View Full Version : Stocking Survey Results Mackay Dams

15-09-2004, 05:01 AM
Just a quick update on the results of the electrofishing survey of Kinchant, Teemburra and Eungella Dams from last weekend.

Preliminary Results (Eg I haven't got all the data back yet)

Kinchant is showing the signs that a very low water level creates - effectively the carrying capacity of the dam is reduced (less water) so therefore the number of fish decrease. Barra, sooties, sleepy's, bony's all showed up but not in huge numbers.

Teemburra managed to set a new Qld record for barra numbers. In 75 minutes of electrofishing on the Friday afternoon 93 barra were recorded ;D ;D ;D. This was in size classes from 450 to 800 (large fish are hard to electrofish as they tend to sit in deeper water where the electrofisher can't get to them). Sooties, Sleepy's etc all showed up as well. On the saturday morning the results didn't quite match the Friday (but always hard to equal or break a record straight away) but were still very good.

Eungella turned up the usual Sooties and Sleepy's and some good barra. A number of barra were taken over the metre mark and some smaller fish as well. Considering water levels and temps not a bad result.

For more info on the Mackay Dams and Faust go to www.mafsa.com and then to the forum section.


15-09-2004, 03:03 PM

So, can I borrow your electrofisher next weekend ;D ;D
Got a couple of dams that need a good survey ;D


15-09-2004, 05:21 PM
Some good info Darren. Thanks for the update.



16-09-2004, 04:19 AM

You need to talk to DPI on that one ;)

G'day Fitzy

Caught up with Randall and the boys on Teemburra Sat morning (a lot of b*lls$#t flowed naturally)


18-09-2004, 09:11 AM
Darren, do you think that the elecro-fishing has a detremental effect on the fishing at these impoundments immediatetly after,to days to maybe weeks after the survey. For example if we get defibed :o (internal pacemaker) we are a bit 'off colour' for a while, any thoughts , or antedoctal evidence appreciated.


18-09-2004, 09:23 AM

Fish recover quite quickly and there are no residual effects however for up to 12-24 hours it does have an effect.

Electrofishing can only get down to 4 mtrs max with the boats we use so that is why we like to have an angling survey as well as we tend to be able to cover a lot more of the depth range.

We also don't cover the whole of a dam with the electrofisher as it is a sample survey and with fish moving around you will find areas that have been electrofished can still be a great spot to fish a few hours later.


03-10-2004, 05:08 PM
On the same morning of the electro fishing I nailed a 680mm barra in sight of the electro boat no more than 30m from where they had just zapped a whole bay along the shoreline ;)

05-10-2004, 04:09 AM

You need to talk to DPI on that one ;)

G'day Fitzy

Caught up with Randall and the boys on Teemburra Sat morning (a lot of b*lls$#t flowed naturally)


What bullshit Darren??? ;D All truth mate!!! ;D

Had a great stay at the Pinnacle pub out the back in the fishos dongers. Eddy and wife Herb, are the nicest couple and I would recommend this establishment to anybody who are fishing Teemburra.
