View Full Version : Where's the FAD

24-02-2007, 08:44 PM
Could any one tell me if there is a FAD off the Gold Coast.

Went out 2 weeks ago an spent over three how's looking.

Don't laugh i was given the GPS point from a so called friend who new a so called trawler mate that had the pick of the points.

I have since read up on a website that the FAD's went missing, is this true???

Appreciate any help.

Fish Guts
24-02-2007, 09:06 PM
whats a fad ?

24-02-2007, 09:38 PM
Fish aggregating/attracting device

Fish Guts
24-02-2007, 09:49 PM
thanks sean. thought old mate was going on about rollerblades, hypercoloured shirts or yoyos !

24-02-2007, 10:34 PM
So what actually are they?
Just a buoy attached by rope to a concrete block or something more substantial!
Never seen one,but have seen the lads on Fishing Western Australia hooking into the pelagics around one.Seems to work pretty good.
Wish they would put a couple up here or a wreck or two to attract pelagics closer inshore.

cheers Scott

24-02-2007, 10:54 PM
I went out today outsaide Moreton , trawled to the FAD.

When we got there dropped a few lives, they went off.

When kept about 6 dolphin fish and let about another 6 go.

I also wish they had some on the Gold Coast and if they do to let people know where.