18-02-2007, 09:22 AM
decided to take my brother in-law out and show him a couple of spots i've been fishing lately, got an early mark from work met up and hit the water about 2pm 1st stop pump some yabbies, "that'll do i says" as we really wanted to get some livies as well. so after stopping at 3 spots looking for livies things are not looking good. bugga it we'll just soak a couple of yabbies- beats working. first hour 2flatties boated ,released half a doz bream,couple of moses,1x 3inch cod- swear the hook was half its size,half a doz javlin(all 250) then just before dusk i thought i might see if i can't get some livies with the cast net as a last resort 2 throws later 6-8 100mm silver biddies not the best but go with what you got. re anckored dropped 2 livies in and back to the light gear and yabbies. after10min and a few more fish released i put a crash hetmut on the next bait gave it some extended flying lessons. then bang no bites just gulped it down 1st whiting 39-40cm yeehaa. then one of the livies takes off only to lose it as i could feel the line rubbing on something while trying to apply some hurt. spewing. very nice fish. bugga bugga bugga bugga uppercut uppercut bugga.ok not a total loss- hmm flick the other livey over that way with the baitrunner.....20mins and zzzzzzzz houston we have lift off. 2nd whiting in the boat and time to go home. i'll get some pics asap.