View Full Version : How big have YOU caught Aussie Bass???
27-03-2002, 12:41 PM
i was just wonderin how big u guyz n girlz have caught our favourite freshwater angling fish??? my record stands at 700mm+ and over 10lb!! ;D it bottomed out my scales, straightened eagle claw 3X strong bronzed treble hooks, and took over 20 minutes to land on 8lb mono. the outfit i used to capture it was an Ugly Stik about 15 y/o, a shimano biomaster loaded with 8lb jarvis walker mono line. NO BAITCASTER NO GELSPUN LINE NO BOAT NO SOUNDER...JUST SKILL AND EXPERIENCE ;D 8)
Did i mention it was caught out of the Nepean RIVER system, you know western Sydney...not out of a dam in SEQ!!! ;)
Out of a dam how big has anyone caught a Bass???
How many of you people can honestly say that impoundment fish are harder to catch than wild fish, When was the last time you went fishing in a river and landed over 15 350mm Bass in an afternoon???
write back if you can better it
or try to put a point thru
FISHY_PHIL :) :) :)
Hey Fishy Phil,
Sounds like a ripper of a fish. I'd like to get one that big but doesn't matter where you get em aslong as you try hey.
Cheers Luke
27-03-2002, 01:23 PM
If you're lookin for a bite Phil you've got the wrong site. The majority of regulars on this site just want to help others with information sharing - not beat their chest about their "skill and experience" ::) ::)
Yep certainly a nice fish. Why not post a pic, after all a picture says a thousand words. ;) ;)
All the best
27-03-2002, 01:35 PM
Bass? Bait for Anything of Substantial Size?
So what did you do with the baitfish afterwards?
27-03-2002, 01:37 PM
Hi Fishy Phil,
Too good for me. That must have been great to catch such a good SJP. Your skill & experience must be far superior to most. You are a Legend mate. Gee I'd love to see a picture of that horse!!! How did it taste?
My best SJP came out of Secret Creek SEQ. A great little piece of water that feeds into the Brisbane R. However this 59cm FL fish is far inferior to your gargantual effort due to my reliance upon braided line, Sea Jay Boat & Zercom sounder. I'm ashamed.
It would be great if you'd share some of your skill, experience & knowlege with us all so that we mere mortals can one day hope to catch fish of the callibre you enjoy.
Fitzy.. ;D
27-03-2002, 02:14 PM
im not lookin 4 a bite just statin how i fish n were i fish. i dont believe an impoundment fish should be classed the same as wild fish thats all, the wild fish usually require more skill n experimenting to aquire the way to break into their state of mind. when i fish a dam all i do is find the fish with a sounder & catch 30 fish no trouble. wild fish will very rarely be this easy to catch.
I release all big fish I catch(over 400mm)...but where i caught that fish there is no way i would eat it if you knew where it was, but i'll tell ya's all it was in South Creek near St Marys down stoney creek rd or St Marys rd depending on what way you go. on the upstream side of the causeway about 100 meters on the southside of the creek. my average fish from this spot was around 450-510mm averaging 3 fish per visit, but occasionally 6 or 7 fish would be caught. my mate i used to fish with before i moved would always catch more about 5 av 10-12 on sum days but id always get the bigger ones. im not very old (17) but ill guarantee you this ill try anything once.i only fish with lures for Bass my big fish lures were 8cm nilsmaster invincible,pink, 5cm taylormade surfacebreaker black, rainbow trout deception nipper, and green/yellow kokoda bass king spinnerbait single blade. im not a real big fan of spinnerbaits but this one has produced the goods when the fishings slow. but when all else fails my trusty deception R/T always catches a fish for me.
my two biggest fish were both caught in this creek one on a taylormade surfacebreaker black, and the other one on the r/t deception deep diving nipper. my second Bass ever is my second biggest ever!!! so you could say ive been a big bass fisho from the beginning!
cheers fellas
hope to see you fellas on the water
tight lines
27-03-2002, 04:34 PM
;) Maybe it's like the mutant bream of Jurassic lake?? ;D
Cheers, Katrina
27-03-2002, 04:38 PM
Well i'll just have to settle for a mere 540 overall oh hum, but no matter which way you look at it its my best and was a hoot to catch. No matter, the fun is in the chase and i still got a lot of chase in me yet.
I'm looking for that 600 :) and when i get it you will know all about it ;D ;D ;D.
27-03-2002, 04:45 PM
No good brian,
i beat ya with a 51fl hehehehehe, mind you it was in a river,on the first cast,at the first snag,and my first time fishin for them. ;D hehehehehe
Fishy Phil,
show me a pic!
27-03-2002, 05:52 PM
mine only weighed about 40 lb, and was about 107 cm in length, caught on a 125 rmg......
oooooooohhhh wait a minute your talking about bass , i just thought when you said
i was just wonderin how big u guyz n girlz have caught our favourite freshwater angling fish you must have meant Barra...Sorry
I have never bother to measure the river bass i've caught when living down south so i don't know.. ;)
10 lb nice fish though....
28-03-2002, 04:12 AM
That area sounds close to the old ADI factory / explosives storage facility ??? ??? Whole area contaminated, due to the years and years of explosives manufacture, that would make plenty of sense not to keep 'em.
Like Katrina said maybe mutant. They didn't have three eyes did they - dead give away that. ;D ;D
All the best
28-03-2002, 12:24 PM
only a mere 51cm to the fork weight unknown for me in the north pine river in what used to be a lovely fishing hole but has since been filled with silt etc from a nearby newly constructed Golf course. It took no skill out of a canoe and it dragged me around for a few minutes.
one day when I have bought all the fishing gear I want I might buy a scanner to post the photo.
28-03-2002, 03:44 PM
G'day Filthyphil,
Well, I can't tell how big mine was, but I'll relate the story as briefly as I can for you. I was fishing a little known spot on the Brisbane river, which has a fairly deep hole. I, like you, frown upon trolling, however I do use a boat as it is very difficult to cast a Stretch 50+ off the shore. So there I was, casting my Stretch 50+ on my Inter 130, when the hit happened. Now I knew straight away the this fish could have been bigger than the average. Fortunately for me, the fish took off at an extreme rate of knots, up-stream. It came out of the hole, and I had to follow it all the way to the junction of the Bremer River, so I had enough room to turn it around. The fish pulled so hard, harder than a 17 year old, that it straightened out every bend in the river between Goodna and the Moggill Ferry. Fortunately, the Ferry operator wasn't too busy, and lent a hand with the drag winch on the front of the Ferry. I quickly braided my 4lb Fireline (yes I know it's an unfair advantage to use braid, but I only use it so that I can fit enough line on the old Inter.) onto the winch cable, and hauled the fish onto the Ferry. Unfortunately, it was a sunny day, and the fish was in a hell of a state. It had a sunburned back and gravel rashed belly. I quickly took the fish down to the Gailes Weighbridge, but their scales couldn't handle the weight. I did get a photo, and that weighed in at 22lb. I'd post the photo here, but I can't shrink it down to under 100 kilobytes, so you'll just have to believe me. I've dropped a couple of bigger fish there, so I'll have to gear up a bit heavier next time. Do you think 6lb Fireline would be too much of an advantage.
Touchy - R.I.P.
28-03-2002, 03:47 PM
Just skill and experiance heh! :P :PI cant believe a good fisho would ever make a statement like that,(& I know a few good fisho's)I'm too polite to call you a tool,But a photo will convince me to offer sincere apoll. :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[.T
28-03-2002, 04:21 PM
G'day Filthyphil,
Well, I can't tell how big mine was, but I'll relate the story as briefly as I can for you. I was fishing a little known spot on the Brisbane river, which has a fairly deep hole. I, like you, frown upon trolling, however I do use a boat as it is very difficult to cast a Stretch 50+ off the shore. So there I was, casting my Stretch 50+ on my Inter 130, when the hit happened. Now I knew straight away the this fish could have been bigger than the average. Fortunately for me, the fish took off at an extreme rate of knots, up-stream. It came out of the hole, and I had to follow it all the way to the junction of the Bremer River, so I had enough room to turn it around. The fish pulled so hard, harder than a 17 year old, that it straightened out every bend in the river between Goodna and the Moggill Ferry. Fortunately, the Ferry operator wasn't too busy, and lent a hand with the drag winch on the front of the Ferry. I quickly braided my 4lb Fireline (yes I know it's an unfair advantage to use braid, but I only use it so that I can fit enough line on the old Inter.) onto the winch cable, and hauled the fish onto the Ferry. Unfortunately, it was a sunny day, and the fish was in a hell of a state. It had a sunburned back and gravel rashed belly. I quickly took the fish down to the Gailes Weighbridge, but their scales couldn't handle the weight. I did get a photo, and that weighed in at 22lb. I'd post the photo here, but I can't shrink it down to under 100 kilobytes, so you'll just have to believe me. I've dropped a couple of bigger fish there, so I'll have to gear up a bit heavier next time. Do you think 6lb Fireline would be too much of an advantage.
So that was you! I wondered where the bends went. ;D ;)
29-03-2002, 04:20 AM
Mr Aussie Basser, always thought you were good but now I know your good!!!
I want your autograph !!!!
29-03-2002, 04:03 PM
Aussiebasser .....the MAN .............................. frown on trolling ........... pls thats still and is an effective way of catching fish :) :).
BTW a new Voodoo is soon to be available :)
29-03-2002, 05:48 PM
Hi Randall,
You can have my autograph any day mate. Just stick your head out the window, you'll probably be able to hear me singing my own praise, just the other side of Sumners Road.
I was bonding with the new guy Filthy-phill there. I know trolling has it's merits, but as Filthy pointed out to us, it is a thing for the old blokes. The youngen' would prefer to flail around with the rod. A bit like the young Bull and the Old Bull talking. The Young Bull said, I'm going to race over there and jump on a couple of those cows, and the Old Bull said, I'm going to stroll over there, and jump on all of those cows. You must know what I mean, 'cause together, we look like a couple of book-ends. Isn't it great that women find old, bald and fat, attractive.
Good to see the Voodoo's are almost ready. I did catch my largest Bass on a Voodoo. But then again it was only a Dam fish, and was only 54cm long.
I hope to live for long enough to be a hero like Filthy.
30-03-2002, 04:51 AM
OUCH !!!!!!!!!
30-03-2002, 02:11 PM
Ahh yes the young bull and old bull ......... i prefer mature bull and just like an everready battery keeps on keeping on :).
As for trolling well damn i'll be doing some of that next week at Boondooma Dam on my 4 day stay. God have mercy if a wand waver lure tossen jig bitch gets in my troll pattern, unaccustom to specking up i may just slip a few words of wisdom to the offending party ;D ;D
A trollin Skipper :)
02-04-2002, 07:12 AM
Nice fish bit still only a toy really.....come to the Clarence where true wild river fish range well over a 200 km area of water and fish that grow bigger than yours,big fish in small systems has never been hard, big fish in big systems is different.
Oh yeah we released over 200 bass better than 40 cm in 3 days just after the march flood no pics but a few of the lads here at this site have fished with me and seen the fish i speak of........even on slow days after the flood 20 a session was the norm.
Sure it wasn't an EP by the way?.I've seen 13 lb EP's come from here and bass well over 10 too.
I can't fish by the way ,i just like doing it skill just smiles.
02-04-2002, 01:09 PM
A bass from South creek, :oI want to see a photo, the last time I heard south creek was a highly polluted creek with a few resident 3 eyed carp
09-04-2002, 11:12 AM
i live near coutts crossing now(on the orara river)... but mick i was gettin into those postflood fish too so i know wat the fishing was like.
mate were do u live maybe we can go fishing some time??? i live down middle creek rd if u know were it is drop in sum time n say hello n well organise a trip for some good bass. out of the Orara my best fish is only 568mm...not bad but not a real trophy yet.
see ya on the water
fishy_phil ;)
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