View Full Version : Snaps for Barra Lures

04-08-2006, 12:55 PM
I am after a good quality snap for Barra lures to use at Awoonga and other places, I recall something about this a while ago I and tried searching on this subject but had no joy.

In the past I have always tied a loop knot with a plastic sleeve over the line in the loop section for best strength and to avoid line cutting, but you end up shortening leaders eventually and then retying the whole thing. Does anyone use a snap which stands up the the abuse of bigger Barra?

04-08-2006, 01:19 PM
halco heavy duty snaps are used all over the place for this kind of fishing,lindsay dobe and jack erskine use them on the mega fish in peter faust dam. cheers AL

05-08-2006, 04:31 PM
Thanks Al,
Are they a snap or snap/swivel. Any size information?

05-08-2006, 08:56 PM
G'day thumpa,
I've also used the Halcos with success which are a snap only (no swivel).I went for the smallest size to minimize the visual aspect of the snap to the fish.The size chosen was 3 and is rated at 50lb from memory.Bigger ones are available in the range but can't give you any figures on their weight ratings.They stood proud against fish to 114cm and didn't look like failing.

Regards hardb8 ;)

06-08-2006, 08:23 AM
#6 Halco Crosslock snaps are great.... but don't use them to long tho! A day or two of use then change them out with new ones as they get soft after a few dozen lure change outs.

Cheers Les

06-08-2006, 08:43 AM
Thanks everyone for the help- Ausfish comes through again!

06-08-2006, 08:47 AM
i'm with Les, stick with the big halcos. rated 65kg from memory. you can't leave anything to chance. they really aren't that big and it will be the last thing a barra is looking for when seeing a big lure darting and twitching in front of its nose!

06-08-2006, 10:32 AM
The halco big snaps combined with penn10x 80lb leader with double twist the last 10inch seemed to work fine for us at the six impoundments we tried. The only bust off were when the fish or structure came into contact with the 50lb braid.
Seems to be overgunned. But after losing a lot of big fish on 20lb and 30lb braid the rate of catch and release increased by about 80percent.

06-08-2006, 07:57 PM
If you buy some Knotted Dog Mag Barra leaders, they come fitted with Halco snap. I've never had this combination fail at Awoonga or Faust, and one leader has taken at least 6 Barra around the metre mark.

07-08-2006, 08:33 AM
I honestly can't help with an answer there. I will never use a snap. It is a possible weak link that can fail, and we do our best to remove weak links from our terminals. I'd hate to see just one fish lost and bearing a lure attached because of snap failure, be it a 40 kg fish at that. Barra are the best at tackle destruction, and snaps just won't 'cut it' for my liking at present. All lures are tied directly to leader. Even if a snap is used, you will still have to re-tie the leader to the snap most likely after every fish or so! A snap won't stop leader chaffe. And most leader systems are throw away items. Hard wearing barra will make short work of most systems. Sorry for the non-snap advice.
Johnny M

07-08-2006, 09:06 AM
What's your preferred rig Johhny?


07-08-2006, 09:27 AM
It is a possible weak link that can fail, and we do our best to remove weak links from our terminals.
That says it all. Eliminate anything that is,
1. Unnecessary
2. May Affect action
3. Not 100% failsafe

Ive never used them, never will. Ive never had a perfection loop fail, so Ive never needed to. Easy to tie, and lures/plastics/Flys swim natural and free.
Why add another possibility when theres no need to?

Stumpthumpa, each to their own mate, Lindsay Dobe, one of the best Barra exponents in the land uses Jacks twisted leaders with snaps.
Ive seen them work first hand, however they are not for me. Just doesnt add up for my liking.
So yeh, Im with you Mitch.

07-08-2006, 02:08 PM
Jas and Johnny,

I understand and appreciate your comments on this. In the long run maybe there is a balance between the reliablility of snaps and knots tied by those of us that do not get to fish this type of fishery except on the all to brief annual pilgrimage?

07-08-2006, 03:49 PM
There probably is a balance, yet a snap still has to be tied onto your line somehow, and with chaffing leaders you will learn to perfect knots quickly. I often think of small crimps and a tool. This would greatly reduce the amount of line lost each time we change lures, resulting in a slightly longer shelf life for a leader. My leader systems are simple. Mostly 80lb mono, sometimes 100 lb mono leader, tied via an albright knot to mostly 50lb braid. A double section in the mainline is created via a bimini twist of approx 50cm. Someone else will name a snap for you that might suffice.
I won't put my name on any.

07-08-2006, 04:27 PM
It is a possible weak link that can fail, and we do our best to remove weak links from our terminals.
That says it all. Eliminate anything that is,
1. Unnecessary
2. May Affect action
3. Not 100% failsafe

Ive never used them, never will. Ive never had a perfection loop fail, so Ive never needed to. Easy to tie, and lures/plastics/Flys swim natural and free.
Why add another possibility when theres no need to?

Stumpthumpa, each to their own mate, Lindsay Dobe, one of the best Barra exponents in the land uses Jacks twisted leaders with snaps.
Ive seen them work first hand, however they are not for me. Just doesnt add up for my liking.
So yeh, Im with you Mitch.

Yes each to there own! But Stumpthumper want’s to use a good snap as per the post. Now I don’t doubt both your ability to fish for Barra but it must be difficult to comment on such a good product if you do not or never have used an item. If fishing lock up drags in places like “heavy thick timber “where there is a big chance of connecting with a monster the HD Crosslock Snaps are one of the best options around if using a twisted heavy mono leader either 2 or 4 ply. Even using one of these tied to heavy mono with a proper knot is stronger on a straight line pull in most cases compared to using a loop knot. Loop knot will some times get weakened where it contacts the split ring “tow point” on the lure unless it is sleeved. In some cases the snap will affect the lures action! But not on most Barra lures with a strong action.
Not trying to be smart about it …… But a have tried both set ups and there are pros and cons on both sides and after a few hundred Barra landed on the Crosslock Snaps and with a number of larger ones scull dragged out of heavy timber in placed like Faust , Awoonga , Monduran .I have not lost a Barra due to Crosslock snap failure yet. Loop knots and line failure at split ring…… yes plenty of. I have seen a few Cross locks fail but in all cases it’s been big Barra wrapping around structure and the snaps had been used way past there use buy time and became soft.

Cheers Les

07-08-2006, 06:18 PM
I wont ever use any sort of snap going when fishing for barra. I've lost good fish using various clips in the past, never again. I retie at every change of lures & at every fish caught. If that means I take a few minutes each day to put a new leader on,,,, so be it.

Learn good knots & use a good leader.



08-08-2006, 02:40 AM
[quote author=barramad. link=1154660154/0#11 date=1154906820][quote author=A_DIFF_PERSPECTIVE link=1154660154/0#9 date=1154903626]

Loop knots and line failure at split ring…… yes plenty of. I have seen a few Cross locks fail but in all cases it’s been big Barra wrapping around structure and the snaps had been used way past there use buy time and became soft.

I beg to differ. If you are having or had loop knots fail at the tow point then you have failed to address the problem, sharp edges!
Classic Barra's are a prime example. If you do not put a ring like a Owner Hyperwire split ring through the nose, then yes, they will fail. Most likely on the first fish you hook. Tow points are notoriously hard on leader systems, but address the problem and it becomes irrelevant. Then it comes down to how well you tie the knot.

Anyway Stumpthumpa, whatever you have confidence in will work for you. ;) I trust my knots, and my judgment. If the snap lock is the way to go for you, Ive got no probs with that ;D ;D just dont think that it will be the be all and end all of Barra leader systems. We are a fair way off obtaining that.
Happy fishing.

08-08-2006, 08:25 AM
I don't think any more really has to be added to this post, yet I'm adding once more. Les, You mentioned earlier that the cross lock snaps get soft and you have to change them after a day or two of constant lure swapping. If you have to change them, it seems to me that you lose faith in them as they soften. If they are softening and you are changing them, that to me seems a weak point in the system. As you said, I haven't used one, yet what you describe seems a very good reason why not to 'chance' them. I know most times they wouldn't fail, yet the time/s they do would be enough to dissapoint someone, especially if its that bigger, harder pulling fish in a more vigorous hard slog situation. Your fishing seems to see a lot of lure changes and the snap suits your fishing scene.
The loop knot has never failed me once in about 15yrs, hence why we use it. In my books it is 100% safe if tied correctly. Yet as Jas described, some lure tow points are flat and sharp, not smooth and rounded. Careful split ring choice and addition will override that harsh area on those lures. You probably are aware.
Good to see what you rate as the better choice though, as like you mentioned, it is what Stumpthumpa asked for. I couldn't comment on the snap as it is something we have removed from our system for good reason, hence my post on non-snap systems.
See ya on the flip side!

08-08-2006, 10:36 AM
[quote author=barramad. link=1154660154/0#11 date=1154906820][quote author=A_DIFF_PERSPECTIVE link=1154660154/0#9 date=1154903626]

Loop knots and line failure at split ring…… yes plenty of. I have seen a few Cross locks fail but in all cases it’s been big Barra wrapping around structure and the snaps had been used way past there use buy time and became soft.

I beg to differ. If you are having or had loop knots fail at the tow point then you have failed to address the problem, sharp edges!
Classic Barra's are a prime example. If you do not put a ring like a Owner Hyperwire split ring through the nose, then yes, they will fail. Most likely on the first fish you hook. Tow points are notoriously hard on leader systems, but address the problem and it becomes irrelevant. Then it comes down to how well you tie the knot.

Anyway Stumpthumpa, whatever you have confidence in will work for you. ;) I trust my knots, and my judgment. If the snap lock is the way to go for you, Ive got no probs with that ;D ;D just dont think that it will be the be all and end all of Barra leader systems. We are a fair way off obtaining that.
Happy fishing.

Jas… funny you should mention that….. A few of the rings were Owner Hyperwire rings and 80 lb Penn 10 X Leader.... still cut through it tho. I still use the loop knot system when using single strand leaders for Barra but try and find the time to run a sleeve on the loop. And your right there is not a be all to end all leader or snap system for Barra yet. Need to have confidence in a system for any fishing but Barra seem to taunt that a fair bit. And to anyone who is interested Mustad easy links do a fairly good job also and failures are very rare. C ya up there in 2 weeks Johnny and a few weeks in September.

Cheers Les

08-08-2006, 11:22 AM
Seems like horses for courses.
Some prefer clips and some don't, but a lot of the newbies and the infrequent fishers need all the help that they can get.
The great thing about this forum is that you get a cross mix of opinions and you can go and do your own thing.
A quote from my old pa.
The day you stop learning is the day you die.


08-08-2006, 01:01 PM
Thanks everyone, differences of opinion - sure, but points put across without malice.

I should probably elaborate a bit further. The first two weeks of October will see a group of us make the annual trip north hoping to tangle with some big Barra. Usually we go to Prossie, but uncertain water levels have made us change and so we will visit Cania and then onto Awoonga with Monduran as an option. I have fished all but Awoonga before so I really look forward to seeing Awoonga.

Our group comprises some great fishos who are very experienced in Beach fishing, or chasing Yellowbelly for example. The downside of this is that Barra tough knots can be a problem for some and when confidence in knots is low, one member can end up tying all the knots. Spread across a few boats this is a real problem. You see the reason for my question.

Some of our group are happy to troll and some like to slug it out in the sticks. So hopefully now we have determined the best snap as a fall back should the need arise. The knot tying lessons continue in the meantime.

08-08-2006, 01:05 PM
If in doubt with the knot try some super glue.
Even some of the guides use it.

09-08-2006, 09:16 AM
Best of luck with your trip. Try to find some material on knot types and how to tie them as even though your crew may have limited knot experiences as you said, the re-tying of the leader to the snap will be a job often needed. The loop knot is an easy one to learn. Make sure all knots are pulled 'tight' before use. There are books and websites that contain many knot types and diagrams to follow to help you learn.
Some one will most likely add a link to a website or good booklet to buy before you go.
I have seen a few links on this site latley that you will probably find interesting.
Can anyone give directions to a website related to fishing knots?
Johnny M

09-08-2006, 12:44 PM
Thanks Johhny,
I appreciate your comments and hope to see you at Awoonga, we will be there the second week of October, maybe a little earlier depending on how Cania fishes.

09-08-2006, 05:01 PM
One for ya mate....... http://www.leadertec.com/tipsandtechniques/knots_index.html

Bit of practice and the boys will be doing it in there sleep ;)

Cheers Les