View Full Version : Hinze Dam Possible Fish Locations
11-09-2006, 08:30 PM
Hello Ausfishers
A friend and myself are heading to hinze damn to chase for bass and golden perch (yellowbelly),
travelling on a little tinny with a electric motor, however we dont have a fish finder, a very big disadvangate.
Could someone who been to Hinze Dam recently, could you possibly give me a several postion where bass
and yellowbelly could be located, a picture description on google earth would be great.
Thanks heaps
12-09-2006, 06:51 AM
the points straight across the dam (south) from the boat ramp have been doing alright, use your anchor to get yourself between 15 and 30 foot of water (generally over 20 foot) - tie a couple of knots in the rope at say 20, 25 and 30foot. gently drop her over the side and check depth.
12-09-2006, 11:32 AM
There are 2 main boat ramps if you use the one on the eastern side where the BBQ area is the first cove to yourleft is called Gordon Gully not bad trolling around there and down the eastern arm.
If you put your boat in on the western side, I agree with Feral straight south to the banks, we have had a bit of success throwing lures into the banks. Then head down the western arm to a little island ( Ian's island ) have a bit of a troll and also cast and retreive works well.
It has been a while since i have used fresh baits at there.
We will star heading back out there in about 4 weeks time as i live on the Gold Coast and a few of us head out there most week ends in the warmer weather. We love the surface action when it is on.
Off to somerset in 2 weeks.
Do yourself and buy a sounder as they have came right back in price. You can get a fairly good one for not a lot o dollars
Regards Gav
12-09-2006, 11:40 AM
1 More tip if you doa bit of freshwater and or saltwater fishing buy yourself Brownies coast watch book it has about 30 freshwater dam maps in it and tells you the main stocked speices in each dam.
Cost $30
12-09-2006, 12:32 PM
The points straight across from the main boat ramp is the closest place I have had success. Some people troll around in 20 to 30 ft of water, but I tend to drift and cast lures in towards the bank.
I've also had sucess (including Saratoga) up around Ian's Island.
Try any of the points along the way.
I only use lures, but for more certainty in catching fish, you can try live fresh water shrimp
12-09-2006, 09:18 PM
Thanks alot for your help, we'll definatly try those spots, and explorer around abit
thanks Tri
14-09-2006, 07:14 AM
Tri this Hinze map may help in finding the locations mentioned earlier
16-09-2006, 04:25 PM
Can also try here for a printable map of Hinze (Lake Advancetown)
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