View Full Version : Advice on catching Red Claw

12-09-2006, 12:42 PM
I've only fished for Red Claw a couple of times (up in the Gulf).
Didn't have a boat with me, so I dropped the traps off the bank (climbed out onto paperbarks overhanging the water).

Now looking to try in some of the dams using the boat. How deep should the water be? Should I set the traps near the bank, near structure, in open water, or doesn't it matter?

In open water, do I use a float like crab pots? So far, I've just tied the rope to a tree by the bank?

For bait, I've used potato (slightly boiled to soften a bit). Is that the best or should I try something else.

See, I don't know much. Just that they taste great. Probably make good bait too?

12-09-2006, 01:56 PM
Hi NormC,

Gav39 here, we always go redclawing at somerset when we are there, it has take us a couple of goes but everytime we go there we get a few or sometimes alot.
We have all tried several different baits, par boiled potato and carrots, corn, watermelon, sunlight soap, i have seen in one dam they use pilchards. I think it was samsonvale. I could be wrong
We tend to get them on the veges and soap.

Best to use floats as they can be at different depths and we try to put them around snags like exposed tree trucks as they do like structure and weed but there is not to much weed at somerset.
My sister in-law and her husband have done alot of redclawing around cairns so that's where i started with a few tips from them and practice myself.

Cooking tip,
Split them right down the middle to butterfly them open the if you like garlic or chille or any other flavour put that on the exposed flesh the BBQ them ( very tasty. We used to boil them but we like this way better.
Just an idea

Regards Gav

12-09-2006, 04:47 PM
Thanks Gav. I use 2 lt milk bottles for crabbing floats. Guess they can double up for Red Claw. Thanks for the tip on cooking. We have just boiled them so far.

I'll get back to you on whether I might get up to Somerset. I'd like to, but the wife has arranged to go 4WDing on the Sunday. I like 4WDing, but I'd go for 4 or 5 days of fishing and camping over 1 day of 4WDing any time.

Fighting some big bass would be a good warm up for trying for some Barra up at Awoonga in a month or two.

13-09-2006, 04:27 PM
Hi Normc Just back from our annual trip to Tinaroo Dam and caught lots of R.C. using any fruit for bait. Overripe banannas, rock melon, potatoes, pumpkin, meaty bites.
Even tried a can of cat food. Only one big one in that pot.
Tried pilchards, they may work but the fruit seems to be the best.
Seems they like deeper water (25 feet) plus.
Make sure you have your details on pot and float and maximum of 4 pots per person.
Check size and numbers, does vary for different regions.
Fisheries inspectors are about and doing a good job.
Western rivers and dams well covered.

Have fun Haji-Baba

13-09-2006, 06:01 PM
Thanks Haji-Baba.
I have name and phone number on the floats. You say on pot as well. Is that necessary? If so how?

13-09-2006, 07:12 PM
You can buy small plastic tags with zippy ties to attach them to your trap.

Most tackle store would have them.


13-09-2006, 08:53 PM
not being smart,,,,but a minimum of 4 pots per person,,,,i know about,,,but is there a specific size pot your allowed???????

i took chopjr for a drive awhile back to strathpine,,,, saw a young bloke with a home made trap that was simply 2 rings at either end and ""bird wire"" (10-12mm) wrapped around them to form a drum shape,,, i think it had openings in each end,,, and about 3-4 foot long,,,2 feet high,,,?????????

opera house style traps seem to be the most talked about,,,but are they the """legal""" size for red claw????????????


13-09-2006, 09:10 PM
Hi NormC

Scoocer101 here, i always go fishing and redclawing at borumba dam. The bait i use is little tins of cat food. The tins of cat food come up trumps when catching shrimp as well. I set my trap near the dead trees on the edge of the weed beed and i dont use floats because people always check them. I tie mine onto the dead trees. We pull some big redclaw this way. Ill try and get a photo to show u.

Hope this helps

15-09-2006, 08:28 AM
in small fresh water creeks in darwin i used to go out at night looking 4 them with a bright torch. just shine the light in the water and look 4 there eyes reflecting back at u then get your hand held speare as close as you can get to the yabby with out spooking it then let him have it it takes a little practice but when get it, it eazy i'd catch buckets full of red claw. just move slow

18-09-2006, 09:07 PM
Hi NormC

usaually try a couple of different things , Pal dognuts the red ones, watermellon or rockmellon, pumpkin and last of all, kfc chips. Was told of the chips at Callide last time I was there and it actually worked. But then, even the eel tails liked em.


20-09-2006, 02:53 PM
Hi NormC
Just back from Bribie and missed a couple of posts.

All the latest info Re: Fresh and Salt water fishing is available
in The State Gov. Guide to Recreational fishing in Q. L. D.

Most bait and tackle shops have copies of similar documents available and are generally free to customers. The rules are relatively simple and easy to understand.

Opera house nets are legal if they are set up properly for size and measurements to the openings.

Have fun Haji-Baba

20-09-2006, 04:00 PM
I mostly use half boiled spud, some lightly fried chicken wings and rockmelon - David Greens method, which works well for me. Before that I always use to use chicken pellets and dry dog food in a sock tied to the inside of the pot in private dams around stations in my area and always did well. Mix and match mate...

Good luck

Theo 8-)

12-10-2006, 06:08 PM
I use half boiled potatos. We always bring a 5kg bag of spuds when we go up to tinaroo to feed us and the readclaw. The deeper the water the better ive been told about 20mteres is best


12-10-2006, 06:14 PM
I use half boiled potatos. We always bring a 5kg bag of spuds when we go up to tinaroo to feed us and the readclaw. The deeper the water the better ive been told about 20mteres is best
