw one other boat out there.
With our favoured conditions ( except for the lumps) on offer we were expecting a good haul.
we had a couple of goes at getting the anchor to hold & getting onto one of Cheechs spots,and eventual got the boat to sit where we wanted it.
It was a bit slow at first but we worked our system and as sun set fish started to come aboard.
A mixed bag Tailor ,Trevally ,Bream, Moses perch, and a million undersized Grassies.
We had our usual share of unstoppables .
I dropped a good sized squire at the transom a nanosecond before i called for the net. Less said about the better.

We are having a bad trot with line breakages, Bimini knot breakages and just plain bad luck.
3 times I had really solid fish well hooked only to lose them through bad luck. All the right gear ,effective drag settings, patience,then....bang...gone.
Cheech had a couple of good battles, one of which resulted in boating an unusual catch, I'll leave that story to himself.
all in all another good adventure and a few fish for the table.

25-02-2007, 06:41 PM
great to here ur getting sum... wer u using bait of sp's mate?

cheers dave

26-02-2007, 09:25 AM
Dave wrote.
great to here ur getting sum... wer u using bait of sp's mate?

cheers dave[/quote]

Bait ,
I dont have much success with plastics, and dont have the patience.
I did flick a squidgee right at the end of the session and got a touch but no hookup.

26-02-2007, 03:07 PM
Funny you guys talk about 'bad trot with line breakages, Bimini knot breakages and just plain bad luck'! I'm having a bit of a struggle since i got new braid/leader attaching using knots i've used successfully for ages... Sometimes the moon phases just aren't right!

Take Care T

26-02-2007, 07:49 PM
Hi T1`
Same,same. Knots and line combos we have been using successfully for ages are letting us down.
Cheech is trying some new braid (Sufix)and is a bit concerned that it might be a problem.
But my reels and line/leader combos are unchanged and I am losing count of good fish hooked but not landed. Iam interested to hear from anyone who can offer a suggestion

27-02-2007, 08:45 AM
Heya Rando

Could be a few things, not all brands of lines like the same knots. It can depend on the stretch, softness or hardness to some degree and you may have to try a few to find the best knot for that brand.

There is always the chance of a bad batch as well. I don't have a lot of experience with braid but with its B/S being overstated so much there is a chance some will come through at times closer to that stated B/S and if you are using old drag settings this might find you out. Use scales to check them out.

If it isn't the knot itself it could be tailor biting you off if bait is sliding up the line or your join is big enough to attract their attention. Also run a stocking through your guides to ensure it isn't a nick or crack in one of your runners.

27-02-2007, 10:45 AM
Thanks Straddie
How are you mate!
Drag settings are good, sometimes TOO light, Ill try the stocking trick. Its unusual for a well tied bimini to break at the knot, and that has happened a couple of times. It could be the line making contact with stucture but the area we fish is pretty flat so its got me buggered, And I am starting to believe the fishing gods have cursed me.

27-02-2007, 05:44 PM
Not a bad day out. Give the sp's a decent go for that is all we use out at mud and have done really well, on a number of occasions out fishing bait 5 to 1 and you don't get any were near as much little shit harasing the end of your line.

27-02-2007, 09:40 PM
Flogged the place to foam, Seth Im no good at plastic fishing.
FRESH bait and a burley trail works every time.