View Full Version : Fishing The Border Rivers (QLD/NSW)

18-08-2004, 04:50 PM
hi fitzy and anyone else that might know, is it true that you need a NSW licence to fish these rivers, if you are from QLD and are on the QLD side of the river

cheers and thx

18-08-2004, 05:22 PM
Hi Gary,
THe way I read the regs is that if you're on Qld soil, Qld rules apply, therfore you dont need a NSW permit. If you're in a boat then I think you need a NSW permit. Dont quote me please.

Qld closed season on Border River is from September 1 to November 30 (inclusive). This applies to the MacIntyre, Barwon & Dumaresq Rivers.

I'd be making sure with NSW & Qld Fisheries Deptarments to be on the safe side.

There's a couple of the Qld fisheries blokes who frequent the site here, they might see this & jump in if they know for sure.

I'll hit the books here & see what I can dig up in the meantime.



18-08-2004, 05:27 PM
i have sent the DPI a email on this and will post the reply up hear when i get the reply for all those interested

23-08-2004, 03:21 PM
Dear Gary,

Thank you for your Web enquiry. Your enquiry has been forwarded to the DPI&F
Call Centre.

In response to your enquiry, if you are fishing in waters that are under the
jurisdiction of the NSW Fisheries you will need a permit to fish them. You do
not require a fishing license to fish in Queensland waters aside from the 29
Stocked Impoundments Dams which for which you do [$35 annually]. NSW Fisheries
licenses can be obtained by calling 1300 369 365.

If you require further assistance in this matter, please do not hesitate to
contact the DPI&F Call Centre by email at callweb@dpi.qld.gov.au, or by
telephone (for the cost of a local call from anywhere within Queensland) on 13
25 23 between the hours of 8:00am and 6:00pm, Monday to Friday. Interstate or
international callers may contact the Call Centre on (07)3404 6999. Int. code

We hope you have found the DPI&F Call Centre helpful and look forward to your
next enquiry.


23-08-2004, 03:51 PM

So, what does that mean ???.
Are the border rivers under Qld or Nsw( I know ;D, between). They seem to have neglected to say ???


23-08-2004, 03:55 PM
Hey Guys,
We were actually talking about this on 4BC Let's Talk Fishing on Saturday morning, was hoping you were listening Gary.
Brain Dare recons its as I described further up.

Also have other feedback from a mate in fisheries who said this is the case.

I'd like to hear NSWs slant on the topic.


30-08-2004, 11:37 AM
hi all i just recieved this back from the NSW fisheries

Dear Gary

Thank you for your additional enquiry regarding fishing licence
requirements in rivers bordering NSW and QLD. I have received the
following advice from the Tweed Heads Fisheries Office:

NSW controls the border waters, therefore if you are fishing in NSW
waters (whether from QLD or NSW) you will need to have a NSW
Recreational Fishing Licence.

If you require further information, please contact the NSW Fisheries
Information-Advisory Section on 1300 550 474.


David Masters
Communications Officer
NSW Department of Primary Industries
ph (02) 8437 4913
fax (02) 9966 0663
email: mastersd@fisheries.nsw.gov.au

30-08-2004, 12:07 PM

Interesting that NSW is claiming sole ownership of the border rivers.

Im skeptical.......


30-08-2004, 12:32 PM
hi all i just recieved this back from the NSW fisheries

Dear Gary

Thank you for your additional enquiry regarding fishing licence
requirements in rivers bordering NSW and QLD. I have received the
following advice from the Tweed Heads Fisheries Office:

NSW controls the border waters, therefore if you are fishing in NSW
waters (whether from QLD or NSW) you will need to have a NSW
Recreational Fishing Licence.

If you require further information, please contact the NSW Fisheries
Information-Advisory Section on 1300 550 474.


David Masters
Communications Officer
NSW Department of Primary Industries
ph (02) 8437 4913
fax (02) 9966 0663
email: mastersd@fisheries.nsw.gov.au

Hi Mr. Masters ,go tell your Tweed mates to pull the other one ::)

Go tell the Tweed dudes ,that their head is bigger than their office doorway ,and to pull it in......... or put it somewhere!! >:(

Fishing off Qld Waters ,we ABIDE by 60cms. min for MC's , you(s) reckon 50cms. is o.k. ..........wrong again!! >:(

Tell those Tweed dudes ,to arrange for 1/2 price RFL's to be easily available to fish the Tweed , and tell 'em to stop lying >:(

Take me to court ,and prove me wrong :-*

30-08-2004, 01:01 PM
I just sent an email to both Qld & NSW departments telling them that the story needs to be got straight ASAP. Also asked for:
- definition of exactly where the border lies & ownership

- definition of where the act of fishing is deemed to be taking place, ie where the angler is standing, or where the end of their line happens to be at any given time? Considering you can have more than 1 line in use at a time (in both states) I would have to assume it is where the angler is located. If that means you're on Texas side, then you're ok the way I read it.

Forwarded CCs of the email onto representative/lobby groups as well.

See what happens.


30-08-2004, 03:59 PM
let us know what happens fitzy

30-08-2004, 04:13 PM
let us know what happens fitzy
Roger that Housten.

05-09-2004, 07:34 AM
Any update mate ???
I really don't want me(or any of us) telling the NSW Fishery guys to stick their RFL up their clacka ,and in the next breath ,telling the QLD Fishery guys to piss-off, cause I can keep a 50.1cm MC ::)

(not that I would mind you....with the Qld guys ;D )


05-09-2004, 02:47 PM
a 3 year licence is only a couple of cartons over 3 years not that bad a deal :)all the best peter

05-09-2004, 07:36 PM
Got a call from NSW Fisheries.
I'll condense the conversation down to the basics.

If you or any part of your angling effort enters NSW land or waters, you are subject to needing to have a NSW Fishing Licence.
The demarkation line is deemed to be the middle of the river, however wide it may be at any given location.
So if you are sitting in Qld, with a line in the water that is over half way, you need a NSW licence. If you are sitting on the Qld side with the line at your feet (not over half way) you dont need the NSW licence.

If you are on the water in a canoe, boat, kayak etc they believe that it is almost impossible for anyone to stick to one side or the other without crossing the invisible border. However I'm told that in these situations, the NSW Fisheries Field Officers will take video footage & use a laser range finder to "make sure" you have crossed the line prior to approaching anyone on the water. It also helps them to prove a case in the situation that they need to take someone to court.
The officer that called me believes there is no "grey" area, if you put a toe over the line & they happen along, you will be asked to produce a NSW licence.

I haven't had a reply as yet from Qld Fisheries.



06-09-2004, 04:37 AM
The Qld fisheries guys are probably rolling on the floor laughing their arses off......at the NSW response. :-X

Mate , tell em their dreaming!, and this is why.

1.IF fishing from the NSW side with a RFL, they could cast all-the-way across the river(no RFL needed) ,pull in a 50cm MC, and be allowed to keep it!!!
2. If fishing from the Qld side, just buy a weekend nswRFL , catch a 50cm. MC anywhere ,and say it was caught "over halfway" , and be able to tell the Qld fisheries guys ,if they turned-up, to piss-off ??? as it was caught in NSW 'waters' :o
(I don't really think they'd like that :-X )

Look NSW, it's where the angler "IS", not where the fish is deemed to be hooked, as by NSW BS, no court is able to prosecute anybody without video/laser ;D evidence, if the fish swims over the halfway mark during capture(due to point 2.)

Qlders can fish the river width, but abides by Qld "in possesion" sizes, on Qld dirt, i.e. no < 60cm. MC's allowed.

NSWers can also fish the width, and take >:( 50cm MC's ,and keep them ,due to NSW size limits , which doesn't have a slot-limit >:( >:( either, but legally they are on NSW dirt.

Must be something in the water in NSW ,to think so STUPIDLY :P

06-09-2004, 12:14 PM
Really, the point is, if your on the QLD bank, what legal right or authority has a NSW fishing inspector. Once he steps past halfway he is nobody. Ask to see his passport ;D ;D


06-09-2004, 03:32 PM
the other point is why is it that the closed cod season applies to any one who fishes in these rivers regardless of what state you are in

07-09-2004, 08:54 AM
Reason for closed season for Cod on Border Rivers was to stop the double standards that existed. That is 1 state trying to protect breeding fish and restricting harvesting for several months while anglers on the other side of the river are pulling fish out of the same river to kill. Its just a shame NSW don't increase the minimum size of 60cm state wide to match QLD. Anyone that targets Murray Cod in QLD would have noticed the average capture size has increased a lot sence QLD increased size limit from 50 cm to 60 cm . The water athorities need to get there act together to stop cold water pollution around cod closed season as most of the cod in the Border rivers have been stocked . There is very little wild fish in a lot of these waters.
Regards McCod.

01-10-2004, 04:41 PM
i think the problem has already been amended

01-10-2004, 04:53 PM
what do you mean trollsroyce