View Full Version : Does anyone fish the Condamine River

08-05-2006, 01:48 PM
Hi all.

My parents have just moved out to Warwick and my old man is interested in doing a bit of fishing. Apparently the Condamine River is ok for fishing but i would'nt have a clue as to what species are there and what bait/lures to use.

If anyone could give me some info it would be gr8.



08-05-2006, 03:18 PM

There are the odd holes around Warwick that hold water still but not alot these days.

I know of one spot down the bank at the soccer ovals (henry joppich park) up behind the dump, that produces yellowbelly but don't have an accurate report from there so am not sure what the level is like? You would be best in there with live shrimp or crays but it's getting a bit cold for them now. Next best would be garden worms.


12-05-2006, 08:57 PM
rhetly the dump is on the other side of town and that spot is a good spot for lures i used to always go there lack of time now, i have landed cod there aswll as good yellas, pm me when you are comeing over and i will show you a few spots

13-05-2006, 11:09 AM
Cheers mate, i might have to do that. ;)

13-05-2006, 02:34 PM

There are the odd holes around Warwick that hold water still but not alot these days.

I know of one spot down the bank at the soccer ovals (henry joppich park) up behind the dump, that produces yellowbelly but don't have an accurate report from there so am not sure what the level is like? You would be best in there with live shrimp or crays but it's getting a bit cold for them now. Next best would be garden worms.


Rhetly ,

This is a blast from the past , I used to be a boarder in once upon a time Slade School ( now Church of England Grammar ) and I think I know this bank of the river you are talking about . I remember those Weeping Willow trees too !

During those days , I fish handline for crayfish .

JonLi .

14-05-2006, 08:11 PM
rhetly the dump is on the other side of town and that spot is a good spot for lures i used to always go there lack of time now, i have landed cod there aswll as good yellas, pm me when you are comeing over and i will show you a few spots

The dump used to be at Morgan Park heading out on the Killarney Rd, then it was moved to where I thought it still was, down near the race track and cemetery. It is not still there? By all means let me know if I'm wrong!! and out of curiosity....where is it now??


What year where you at Slade, I lived just down the road across from the corner store that you guys used to frequent!


15-05-2006, 12:21 PM
Rhetly ,

A long time ago , 1967 . Can't remember any corner store though , used to walk down the step hill to get to the bank of the river where there are many weeping willows and cross the bridge when going to the center of town . :-?

JonLi . 8-)

15-05-2006, 06:08 PM
Sheet mate, that was a good few years before I was even thought of! Yes the bridge is still there and so are the willows!
and that certainly is a steep hill, you don't want to go down their on your pushbike with no hands and get the speed wobbles............................it hurts!

15-05-2006, 06:37 PM
Rhetly ,

I am indeed an older one in this chatboard :-[ but still young at heart ;D .

I visited the school a few years back and everything has become smaller , the townhall , etc. . ;)

Our rival The Scott's College is still there and I presume St. Catherine too . Saw one of the old Catholic church which used to be the convent is being put up for sale too . :-/

JonLi . ::)

15-05-2006, 08:51 PM
rhetly years ago when i used to visit warwick the dump was near the race course, i have been living here for 7yrs now and the dump is now at morgan park,

jonli, scots is still going but st catherines is no longer going as far as i know, there is asumption clledge in locke st

16-05-2006, 03:31 PM
Caveman ,

It seems Warwick is diminishing in term of student town nowaday , what a pity . :'(

JonLi . 8-)

17-05-2006, 08:41 AM

My apologies about the dump, it seems my memory had faded since I left there 10 years ago. I do travel out there occasionaly to see the olds but a trip to the dump isn't usually on the itineray. I had confused going out to Morgan park as a kid and getting really good feeds of crays out of a few dams there using the old string and scoop method, with the dump.

I was a Ccots boy and yes it is still going strong, my mother-in-law is an old St caths girl and it was closed more than 20 yeras ago.

PGC (the girls fratenity to Scots) is over near where St caths was on Locke St just up the rd from Assumption. The girl boarders are housed here as well as the full junior school for Scots PGC.


17-05-2006, 02:23 PM

Rhetly ,

Still maroon colored jersey for Scott ? ::)

JonLi . 8-)

17-05-2006, 08:33 PM
The 1st's jersey was cardinal and gold (officially, but looked maroon and yellow) horizontal stripes.

Since then they have combined with the girls colours of green, white and purple so I think it is now a combination of all that.