View Full Version : Queenslanders to drink toilet water by 2009

29-01-2007, 05:46 PM
Is it just me or is it totally and completely undemocratic to force the people of Queensland to drink sewerage by 2009? I mean to cancel a statewide referendum and give the people no choices whatsoever is completely unfair and unaustralian. What's your thoughts on this?


keenfisha, ;)

29-01-2007, 06:07 PM
My thoughts are
1: It has nothing to do with fishing
2: It's either this or ban beer :end: They reckon it takes four litres of water to make 1 litre of fourex. No contest if you ask me.


29-01-2007, 06:19 PM
Save the referendum money and just do it.
Bring back Joh. He'd have some more dams built before now so there wouldn't be a crisis and we wouldn't have to drink poo water.
Where's all the anti dam people now?? Probably gone to the anti drinking poo water campaign now

29-01-2007, 06:24 PM
Is it just me or is it totally and completely undemocratic to force the people of Queensland to drink sewerage by 2009? I mean to cancel a statewide referendum and give the people no choices whatsoever is completely unfair and unaustralian. What's your thoughts on this?


keenfisha, ;)

I wonder what the introduction of this water will do to the fishing in the dams.

It is a no brainer really..Caboolture Council has been putting their treated waster water in the head waters of Somerset Dam for years. I have skiied past dead cows floating in Somerset...and what about the rainwater that runs over the hills with all the cow dung on them before it runs into the dams??
There was never going to be a referendum...it was a plebiscite..the differewnce is....whichever way the people vote in a referendum the Govt. has to abide by it...in a plebiscite the Govt is just getting a feeling how the people think...they aren ot bound either way in what their final decision will be from those results. Saves 10 mill. by not having it.

No one will be drinking sewage..it is well treated recycled water..I don't have a problem with it...my kidneys today..your coffee tomorrow.

Greg P
29-01-2007, 06:24 PM
Just you ;D;D;D

29-01-2007, 06:25 PM
I don't think it is unaustralian. This argument is normally thrown up when there are no real arguments. ranks up there with thin end of the wedge.

Happy to drink recycled water if there is no alternative, and if it isn't raining there isn't any alternative. :vrolijk_1:

Agree it has nothing to do with fishing - except you will catch blind mullet at both Luggage Point and Wivnhoe dam when the recycling kicks in!! :o

29-01-2007, 06:28 PM
Oh great! As if I dont drink enough piss as it is. Now its going to come out of the bloody tap. I can see it now! I,ll pore a glass of water and I,ll be thinking, how many of my neighbours helped to make it. crap idea I think.

signed tunaman

29-01-2007, 06:28 PM
My other concern is that the taste of XXXX beer will change forever. I hope this doesn't happen. :(

29-01-2007, 06:45 PM
Going by the taste of XXXX,I'd be surprised if they they werent adding sewer water to it already.

29-01-2007, 06:45 PM
bring it on.

the government has acted as they have thought best, thats why we voted for them.
don't like it? vote different at next election.



29-01-2007, 06:50 PM
Going by the taste of XXXX,I'd be surprised if they they werent adding sewer water to it already.

:D:D:D:D have to agree with that.. truth is i'd rather drink recycled sewerage than xxxx anyway..has got to taste better..

29-01-2007, 06:52 PM
just so every one can get it straight - the so called "poo water" you are opposed to will actually be treated, to a point that it will be healthier than the current water you drink out of a tap, and as first_mate put it, unless it rains and rains hard and long soon, then you are not going to have much of a choice

29-01-2007, 06:53 PM
i really dont think FNQ should have this, no need for it up here, i wont be drinking it i tell ya now, should have a trail test, all GOV workers should be made to drink this for at least 5yrs and then see what the outcome would be

29-01-2007, 06:54 PM
I live in NSW, but may be moving to QLD. Dont have a problem with drinking it. Better than no water & probably better than daming more rivers. Leigh

29-01-2007, 06:55 PM
Simple to me.
Would you rather drink no beer and no water or have a very small percentage of recycled water added to the existing supplies?

29-01-2007, 07:08 PM
I honestly don't know what the problem is. We will not be drinking POO water or sewerage water. We will be drinking water that has been filtered and purified and sterilized and treated by UV sterilzation etc etc etc, then sent to the dams where mother nature will purify it some more and then it will reach the chlorinization processes that our normal dam water is going through presently. Does anyone honestly think that the government would even think about this option if there was going to be any risk to us the voters? Not on your nelly. The water truth be known will end up being better than what we are drinking now. My only questions to the government is why the hell don't they consider using the recycled water soley for flushing the loos and showering if there is so much opposition to the idea of drinking it? Why in all these years of drought have we been flushing up to 20 litres of perfectly good drinking water on a daily basis? Why do we still have water pipes rupturing everywhere and wasting water at 50 gazillion litres per second? They have known that the drought was in full swing some 10-15 years ago so why did they wait until now to do something about it? According to experts our current water supply will last us for approximately 18 months if we are lucky. The recycled water will be in affect in 2009. That is cutting it pretty fine in my books.


29-01-2007, 07:14 PM
Poodroo...just imagine the massive costs involded in splitting every household's plumbing system to make the cistern and shower separate from the drinking water not to mention parallel mains to those that exist now..sorry mate..but just not possible to carry that one out.

29-01-2007, 07:15 PM
Ive drunk recycled water in London and Singapore and it didnt kill me, probably why people react so strongly is because its referred to as recycled effluent. Antway as one poster said.. dead cows floating in dams etc, oh yeah also how germ free are the pipes taking the water, fresh or recycled to our homes... ( after its been purified to an inch of its life) im sure some are pretty dodgy....

Reminds me they used to say in London that the average was that the water you where drinking had been through the system around a dozen times ( and at any point in time you where within a metre of a rat) . When we get to that stage ill start to worry..

thinking about it... beer sounds good


29-01-2007, 07:43 PM
Just keep your teeth closed as you drink to filter the chunky bits & it shouldn't be a problem.


29-01-2007, 07:52 PM
My opion on this matter is very easy..........

Dont like it dont drink......... I dont think anyone is overly happy about it.
Hope like hell it makes some of these idiots that are still wasting water think again.

So where is that Dam Joe wanted to build


29-01-2007, 08:05 PM
Just saw a great report on tv about this held by some proffesor the point I liked the most was what he said about asbestos and ddt 50years ago they didnt think it was harmfull but now look at what its been doing to people they havent tested these chemicals that will be used in the water treatment for the past 50 years so no one can tell whats going to happen in the future?????.Its just typical of smiling pete.he's a moron

29-01-2007, 08:07 PM
I'm all for it . And did you know that if the water mains did run dry that local councils and the state government have the right to enter you property and take your tank water and distribute it throughout the community. Similar to what they do in Africe with food. But that is in the worst case . And if we don't get rain there won't be much water to reccycle. Its a matter of survival.

29-01-2007, 08:07 PM
lets make a mountain out of a mole hill???? im sure this is what the media have thought with this one
the way they put it across is youll have to wait a few seconds for the turds to drop out of your tap before you drink it.
it getts treated before its put in the river again , the river treats it naturally, then it getts treated again.

no brainer to me water so be it recycled or no water at all. (how am i going to flush me motor?????)


29-01-2007, 08:14 PM
Poodroo...just imagine the massive costs involded in splitting every household's plumbing system to make the cistern and shower separate from the drinking water not to mention parallel mains to those that exist now..sorry mate..but just not possible to carry that one out.

Well true on a short term basis but if they had of started work on it 15 years ago when we already knew we were in drought then perhaps it would have been an affordable proposition over the years. Oh well, was just a thought. But the main thing is the recycled water idea doesn't phase me in the slightest because I know it will be as good if not better than what we already drink and will be much better than nothing at all coming out of the tap.


For Steve
29-01-2007, 08:54 PM
I don't think a referendum is needed. The government is elected to govern and this issue needs governing.

As we all know water is 2 parts hydrogen and 1 part oxygen with some other bits thrown in. As long as the levels of these other bits are monitored and kept within safe levels, we are drinking water. We are NOT drinking sewerage.

Water recycling is not a new concept. It has been done for many years and countless places around the world. I'm sure we'll be fine.


29-01-2007, 09:51 PM
Save the referendum money and just do it.
Bring back Joh. He'd have some more dams built before now so there wouldn't be a crisis and we wouldn't have to drink poo water.
Where's all the anti dam people now?? Probably gone to the anti drinking poo water campaign now

Build all the dams you like guys, unless you have the rainfall to fill them they aren't much use...

Coming from Brisbane, all the years that I've seen the Council leave burst water mains running thousands of litres of water down the storm water drains for hours on end waiting for a crew to get out; the whole thing seems ironic really.

I agree with the poster that referred to the fact that successive Governments (state, local and federal) have been aware that we were heading towards a shortage for years but done nothing, now it's all panic mode to find a solution when even 'blind Freddie ' can see the writing on the wall :o

Just my 5c inc GST ;)

29-01-2007, 09:56 PM

Does anyone honestly think that the government would even think about this option if there was going to be any risk to us the voters?


Yep as they will use tax payers maoney to buy bottled water.................

29-01-2007, 09:58 PM
Honkey, Mate that made me piss mehself laughing,

Might just ahve to get a larger tap fitting so it will come out a lil quicker.

29-01-2007, 10:08 PM
Drinking recycled water won't worry me in the slightest but it does add another dimension to the saying,"Shit eating grin".;D ;D

29-01-2007, 11:05 PM
Is it just me or is it totally and completely undemocratic to force the people of Queensland to drink sewerage by 2009?

It's not like we'll be drinking shit for ***** sake! ::) They will be releasing treated effluent into the dam/s; the water to be released will actually be of a higher quality than the water already in there!

And also, why bother to have a vote on something that isn't optional? It would simply delay an inevitable decision, worsening the water crisis.


29-01-2007, 11:23 PM
I haven't got a problem with drinking recycled water as I did so last year in Orange County* and I am still drawing breath. I have a comprimised immune system from medication and if it were harmful I'd have gotten sick easily.
I also don't have a problem with Mr Beattie not using the referendum as it would have cost over $5 for each voter. The people who voted the Labor Party back in did so for them to make the decisions for us and I think it's about time the whingers let them make a few of those decisions rather than almost having a round table discussion to ask for permission to turn off a light.
We need some sort of water to drink and with all the mexicans ,oving here it will only get worse. At least they are directing the recycled water to industry first also.
My 2c worth.;)

* If the residents of Orange County in L.A can be sold on recycled poo anyone can after all isn't Hollywood part of this area? If not the people are almost about as anal so it would be the same:)

29-01-2007, 11:32 PM
lets make a mountain out of a mole hill???? im sure this is what the media have thought with this one
the way they put it across is youll have to wait a few seconds for the turds to drop out of your tap before you drink it.
it getts treated before its put in the river again , the river treats it naturally, then it getts treated again.

no brainer to me water so be it recycled or no water at all. (how am i going to flush me motor?????)

Did you know that even now during level#4 you can flush an engine or radiator in a car and an outboard aftera trip. My wife and I checked the website yesterday and found out a fair bit we didn't know. http://www.ourbrisbane.com/living/gardening/water/

30-01-2007, 01:12 AM
So what's the problem !!!

Every molecule that you drink, eat and breathe has at one time or another come out of something's rear end.

Nature recycles wastes over a long period, this will simply be an accelerated cycle.

In the USA, where they can get it, computer manufacturers prefer recycled water as it is cleaner than normal tap water.

If this had been done 10 years ago, our dams would probably be at 50% +.


30-01-2007, 07:06 AM
Build all the dams you like guys, unless you have the rainfall to fill them they aren't much use...

I agree with the poster that referred to the fact that successive Governments (state, local and federal) have been aware that we were heading towards a shortage for years but done nothing, now it's all panic mode to find a solution when even 'blind Freddie ' can see the writing on the wall :o

Just my 5c inc GST ;)
If the megalitres of water storage/person ratio that was here in QLD in the 70's, early 80's (Joh's era) was still here we wouldn't have a water problem and the dams would still be reasonably full from the rains 8-10 years ago.
The problem has been the population explosion and no infrastructure to support that explosion.

I support the recycling of water just so there's less waste getting dumped somewhere.

30-01-2007, 07:15 AM
Well it about time that something was done to put water back in too the Dams .
I say it is most likley just as good or better than the water you are drinking NOW.
So hurry up and bring it on and put astop to all this point scoring that the opperision And other state Governments are trying on !.

30-01-2007, 07:42 AM
I think its a great idea, we are heading for a major drama waterwise unless something is done. Recycled water has to be better for the fishing than desalination. I mean, removing the water from salt water and dumping the salt back in the ocean???? Can't be good for the life in the vicinity.

My wife is unable to drink tap water as it is. There is some chemical in there that makes her sick so we buy bottled water for her. Not all bottled water is as good as others either.

If you don't want to drink it do what we do.....

Buy bottled water and/or get a water tank. But if there is no rain how are you going to fill the tank??


30-01-2007, 09:41 AM
Cleaner water and more of it? Has to be better than drinking nothing at all. And in the intrest of keeping the XXXX supply safe than it has to happen!!

People are only up in arms because the word "sewerage" is used. If it was termed "recycled water" from the beginning there would be a lot less hysteria. Those people who are anti recycled water are going to be awfully thirsty if they dont want to go the recycled water route.

And besides floating dead cows etc in the water now we all know what fish do in it dont we !!

Cheers and Beers

30-01-2007, 09:44 AM
The hypocrisy of the different leaders on this subject is disgusting. The Mayor of the Gold Coast has come out and said that his people won't have recycled water. Guess what? They already do and he must know that. The treated effluent from Kilcoy, Esk, Coominya, Lowood and Fervale all goes into the river before Brisbane (and the Gold Coast when they purchase it) takes its water from Mt Crosby.

In reality, any town that draws from a river or dam which has another town or city upstream, is already using recycled water, it's just not treated as well as it will be.

30-01-2007, 10:44 AM
i really dont think FNQ should have this, no need for it up here, i wont be drinking it i tell ya now, should have a trail test, all GOV workers should be made to drink this for at least 5yrs and then see what the outcome would be

Gee Crackerjack, does that mean there'd be even more cr@ppy ideas coming out of the Government?

Sorry, just had to say that one... ;)

I agree, there's no need for us in FNQ to be drinking it though.

30-01-2007, 02:09 PM
After living on wholly and soley tank water for the last 12 years and not running out (we've put in enough tanks so that we never need to buy water), even in drought conditions we've got four full tanks, I can still hose the verandahs down, wash the car and boat with a hose, water my garden (with a hose!!). Being on acreage has meant that we have the room for the rainwater tanks but it's surprising how little rain you need to keep them full.
People complain about the recycled sewerage? What do you think the birdlife, fishlife, cattle, horses and water skiers do in the dams? I don't think there are many skiers that haven't "checked the prop" whilst floating in the water


30-01-2007, 06:46 PM
now there is another point Leann...all thos people installing tanks on their houses...all that water that was going down to flush out the estuaries is not happening...in 10 years they will be whinging that the estuaries are dying out.

30-01-2007, 06:54 PM
Just saw a great report on tv about this held by some proffesor the point I liked the most was what he said about asbestos and ddt 50years ago they didnt think it was harmfull but now look at what its been doing to people they havent tested these chemicals that will be used in the water treatment for the past 50 years so no one can tell whats going to happen in the future?????.Its just typical of smiling pete.he's a moron

mate..did that same professor know about the other things that have happened in those 50 years...like being able to converse in real across the planet via the internet...huge advances in medicine etc etc or does he just prefer to be a negative lil creature ???

30-01-2007, 07:32 PM
Did you know that even now during level#4 you can flush an engine or radiator in a car and an outboard aftera trip. My wife and I checked the website yesterday and found out a fair bit we didn't know. http://www.ourbrisbane.com/living/gardening/water/

flushing my motor refers to when there is no water;D ;D

thanks for the site i'll check it out to see what little gremlins they have put in there


30-01-2007, 09:08 PM
"The problem has been the population explosion and no infrastructure to support that explosion"http://www.ausfish.com.au/yabbfiles/Smilies/end.gif

Makes us Vics glad all those people migrated to Qld.http://www.ausfish.com.au/yabbfiles/Smilies/laola.gif

30-01-2007, 10:42 PM
:D:D:D:D have to agree with that.. truth is i'd rather drink recycled sewerage than xxxx anyway..has got to taste better..
are you blokes from victoria or may'be tassie.:D

30-01-2007, 11:26 PM
Anybody from Toowoomba want to coment on what their water would cost once they rejected he recycling option?

31-01-2007, 08:51 AM
at least we wont have to worry about anyone else putting s#$t on us we will be drinking it.
We are a tough breed up here BRING IT ON!


31-01-2007, 05:04 PM
Hi All

People in other countries have been recycling water thru their taps many times for at least forty years. Its been proved to be safe and effective.:-*

It would have been so much better if Beatie had made this decision prior to the start of the desalination plant at Tugan. :o :-[

The cost to us in $ terms
1 for running the plant and paying a large fortune to the French of all people to run a plant on the Gold Coast and
2 the environment is totally unacceptable. Enviromentally both in terms of greenhouse gas due to the high cost of electrical energy (coal fired generators) to desal sea water and the highly concentrated salts and minerals that are to be returned to the sea.

Also the water produced by desal is useless and dangerous to humans unless it has minerals added before use! at extra cost

So there is no other alternative but to recycle our existing water supplies which is cheaper and safer as the water, having been treated is I believe, to be tipped back into the environment thru dams where it get cow, roo and other animal faeces added before it goes thru the normal potable water treatment to make it not as good as it was before it was tipped back into the drains and dams! :-[

If we want to do something useful:-
1 We would work to stop desal as an option although getting a council like Gold Coast to see sense and now the State Govt is a tough ask. :rifle:

2 We would jump on the media who run polls on drinking sewage water, poo water, toilet water and other emotive and totally inaccurate descriptions to at least use accurate descriptions.:dunce:

Sorry but these issues really get me going,. :end:

The adverse impacts of desal and proposed dams (with inadequate catchments) which will likely end up destroying valuable habitat, so we lose even more species; are going to make the only planet we have even less pleasant to be on!

So the sooner we catch and recycle stormwater and recycle waste water the better as far as I can see.

Chimo ( now stepping of soap box and getting a beer to add to the recycle pool)::)

Enjoy our sunsets while we can!!@!

31-01-2007, 07:30 PM
It will be interesting to see if who ever wins the March NSW state election decides that we will have recycled water also. After the election though::) Leigh

01-02-2007, 09:16 AM
As Chimo has stated desal is sooo expensive yet the premier seems determined to make it a reality. What sort of deals has he struck that he feels he can't back out of? It appears that even though he has all the facts about costs and the expense of having to add minerals back in to make it safe to drink he is jhellbent on us using the deal plant. Wise up Mr Beatie, the $$ would be better spent on the pipeline than a costly desalination plant.

01-02-2007, 11:54 AM
I dont know what all the fuss is about. Peter Beattie has said it will be good to drink recycled water. The government will ensure it works as well as our Health system , electricity grid & lets not forget our fantastic road system. Why wouldnt you have complete faith in him?
Drink more pi$$ Mick ;);););D;D;D

01-02-2007, 12:14 PM
There is a point here that has been missed. Treated effluent will not be returned to the Wivanhoe Dam!!. The treated water (99.9%) of sewage is called treated effluent, it is then put through aprocess of "purification" reverse ozmosis (?) then piped back to Wivanhoe. This water will be of higher quality than the existing water in the dam.

Another thing worth noting - all the shires the have run off into the dam from surrounding areas release treated effluent into the catchment area. So in fact at this point in time....a percentage of the water currently taken from the wivanhoe do contains treated effluent. I wonder if the Gov is going to insist that these shires purify the effluent before it releases it into the catchment area.

If you won't drink this water then you are not really thirsty.

02-02-2007, 10:22 AM
Its about time someone made a decision. We are running out of water. If we dont get water this summer/autumn we will be in deep poop by this time next year. Nuclear powered de-salination is the future I'm afraid.

02-02-2007, 11:36 AM
Actually Matt_Campbell has almost hit the nail on the head!!!!

Nuclear powered pumping stations is the go.

Pump the water from up north where there is plenty and the nuclear power stations can be up there too right next to the uranium mines so the waste can go back where it came from. They just need to dig a real deep hole to put it in. With the the right design they could place it under the polluted skies in China where people are already dying from air pollution.

Problem solved.

Next issue to be considered?


02-02-2007, 12:08 PM
Damn! Chimo has the problem solved. That's the end of this thread. I was enjoying too.

02-02-2007, 06:24 PM
Actually Matt_Campbell has almost hit the nail on the head!!!!

Nuclear powered pumping stations is the go.

Pump the water from up north where there is plenty and the nuclear power stations can be up there too right next to the uranium mines so the waste can go back where it came from. They just need to dig a real deep hole to put it in. With the the right design they could place it under the polluted skies in China where people are already dying from air pollution.

Problem solved.

Next issue to be considered?


LOL..the next person that comes up with that ridiculous notion of using pumps to get water from the north to down here is going to make me SCREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't any of you read a bloody map...it is all down hill..just need a big trench all the way down here.

02-02-2007, 06:54 PM
To all the whingers about recycled water,give us another real option or stop being a sook.Get yor skirts off cancel your manicure and harden the F up:o
Excuse my french by the way

02-02-2007, 08:32 PM
Shit, Pinhead - there I was thinking that Chimo had the solution to the problem but you have both of us beat.

Cannot understand how we missed something so simple - it really is all downhill.

You gin palace drivers aren't half bad!;D ;D

03-02-2007, 01:24 AM
Its only the beginning. IMO, the planet is in deep trouble and the human race is going to see very hard times ahead. Say good by to the old days cause they have gone forever. I heard tonight the ice-caps will be gone in 15 years. I dont want to be a downer, but I think nature is saying, times up.
And for the human race, well, I think the clock is ticking.

signed tunaman

03-02-2007, 08:27 AM
Hi Pinhead

Sorry for my confusion about the pump thing when looking at the overland route!

Was thinking tho how about the pipeline running along the beach all the way so it would be closer to the users and digging the trech would be cheaper too?

Then again if we used big layflat we wouldn't need a trench, just crossings for boat ramps etc (for your tinny, not the TMD)

What ya reckon?


03-02-2007, 08:30 AM
Its only the beginning. IMO, the planet is in deep trouble and the human race is going to see very hard times ahead. Say good by to the old days cause they have gone forever. I heard tonight the ice-caps will be gone in 15 years. I dont want to be a downer, but I think nature is saying, times up.
And for the human race, well, I think the clock is ticking.

Don't think that it is quite that bad yet Tunaman.

I agree that the "clock is ticking" but the icecaps will still be here in 15 years, although largely diminished in comparison to what they are now.

We've all heard this type of rhetoric from so called experts before; 15 years is a bit of an alarmist timeframe, ocean levels should be a lot higher than they are now is there is only 15 years remaining before a good deal of the earth is covered in water.

03-02-2007, 08:57 AM
i'll take the piss

recycled water is fine

why would you put reverse osmosis water back into the dam? surely this is good enough to drink and not waste to evaporation?

03-02-2007, 10:04 AM
True its not that bad yet and the time frame they have perdicted maybe not that accurate, but they are melting none the less. The ice at the caps will come and go with the changing seasons but like I said, this is only the beginning. The planet will become hotter and dryer and some countries will flourish and others will fail. Australia is moving towards the equator that 2mm per year and combinde that with a 3 deg + in temperature, this could mean we might be in some trouble with water. But who really know.

When things are stable, theres pease of mind that last year will the same as this year. But things are not stable, far from it.

signed tunaman

03-02-2007, 02:08 PM
I cant believe for the life of me that there are so many suckers,to accept from our goverment that we have to drink shit water!!Heres my theory,you have a bucket that 10 of your mates drink from in the centre of a room,10 years later theres 100 of your mates now drinking from that same bucket,what do you thinks going to happen,not enough water to go around.The population here in brisbane/queensland has increased dramaticly in the last ten years and instead of considering that, fat arse beattie has been building bridges that blow out of cost by 30 million dollars.Now iam not going to denie that there hasnt been enough rain,but if we had a few more dams would we be in this situation?Notice we are still using the same old department of transport offices to register our cars,we just have to wait a hour and a half to get served.LACK OF INFERSTRUCTURE ON THE GOVERMENTS PART.Mick

03-02-2007, 03:31 PM
TUNA..where do you get the 3 degree rise from ?

I have never seen so many people sucked into this "we'll all be rooned" mentality.

I may start to believe some of it when someone can accurately tell me what the accurate median temp of the planet was at hottest between the previous ice ages...until then..I will keep believing that it is all a natural cycle of the planet. Global Warming..Bah Humbug

Not all scientists are convinced of the man made global warming either:


there are many more if you want to look.

If Australia is moving closer to the Rquator that will give us more rainfall.

Things are perfectly stable tuna...stable in that thew planet is just following its normal cycle.

Have a read of these: http://members.iinet.com.au/~jacob/worldtp.html

then tell me how many new high temp records have been set this century..not many, if any

03-02-2007, 03:32 PM
Yes, as far as Mr beattie is concerned, he has failed Queenslanders in a big way. He knew the population was growing and there was a drought, and he did nothing. If you would like, you can read posts that I have wrote in the past about population. ( inconventient truth) page 3. Over populating this planet is a very bad idea.

signed tunaman

03-02-2007, 03:39 PM
News headlines. You can see it all on tonights news. Pinhead it seems they have been holding back on us about the truth. From what there saying, its a lot worst than we thought. But who do you beleve.

signed tunaman

03-02-2007, 03:55 PM
just ask some questions and seek out other views on it...and where scientists are concerned..ask who is paying for their research...what major corporations may be funding them and also what financial benefits can be gained.I can assure you I am not losing any sleep over it but tuna..if you feel so strongly about it, you can do your bit for the planet...get rid of any internal combustion engines you use...get the electricity disconnected..buy no products where any so called greenhouse gases have been produced in the manufacture of them...use only tank water as the mains water is pumped hence using electricity...there is lots you can do as an individual if you feel strongly enough about it...as for the population..well you can also help that.

03-02-2007, 03:57 PM
I respect your opinion, but record temps have been recorded all over Australia and some have been the biggest since temperature recording began. As for it being a normal cycle you may be right there. But like i have pointed out in the past, the more humans we have the more resources we are going to need. From my research scientists and the governments have been ignoring the facts about global warming and now it is here.
They are only telling us what they want us to know and as you know the money machine has to keep ticking over no matter what the cost. People are paid to give false reports or to keep quiet. Like i said, the clock is ticking.

signed tunaman

03-02-2007, 05:40 PM
I respect your opinion, but record temps have been recorded all over Australia and some have been the biggest since temperature recording began. As for it being a normal cycle you may be right there. But like i have pointed out in the past, the more humans we have the more resources we are going to need. From my research scientists and the governments have been ignoring the facts about global warming and now it is here.
They are only telling us what they want us to know and as you know the money machine has to keep ticking over no matter what the cost. People are paid to give false reports or to keep quiet. Like i said, the clock is ticking.

signed tunaman
come on Tunaman, you don't believe all you read on the internet do you???

anyone that knows & understands all the scientific research would be able to write an article & tell the whole truth... & tell us that there is absolutely no problems, it's just a cyclic thing & all will pass.
the greenies do it all the time, it's in the interperatation of the information, it can be made to look good or bad. they just neglect to give us all the true info, instead, they concentrate on what suits them & their cause. it is still the truth....just not 100% as it might damage their BS either way..

03-02-2007, 05:50 PM
As i'm from Toowoomba I thought I would add my 2bobs worth.
Our mayor DI Thorly has bent over backwards for this town and
the people of this town and what does she get 4 her troubles?
SHAFTED:( For some reason the people of this town don't see
that without rain the dams dry and this town will suffer.The
NO-VOTERS led by CADS(citizens against drinking sewerage)told
the people there are other water supplies out there but they have
been proven to be to expensive or unrealistic.List of options include:

1:Access to water from Wivenhoe-$200m
2:Coal seam gas water from Chinchilla-$224m
3:Emu creek dam-$270M
4:Water swap with irrigators-$148-197m
5:Recycled water-$66m

I'm not that stupid I can tell the difference.If the mayor which
a vast majority of this town voted for has the towns best interest
at heart why doesn't the town trust her plan.I do.

03-02-2007, 06:35 PM
DR. Its like a jig saw puzzel, you can look at each little piece, or look at the whole picture. Write an artical you say, maybe I just did. IMO.

You can leed a horse to water, but you cant make it drink.

signed tunaman

03-02-2007, 08:21 PM
you know whats really funny about this thread,,,, and yes i admit i have not read from the beginning to end,,, just skimmed over a few responses,,so i apologise if this repeats any prior post,,,,,,

if you travel overseas,,, how many countries can you name right now,,,, that use and encourage recycled water,,,,AND advertise it in their promotional literature,,,,,,,

how many use recycle water,,,,,,,and don't give a damn

and yet we have another thread similar to the one posted in ""saltwater"" about the shark scare on bribie and everyone one throws in the towel and doesn't research before they comment,,,,,,,,,,,,,,??????????

they burnt women on the stake because they were witches didn't they????

PINHEAD,,, i'll take your side here,,, as previously posted,,, i was reading an interesting article on global warming whilst waiting to do a dive in the hyperbaric chamber at the wesley,,, it predicted doom and gloom,,,,,and showed scientific evidence to back its story,,,,,,,

the mag,,,,,,,,national geographic

the date of the mag,,,,,,,,,,from memory,,,,,,,,,,,1992

i love to see and hear ""experts""


03-02-2007, 08:34 PM
I cant believe for the life of me that there are so many suckers,to accept from our goverment that we have to drink shit water!!Heres my theory,you have a bucket that 10 of your mates drink from in the centre of a room,10 years later theres 100 of your mates now drinking from that same bucket,what do you thinks going to happen,not enough water to go around.The population here in brisbane/queensland has increased dramaticly in the last ten years and instead of considering that, fat arse beattie has been building bridges that blow out of cost by 30 million dollars.Now iam not going to denie that there hasnt been enough rain,but if we had a few more dams would we be in this situation?Notice we are still using the same old department of transport offices to register our cars,we just have to wait a hour and a half to get served.LACK OF INFERSTRUCTURE ON THE GOVERMENTS PART.Mick

1. Our North Queensland counter-parts are probably laughing at the plight of South East Queensland as they get inundated by flooding and cyclonic conditions and in turn dams that are bursting with water. Queensland is a big state so why is everyone over-crowding the South-Eastern corner when they could be bombarding North Queensland and exploiting their dams and reservoirs?

2. The Queensland Transport Department needs to be shutdown. The other day we waited one hour to get served while the silly-lookin' sheila went to lunch and the whole place got over-crowded. Any government department that makes you wait an hour to get served for two minutes needs to be shutdown or better still replaced by a better system.


keenfisha ;)

03-02-2007, 08:53 PM
DR. Its like a jig saw puzzel, you can look at each little piece, or look at the whole picture. Write an artical you say, maybe I just did. IMO.

You can leed a horse to water, but you cant make it drink.

signed tunaman

The only reason why the horse doesn't drink is probably because the water has been recycled. LOL ;D

03-02-2007, 09:27 PM
To cause some uproar. I know that the Shire or Esk near Wivenhoe Dam, pumps its sewage into Wivenhoe.
So it looks like were already drinking it.

03-02-2007, 09:37 PM
1. Our North Queensland counter-parts are probably laughing at the plight of South East Queensland as they get inundated by flooding and cyclonic conditions and in turn dams that are bursting with water. Queensland is a big state so why is everyone over-crowding the South-Eastern corner when they could be bombarding North Queensland and exploiting their dams and reservoirs?

2. The Queensland Transport Department needs to be shutdown. The other day we waited one hour to get served while the silly-lookin' sheila went to lunch and the whole place got over-crowded. Any government department that makes you wait an hour to get served for two minutes needs to be shutdown or better still replaced by a better system.


keenfisha ;)

Evening keenfisha,

Re point #1: I ascertain that the main reason people don't move north is the fear of the unknown. After cyclone Larry; there was a lot of trepidation but this could have been due to media portrayal as well. All the devastation and when they did any form of initial investigation, found that there were annual storms here up to Larry's intensity at worst.

Secondly, the average wage here in Cairns alone is about $35k why would you leave a job in a capital city and take a $20k pay cut approximately? Fortunately this is not what happened to me but as job here paying $45k or over is pretty hard to come by even with years of experience.

In all honesty I wonder how people afford to buy a house up here for a family when the average price is around $450k for a new 3 to 4 bedroom house :o.
Yes, you can get older houses much cheaper but they require so much work that it's a joke and you'll end up spending the same money in the end to fix up a house with problems, if the owner or agent will come clean on them (the ethics of a certain Ray White office on the northern beaches leaves a lot to be desired).

It used to be that the cost of living in the north was much less than the capital cities; i can tell you for a fact since we moved north, the COL is as bad if not worse. I'm just glad that my employer pays me a realistic wage :undecided:.

Re Point #2: I used to work for Main Roads In Mackay and we had to go assist our fellow employees at Transport for IT related issues on a regular basis.

I can assure you it;s not the people behind the counter that are at fault or the management of the respective CSC (Customer Service Centre); staffing edicts and policies come from Spring Hill. I can recall trying to get access once to their network (or necessary permissions) to resolve an issue and you would have thought I asked for the Premiers login !!

The red tape in QLD Transport is ridiculous; then like I was told, in Government there is a form for everything and if there isn't then they are working on it :)

03-02-2007, 09:51 PM
Choper. Please forgive those who jump in to soon. A keen eye you have.
All the best to you and your family.:)

signed tunaman:)

04-02-2007, 06:49 AM
Sunday mail 4/2/07
Recycled mix may be 50:50
SOUTHEAST Queensland could have the highest percentage of recycled water in its drinking supply of any place in the world if the drought continues.
If Brisbane's dams are almost empty when the recycled water pipeline comes on line late next year, all that would be left in the dam would be a 50-50 mix of desalinated and recycled water.
The chairman of the Water Commission's recycled water advisory panel, University of Queensland professor Paul Greenfield, said he wasn't aware of a higher recycled water concentration anywhere.
"It's a high percentage, but the water is very pure. With the dam levels very low, that's an inevitability that we have to face," he said.
The Government intends to pump up to 120 million litres of recycled water a day into the Wivenhoe Dam in December 2008.
The next month, 125 million litres a day of desalinated water would be pumped from Tugun, on the Gold Coast.
By then, Wivenhoe, Somerset and North Pine dams might be down to 5 per cent of capacity. (end from Sunday Mail)

Now won't have too worry about putting all that salt on the food you eat and taking vitamins for supplement for daily intake in the future be all in the water that going to drink ::)


05-02-2007, 07:44 AM
Saw a inconsiderate bloke yesterday at a Caloundra boat ramp. He took 15 minutes to wash his 12ft tinnie with a hose he bought with him plugged into the tap at the ramp.

What a waste of water. He had the tap fully on and he would put the running hose on the ground when he wanted to scrub a part of the boat. He then washed his car with detergent on the boat ramp all up taking around 25 minutes. What a loser and with the water shortage I was hoping a council investigator would show up but then do they work on the weekends?.


05-02-2007, 12:09 PM
Saw a inconsiderate bloke yesterday at a Caloundra boat ramp. He took 15 minutes to wash his 12ft tinnie with a hose he bought with him plugged into the tap at the ramp.

What a waste of water. He had the tap fully on and he would put the running hose on the ground when he wanted to scrub a part of the boat. He then washed his car with detergent on the boat ramp all up taking around 25 minutes. What a loser and with the water shortage I was hoping a council investigator would show up but then do they work on the weekends?.


its marvellous bob eh,,,,, some have no idea,,,,,,, you know,, i live on bribie and like all perservere with lvl 4 water restrictions,,, but i work in currimundi with none,,,

it seems as soon as you pass the glasshouse mtns turn off on the bruce the grass gets greener,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;D ;D

05-02-2007, 03:00 PM
I can't speak for everyone, but when wondering why more people don't migrate north to take advantage of the flowing water "up there", I have to say it's purely and simply the heat.
Nothing to do with loosing 20K in my income (that's a laugh), nor to do with being too scared of storms.
just that stinking opressive heat, otherwise I'd gladly be up there.

That heat up there is full on hey.

And if I could add my thought on wasting water;
I used to live on bribie too, and the water waste I saw there was beyond comparrison. I'm not talking about people pumping from bores either.
There were people who had minature irrigation systes that moved across the front lawn! Like a bloody commercial irrigation set up. A normal day around home was just amazing to me, to see people standing around mindlessly letting water spray in one dirtection and all.

There were no water restrictions back then, but from my persepective of haviong lived out in the bush for a lot of years, it was simple out and out waste, regardless of what the dam levels were. Watering the lawn up until the point of benifitting the plants when no restricts exist is fine, but I'm talking about watering to the point where soil nutes had to be getting washed away. I know retirment is boreing etc, but gee, if people (not just bribie residents ) had been sensible before they were forced to be, we'd still be fine, and no tralk of drinking toilet water would ven be among us.

It's just terrible that legislation needs to be introduced befor epeople consider what they're doing.


05-02-2007, 04:03 PM
correct me if i'm wrong, but is beattie not talking about 10% only recycled/desal percentage. Would that not mean that wivenhoe at its now 27% would go up to 29.7%. I'm no professor, but I don't think that will save the world.

Again, correct me if i'm wrong, but the majority of countries using desal and recycled water have poor rainfall. We don't in SEQ. In fact, january was above average.


08-02-2007, 08:12 AM
I think that 10% figure is based on a full dam volume. So if the dam was full there would be 10% recycled/desal water in it.

As for the rainfall, it didn't fall in the correct areas to fill the dams. I read a paper (don't remeber where) that said the rainfall in SEQ does tend to cycle around. Possibly in 10 - 15 years time it will be falling in the dam areas and not solely on the coastal zones. All we need is one cyclone to hit down here and the dams will be full. And about half of the houses on the Gold Coast will be under water!


08-02-2007, 07:24 PM
Bundaberg Rum operation is right next door to the Bundy Sewerage Treatment Plant so does that tell you something??