View Full Version : Keeping Barra - Lake Moondarra

28-01-2004, 10:25 AM
Can you keep barra during the closed season at Lake Moondarra up in Mt. Isa. It's open slather up there at the moment under the dam wall where fish have gone over during the recent rains.

28-01-2004, 10:36 AM
Not 100% sure on Mondarra
But many dams do allow you to keep out of season barra if you have them tagged at the ranger station. Dont know how you would go keeping them from below the dam wall though. That area may well not be covered by the tagging system. If I were you I would give the rangers there a ring or wait 5or6 days till the season opens.

Regards Tony

28-01-2004, 04:36 PM
Barra Closed season is from Midday November 1 to Midday February 1 for all Qld East coast. For Gulf of Carpentaria catchments it is slightly different each year depending upon moon phases (contact local fisheries officers for specifics)

From QFS website "Gulf of Carpentaria except:
in and from waterways upstream of East Leichhardt Dam and Lakes Belmore, Corella, Julius and Moondarra."
So any fish "below" the wall are included in the closed season even though they may have just come over the wall into the river.

Hope that helps,


29-01-2004, 03:01 AM
Thanks guys. With the nearest boating and fisheries at Karumba, I don't like the barra's chances :-/

29-01-2004, 05:53 PM

30-01-2004, 06:42 PM
The chances are that the barra at the bottom of the dam wall are mostly not from the dam itself. When rivers are running barra swim upstream mainly and alot of the bigger barra which swim downstream and over the wall would not survive anyway.

31-01-2004, 04:17 PM
And it doesn't matter where they came from, once they're in the river, the closed season rules apply.


31-01-2004, 07:08 PM
exactly ;)

01-02-2004, 06:36 AM
The boys from the fish stocking group up there have been running several high profile fish rescues just below the dam wall so I think that the felings pretty much not one of open slather. An article in the local Isa rag (front page I think) talked about it at length, so all of the locals know. And yep Fitzies dead right. Below the dam wall closed season applies.