View Full Version : 50/50

15-04-2002, 02:36 PM
Please explain,
How can it be that 19 stocking assoc. were sent a questionaire regarding the allocation of monnies raised from the SIP. (Stocked Impoundment Permit) and the different % options for it's dispence.
Out of the 19 stocking assoc sent this, 16 replied.
9 voted that thay would like things to stay the same as it is/was and 7 voted for change.
F.F.S.A.Q who is there to represent the various stocking assocations apparently are not, as thay have blatently ingored wishes of these groupes and in there unique style of ditcatorship decided to reccomend the SIP to be change to 50/50.
50 % surface Area with surface cap at 5000 hectares still in place and 50% angler preferance.
This reccomendation has been passed onto the SIPcommittee who have decided to also ignore the majority of the groups it represents and pass the 50/50 decision.
Another interesting fact in all this is, that to my understanding Les Kowitz (president of FFSAQ) is also a member of the SIP committee and the BP Dam Stocking Group who coincidentally stands to benfit greatly from this decesion.
Another coincidence is that the BP group along with the another group were the only 2 groups to piss and moan about the % prior to this decision.
I'd love to be a fly on the wall at the up-comming Gladstone Fish Stocking Workshop as i'm sure there will a lot to be said about this Nazi Style dictatorship.
food for thought.....
Brett Finger

15-04-2002, 04:08 PM
Tell the CJC. They would be very interested I think.
Corruption at its worst. >:(

15-04-2002, 05:53 PM
Something smells rotten TBF. Hopefully, common sense will prevail.

16-04-2002, 04:12 AM
Hey SBF....I will be attending the Gladstone workshop late this month and yeah, it will be interesting to see how it all goes.
I understand that individual stocking committees have thier own impoundments to maximize and generate as many stocking dollars as they can, but the system has to be fair to ALL.
I personally want to see the SIP left as it was for now to guage a better understanding over a period of time. (Not just half a lousy year) (Oh, and yes, I am a SWFSA member, so we get a good slice of the pie as SIP stands, but there is a lot of water to stock)

We will keep you informed during the workshop if you like?

Regards, Randall.

16-04-2002, 10:11 AM
Hi Brett,

I am in agreeance with all on this one give it at least another 12 months to guage success, and also me thinks something smells with %'s received by certain bodies.



16-04-2002, 10:27 AM
The SIP has been decided. It was based upon the 50% Angler Preferance & 50% on surface area capped to 5000 hectares.
See breakdown below.

SIP Funding Allocation

Dam Angler Preference Total Allocation
Burdekin 0.482 $24 878
Wivenhoe 3.141 $29 917
Fred Haig 1.762 $27 304
Peter Faust 2.670 $26 145
Somerset 6.368 $32 542
Tinaroo 9.594 $35 502
Bjelke Peterson 8.401 $27 259
Boondooma 7.328 $24 184
Wuruma 0.532 $10 705
Coolmunda 3.993 $17 088
Leslie 8.304 $23 132
Teemburra 2.312 $10 986
Kinchant 1.545 $8814
Moogerah 4.272 $13 806
Eungella 1.597 $8594
Cania 2.369 $9490
Borumba 2.856 $9438
Lenthalls 1.259 $5968
Lake Clarendon 0.311 $3950
Maroon 3.492 $9868
Lake McDonald 0.852 $4576
Gordonbrook 0.394 $3598
Lake Gregory 0.584 $3803
Lake Dyer 0.474 $3151
Connolly 1.224 $4351

16-04-2002, 10:46 AM
I dunno a whole lot about the politics about freshwater fishing / stocking so this comes from an uneducated, unbiased point of view- and really i just want to have the best possible fishing.If what you say is true, then the whole thing smells fishy.. :P

I paid for my SIP under the impression that the monies raised would go where i nominated. does this still happen?

Was Les Kowtiz one of the few who stymied Barra in SEQ? Whats going to happen to jacks? tell us more...

17-04-2002, 05:04 AM
I was under the same impression Voltzy was. I pay for my SIP and the dam I nominate gets the Do Rae Me. It is disappointing to find out this is not the case. Keep us posted.

17-04-2002, 08:53 AM
Here it is on $/ha basis.

Dam % Angler Preference Total Allocation Size $/ha
Burdekin………………. 0.482 $24,878 22400 $1.11
Wivenhoe………………. 3.141 $29,917 10750 $2.78
Fred Haig……………… 1.762 $27,304 5300 $5.15
Peter Faust………… 2.67 $26,145 4350 $6.01
Wuruma……………….. 0.532 $10,705 1780 $6.01
Somerset………………. 6.368 $32,542 4200 $7.75
Kinchant………………. 1.545 $8,814 920 $9.58
Eungella………………. 1.597 $8,594 890 $9.66
Coolmunda……………… 3.993 $17,088 1740 $9.82
Teemburra……………… 2.312 $10,986 1040 $10.56
Tinaroo……………….. 9.594 $35,502 3360 $10.57
Lake Clarendon… 0.311 $3,950 350 $11.29
Boondooma……………… 7.328 $24,184 1920 $12.60
Bjelke Peterson 8.401 $27,259 2150 $12.68
Cania……………….. 2.369 $9,490 720 $13.18
Lenthalls……………… 1.259 $5,968 400 $14.92
Gordonbrook………… 0.394 $3,598 236 $15.25
Moogerah………………. 4.272 $13,806 880 $15.69
Lake McDonald…… 0.852 $4,576 260 $17.60
Leslie……………….. 8.304 $23,132 1250 $18.51
Borumba……………….. 2.856 $9,438 500 $18.88
Lake Gregory……… 0.584 $3,803 200 $19.02
Maroon……………….. 3.492 $9,868 350 $28.19
Lake Dyer……………… 0.474 $3,151 100 $31.51
Connolly………………. 1.224 $4,351 70 $62.16

Burdiken and Wivenhoe get less than $3/ha while Connolly dam gets $62+/ha? Ordinary SIP members aren't even allowed to boat Connolly. Why am I paying for a dam I'm not allowed to boat on when boating on it is reserved for exclusive use of a very small minority.

$2.78 would buy about 12 bass fingerlings per ha, not enough. While Connolly gets about 310+ yellows per ha which is absurb given that its magnitudes more fish than a dam could ever handle. If they want to keep the current system perhaps a cap of around $10/ha should be brought in.

17-04-2002, 02:18 PM
If a dam is not opened to the general public for fishing, it should not be allowed into the SIP system.


17-04-2002, 02:23 PM
http://www.ausfish.com.au/chat/images/smilies/cwm15.gifPlease explain,
How can it be that 19 stocking assoc. were sent a questionaire regarding the allocation of monnies raised from the SIP. (Stocked Impoundment Permit) and the different % options for it's dispence.
Out of the 19 stocking assoc sent this, 16 replied.
9 voted that thay would like things to stay the same as it is/was and 7 voted for change.
F.F.S.A.Q who is there to represent the various stocking assocations apparently are not, as thay have blatently ingored wishes of these groupes and in there unique style of ditcatorship decided to reccomend the SIP to be change to 50/50.
50 % surface Area with surface cap at 5000 hectares still in place and 50% angler preferance. http://www.ausfish.com.au/chat/images/smilies/cwm15.gif

Hi Brett,

The system is called "CON sultation" with emphasis on the first 3 letters.
