View Full Version : Nth Pine Dam

25-02-2002, 06:26 AM
:)For anyone who may have any insight into what maybe happening. 1 Is there going to be more licenses issued in the future to fish the dam. 2 Has the current activity on the Dam shown any signifiant problems to date. It would be nice to see or hear any data or information. Would appreciate any reply. Good Fishing to all Cheers Whitto :)

25-02-2002, 07:59 AM
Hi whitto
after last 4 trips to north pineresulting in nill captures ifeel that whole dam needs to be opened up not alot of reports indicating great captures over summer mabe this is a winter impoundment who knows first few months where great with a lot of personal best captures and full freezers mabe that is/was the problem or they got hip to lures running past ther noses all in all i enjoyed it while it lasted hope fully will have afew more fishers there be fore 4th of may

cheers cameron

25-02-2002, 02:21 PM
I shall try not rabbit on too much

As I understand it the stocking group is currently negotiating an increase in the number of permits available to be issued but I haven't heard anything yet.
At this stage due to an increase in insurance their may be an increase in the cost of the permit to cover this, and allow enough funds to go into stocking the dam, which is what the boating permit scheme is all about and finishing the site developement.
There have been a few recorded incidents of what can only be described as sheer stupidity, and several people have tried to bend the start and finish times but mostly people have been doing the right thing. It should be noted that many of the local lease holders are against the scheme so would love to have people be caught doing the wrong thing and have the scheme stopped.

In the next roud of the scheme, we shall see an extension of the current boundary of the permitted area move down stream closer to the point were the river meets the main section of the dam. Due to the generosity of BORAL the ramp and turn around area is about 3 years ahead of plan and if all goes well this year and the dam level is low enough a concrete ramp shall be put in.
If people are prepared to continue to support the boating scheme over the next few years of what appears to be quieter than expected fishing it can only see the current fishing improve out of sight. But once all the facilities are completed it means that the best part of the money raised by the scheme shall go into buying fish which can only be a good thing.
It appears as if most of the bass and yellows have moved into the deeper cooler waters of the main basin to avoid this summers heat with some of the recorded water temps going well into the 30's. This hasn't slowed the Tilapia or gar with many anglers taking home 100 plus gar upto 28 cm. The biggest recorded Bass (photo evidence) reached 60 cm.
At this stage it is unlikely the whole dam will be opened up to boating/fishing for too numerous reasons to go through here but you never know what the distant future holds.

Reply again if you want anything else clarified etc.



25-02-2002, 03:29 PM
Both of you have spoken volumes thanks, I can only hope things prosper both on and off the Dam, I enjoy getting up to Somerset regularly, but it would be nice to get on North Pine from time to time, its just a tad closer than Somerset. Thanks again, and Good Fishing to all Cheers Whitto

26-02-2002, 07:16 PM
Latest is that there will be 299 permits offered.


27-02-2002, 03:59 PM
:)Thanks Walrus sounds promising,at least I hope so, Cheers Whitto