View Full Version : Brissy River Sharks

29-04-2002, 05:11 AM
I think most of the river whalers in the upper Brissy River have gone for the wintewr now.
The action has dropped off significantly in the past few weeks.
There's still a few stragglers to be caught, but not worth the effort.
I'm waitin for summer till the action hots up again ;D


01-05-2002, 07:56 AM
What a whimp you are young Bradley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I`m still picking up as many as ever and I reckon that`ll flow on right through winter!!!!

No secrets, same ole methods.

I think you have been just unlucky. Their all still there mate, just waiting for you to come back.

I`m after them next on Big Skirted Trolling Lures!!!

Yeah Baby!!


01-05-2002, 05:25 PM
Ok then Randall, bout time you bit, ;D

Mate whenever ya goin after em let me know & i'm comin.

I was just gettin bored cause they dropped from 10 or so strikes in a morning to 2 or 3. I was missing the fast action hey.
Just need your great company to keep me interested :-*


03-05-2002, 12:16 PM
I come to you cap in hand mate. I went down there today for 6 hrs. Got a few Tarpon on fly and a Bream.

Cast net for a few mullet and got a coupla snogers!!!

Sent em out on a balloon and only got 2 Sharks.
Had about 6 strikes though.

So, you may be right about the quiet times!!

I`ll keep tryin though.


03-05-2002, 06:37 PM

Yeah that's what i was meaning, 6 hrs for 2 sharks can get a bit dull i reckon.

But as ya reckon i'm not sure whether they'll hang round or not.

Pretty good to get a few tarpon too mate.

We'll have to have another gruop bash at em soon hey :D


03-05-2002, 09:18 PM

We'll have to have another gruop bash at em soon hey :D


Sounds good Brad, you fellas keep the sharks occupied while I fling some flies for tarps & Slack Jaw Perch. :D

No Bate Mait!!


04-05-2002, 04:30 PM
Sounds good Brad, you fellas keep the sharks occupied while I fling some flies for tarps & Slack Jaw Perch. :D

No Bate Mait!!


Yeah those bony's stink, but i don't mind bait occasionally ;D
Fitzy are the tarps still a goer over winter :-/
