View Full Version : Good spots in Moreton Bay? Such a thing?

24-02-2007, 08:39 AM
Hey guys, I finally got a boat, big enough to scoot over to Moreton Bay, and a couple of weeks back, decided to give Moreton a go. Stocked up with fresh squid, netted about 300 grams bay prawns, and the odd livey (mostly poddy).

Firstly went to 4 beacons (well I think I was there, hehe) and got busted off 3 times, used a wire trace and got it into the boat, shark... Got 2 more shovel nose sharks, and a big ray before leaving for curtain artificial (again, only going off waypoints, given from a google search, seems wrong..). Proceeded until daybreak to only get the bites on prawns, little junk.

I'm fairly certain it's because I'm in the wrong spots, because I have the right baits according to local baitshop help.

Any pointers guys? Even a spot or two would be nice. Going out for same area, same bait tonight, 3pm.

Thanks for any help!

24-02-2007, 09:22 AM
buy a set of ausfish stickers, cruise around the bay & look for other boats with ausfish stickers on them. go over, say gidday & quietly hit your gps button ;) should get heaps of good spots :0