View Full Version : Past member

30-01-2007, 09:39 PM
Hello all,
I'm back as Snapp, was Snap, but could not log in on new system >:( >:( >:(
thx for 8 e-mails from Ausfish, but did no good. :-[

perhaps I'm too dumb, :-/

just like being at work & dealing with our I.T department ;D

31-01-2007, 04:06 PM
just like being at work & dealing with our I.T department ;D

Hi Snapp,

I work in IT (9+ years); not all of us are tarred with the same brush but there are definitely occasions lately where the BFCB (Big Foam Clue Bat) needs to be swung.

There are a lot of people who are being tasked by company management (not just small businesses either) to administer internet domains or mail accounts who struggle beyond powering their PC on. A lot can be said for training or current lack thereof...

Other than that, welcome back!! :)