View Full Version : Borumba bass

08-10-2006, 06:15 PM
Hi guys

I fish borumba alot and i have seen they are the hardist hitting and fighting bass around. Have u fished there and noticed the difference? I think it might be the endless food supply they have. 4 me its hard to target the bass there on lures until summer really kicks in. Then i get heaps of bass and i dont even use bait that much. I think i'm bad luck or sumthing. :'(

Just like to see if u hav noticed the difference in bass fighting in borumba to different dams?

regards gavin

08-10-2006, 08:08 PM
hi gavin,fished there this weekend(post in fresh reports) yes the bass pull hard but comparing them to other dams is hard for me as i love them all,the coupleof bass i got in monduran are freight trains and on6inch big barra lures as well,lenthalls fish also pull hard, i think these two dams have a reason as they have bigger predators as well to contend with.

08-10-2006, 08:58 PM
I fish Borumba a heap and love the Bass and the Toga thats why I return and your probably right with the food in there, ie bony bream. But on a recent trip to Lake Macdonald I would say in a tug of war the winner would be lake mac hands down they are on steroids ;D, don't know why maby less pressure borumba would see a lot more fishos??? anyway two thumbs up for BASS ANYWHERE!


08-10-2006, 09:31 PM
Hi Gaven I fish Borumba a bit and agree the bass there are great but find it hard to compare fish from the different dams as each on there day can be awesome. recently sent sometime at Cania and we caught most of our bass there casting and man they were very angry. great fun and hard to beat

09-10-2006, 04:16 PM
Hey guys
It seems like every1 has a different favourite dam which is good. It gives me a reason to get my dad to drag me out to other dams ;D. I've fished lenthalls and felt how hard they pull ;D. Good fun all around.

Hey TT is lake mac the dam near Cooroy? And is that the dam your not allowed boats just kayaks?

All help and opions appreciated
regards gavin

09-10-2006, 04:58 PM
hi gav...mate all bass are good :)....lake mac is near cooroy,but you are aloud to take boats but only run electric motorscheers,another gavan ;)

09-10-2006, 05:01 PM
I cant say i have fished Borumba. Yet :)
But i understand that different water ways certainly seem to produce harder fighting fish.
For example, smaller fish in Baroon Pocket dam seem to fight significantly harder than a Hinze dam fish. Dont know why, dont care either :P


09-10-2006, 05:18 PM
You are allowed boats on Lake Mac Gav, but electric motors only. You can leave your petrol donk on though, as long as you don't use it. As per which bass pull harder in which dam, most bass are gonna give a good account of themselves. The territory they're in will lead to the style of fight that ensues. We've been fishing areas of flats in fairly open territory and the bass have been like mini tuna, hitting thru the lure and just going straight ahead, then slugging it out under the boat. I have seriously had to wind at top speed to catch up with them and set the hooks, sometimes they've gone under the boat and out the other side then realised they're hooked. When we've been closer to weed beds or structure the fish have been a lot more inclined to hit the lure on the turn and produce a couple of searing runs against some comparitively serious drag pressure. I hesitate to call them unstoppables (hey they're only bass) but we've been buried a number of times lately, and the fish have had to cover a reasonable amount of ground to get to the snags. Myself and Wheezer have had some great sessions the past couple of mths, and while the ones on the flats have been fun, now they're really putting on a show as they get more into the weedbeds. So in surmation Gav, bass are feisty little customers no matter where ya find 'em. But if there's any structure nearby, they are instinctively more agro. Probably why your enjoying them so much at Borumba.


09-10-2006, 07:13 PM
As said by the other fellas scoocer101 no motors just electric but can leave it on, there is another dam within 15 minutes to us coasties were they pull hard and strip line is?????

09-10-2006, 07:36 PM
Thanks guys for your opions and advice. Its sort of funny because i live here on the sunnycoast at caloundra yet i have never fished lake macdonald. I fished somerset, borumba, ewen maddock, barron-pocket, lenthalls and other dams but never had fished lake macdonald. I've travelled past it enough but i always thought u couldnt fish it well in a boat that is. Well i aint got an electric and im not paddling a 12 foot tinnie around so it seems i will be stranded on the bank, unless some1 was to take me out fishing there that is ;D.

thanks guys
regards gavin