View Full Version : Who will get it right? Seabreeze or BoM?

22-01-2007, 06:57 PM
Here is a bit of fun....:D

The forecast for tomorrow, Tuesday 23 January 2006, by Seabreeze.com.au and the BoM are completely different.:-/

Click on the thumbnail below and you will see that Seabreeze.com.au is forecasting 5 - 10 knot winds on Moreton Bay for most of the day tomorrow including into the afternoon.

On the other hand, the BoM is forecasting 10 - 15 knots in the morning going to 15 - 20 knots in the afternoon.

With a 2.36 m high tide at 12.32pm, tomorrow could be an absolutely ideallic day on the water if Seabreeze is right or alternatively, you would not want to be out there at high tide and thereafter in a small boat if the BoM is right.

Who is gonna be the winner? ::)

Tune in here at the same time tomorrow evening to find out the answer. ;D

[BTW, Seabreeze was well off the mark with today's forecast.]

22-01-2007, 07:03 PM
fiddy cents on BOM......


22-01-2007, 08:16 PM
im with mike BOM all the way

22-01-2007, 09:08 PM
I'll go Seabreeze 5 - 10 ;D 50C ::)

22-01-2007, 09:21 PM
I'll go with seabreeze.

Bouyweather has got it 5-10 as well


22-01-2007, 09:49 PM
My bet is sea breeze


23-01-2007, 03:40 AM
So the day has started and at 3.30am, it is gusting at 20 knots in the middle of the Bay.

Would you be climbing into the car to go to the ramp with the boat on the back in full confidence that the Seabreeze 5 - 10Knot forcast is about to materialize?

23-01-2007, 05:38 AM
I prefer Seabreeze, even though it got it wrong on Sunday, 10 to 12 knots, it was blowing 20 at least! dont know what BOM's forecast was, to hard to decipher, and no detail compared to seabreeze.

23-01-2007, 05:51 AM
Standing at a Redcliffe ramp you might ;D

23-01-2007, 08:13 AM
...and at 8am you might, also ;D

........unless you worked for the BoM......;D ;D

23-01-2007, 03:02 PM
wish they'd both get it wrong about the Northerlies, seems to take the edge off the bite, and dirty the water too much.

seabreeze looks closer to the mark for todays forecast, so far anyway.

23-01-2007, 07:08 PM
Well, the answer is a compromise.

Seabreeze got it right in the morning but the wind speeds in the afternoon are closer to the BoM.:-/

Obviously Moreton bay is a big place and it depends on where you are but looking at northern, central and southern parts of the Bay suggest that the pattern is pretty well the same.

Ah well - that settles it for me - I ain't going out in the evenings untile the BoM say that the winds will be gentle. I shall take their word for the afternoon forecasts.

23-01-2007, 08:23 PM
putting in my 50 cents , i tend to listen to seabreeze. My theory is Bom tends to be over cautious being a govt. dept. with its forecasts. of course they both can be wrong and there is nothing wrong with being cautious but seabreeze goes out a bit further on that limb

24-01-2007, 10:39 AM
Forecasting the weather,tides etc is the only job that allows one to get it totally wrong and one still has a job to come back to.

Seabreeze is good for me