View Full Version : 7ft v 9ft rods

10-02-2007, 08:15 AM
is it harder to cast a 7ft flyrod than a 9ft rod. which length flyrod do you like best

10-02-2007, 02:14 PM
One should not be any harder to cast than the other.

Casting is a matter of technique and timing. I've seen good caster demonstrate this by casting a full fly line using only the top half of the rod.

IMO, the lenght of the rod is more dependent on the size of the fly line and where you intend to use it.

In my canoe fishing small waters, a 9 feet fly rod is a pain. The river/creek are not wide enough so the only way to false cat is up/down. Then to reach a target on the side, I have to angle the forward cast accordingly.

One day, I'll experiment with a short rod say 6 feet using a cut down weight forward line to reduce the amount of fly line that has to be false cast.


11-02-2007, 06:19 PM
thanks luc

28-02-2007, 09:59 PM
I dunno,

think the 9 foot should cast further/better whether its easier to cast .....hmmm prob not. Ive only had experience with one short fly rod but i think it was a 10 weight called a tomthumb by ? .... i thought it was a mongrel to cast but i think it would be different with a 7 foot 4 weight. dont think the shorter rods will cast as well in the heavier weights!! kinda like casting a long distance with a short stroker game rod!