View Full Version : americanised bass compitions in Australia

02-12-2006, 09:03 PM
What do you think of the modern style of bass fishing in our countries impounds?
I feel they are following the American style, as they race off in their $50 000 dollar boats with their 200 hp motors to get to the fishing spot first. Using their state of the art fish sounders and equipment. I believe that they have lost the true spirit of bass fishing. They see it as a job. And now the competitions are just a way for sponsors to get their name out so fishermen will buy their lures. Lures only lure fishermen not fish in my opinion. Many of our countries true bass fishermen are the ones on the river, only for the unforgettable rush and excitement that our native fish dish out. I only believe that the comps are following the American bass comps too closely and that Australia should stay independent.

03-12-2006, 12:21 AM
Wallis, there are all sorts and levels of bass comps. If you don't like the "pro" style of tournament then don't enter, there's lots of smaller comps to choose from. If you don't like comps at all then that's fine, just go for a fish and have some fun.

03-12-2006, 07:47 AM
Hey I love the impoundment comps they encourage bass angler to the lakes...Keeps 'em off the rivers... ;) ;D.

But seriously the development of the ABT comps in bass and bream help drive trends like soft plastics, hell 6 years ago catching bream on lures was something most anglers did by accident. Techniques, tackle and other peripherals like boating all benefit from such comps. They are a social event as much as a fishing comp and they general a fair dollar for the community they are held in.

But as M62 said, horse for course - don't like 'em don't bother with them. Stick to the river and enjoy the fact the rest of the bass fishos are on a dam somewhere.


03-12-2006, 07:49 AM
My personal opinion is that it is great. The more time that shows like the AFC get on TV the better it is for fishing in general. When you have a look at how much money a show generates like that and how much advertising in terms of new products and techniques are demonstrated it can only be seen as an advantage. These shows trigger others interest in the sport and encourage people to take up the sport. If you think that this is not the case then you are kidding yourself. I have had people come into work after seeing the AFC series and saying that they want to catch bream on lures. When I ask them what they used to fish for it may have been when they were a little kid with their old man soaking a bait off the local jetty. When you tell them that bream are pretty tough to get on lures why don't you try for some flattys or squire it really opens there eyes as to how they can fish and how much techniques have changed over time. All they want to do is catch some fish on lures and given how these competitions promote catch and release and the adoption of lure only techniques can only improve the fish stocks, little or no fish being killed and no bait being netted. Now all that education comes from them watching the americanised competitions that we have adopted in Australia.

I understand what you are saying Wallis bassman, but how can you not see the take off in impoundment fishing as a benefit for your style of fishing. More people on the dams getting their "Bass" fix hence leaving your "wild" bass fishing untouched. I will also venture to say that some of the so called "wild" bass that you are catching could have possibly come from one of the stockings of a nearby dam.

I am glad that shows like that exist because the amount of non fishing mates that I have who think that when I go for a fish before work, I sit down on the boat soaking baits and everything that I catch I kill which is just not the case. I think that the more air time that these shows get and the more coverage that we see then the better it is for fishing in general.

That is just my opinion

03-12-2006, 09:37 AM
I don't mind them love what they do for the sport don't go much on the ski boats some use but besides that, they are strong ambassitors for bass fishing and i guess the more people to get the fresh water experiance means better ramps and fercilities as the pressure gets more intence as more people spend money to fish more stocking for our impoundments.

I do agree on the one thing as you see the yanks pull those fish in like they are on a bungy cord and seem to lack respect for the fish and we should stay indepent as far as it is a sport and not gear for these great fish should be real light give them a fighting chance.

wonder how they would go if we took the sounders out give them 2lb gear 5 lures and a tinny with a 6 horse? I don't know if i would enter?


03-12-2006, 07:22 PM
What do you think of the modern style of bass fishing in our countries impounds?
I feel they are following the American style, as they race off in their $50 000 dollar boats with their 200 hp motors to get to the fishing spot first. Using their state of the art fish sounders and equipment. I believe that they have lost the true spirit of bass fishing. They see it as a job. And now the competitions are just a way for sponsors to get their name out so fishermen will buy their lures. Lures only lure fishermen not fish in my opinion. Many of our countries true bass fishermen are the ones on the river, only for the unforgettable rush and excitement that our native fish dish out. I only believe that the comps are following the American bass comps too closely and that Australia should stay independent.

Not sure where you are going with this and I must say it is arrogant to suggest that 'true bass fishermen are the ones on the river'. I fish impoundments and conside myself a true bass fishermen. I may have misread your message but I think the American bass tournament seems like an exciting one but as long as there are grass root competitions where beginners and novices feel welcome. To the best of my knowledge without sponsors we would not have competitions.


04-12-2006, 12:11 PM
Wallis bassman you are entitled to your opinion mate but you are up the wrong tree if you think Australia’s true Bass fishermen are in the rivers! Wild River Bass fishing is a great experience along with lots of other species!! River Bass fishing is not that hard mate!!! Most fisho's know exactly where there are then all you have to do is get them to take your presentation You do not even need a sounder at all! A lot of impoundment Bass comp fisho’s will still catch Bass without sounders although it gets a bit hard if the fish are out in the open !! 9000 acres of water that’s 20 km long and several hundred metres or more wide in places is a lot harder to fish than most rivers or creeks are!! As for Boats mate!!! They are only fishing tools and the Australian tinny is still going strong!! I am just at home sitting in my Kayak or 10’ punt on the rivers as I am poking around impoundments in my American bass boat with 200HP bolted on the back . As for US Bass fishing style comps…. I think there’s nothing wrong with them at all!! May even fish in 1 one day just for kicks ;D You may change your mind on this one in a few years time as you broaden your fishing knowledge!

Cheers Les

04-12-2006, 02:02 PM
Have you ever fished in impoundments for Bass? Especially when there have been "Pro" or "club" comps in them every weekend for months? It's bloody hard work! But Bloody rewarding when you do nail them. The bass shut down in the dams depending on the activity around and in the more popular dams, you can guarantee there's plenty of activity from boats and water skiers. Impoundment bass fishing (or cod or barra) is certainly some of the best fishing I've ever experienced and as for the flash American boats... hell I would have one if I could to ensure you get to your favourite spot whilst it's still undisturbed. Plus it ensures you get every last minute of fishing in before having to return at the end of the day. How about the killet and fillet brigades or the bait fisho's? They don't kiss and release. The tournaments not only encourage but in most cases insist on catch and release. They also do a lot of research on the fish that are caught. Both of these ensure the fish and the sport we love so much is still around in years to come!

04-12-2006, 02:29 PM
G'day Wallis,
$$$ are what these comps are about.It's not just lures that get promoted and advertised...Boats,Motors,Rods,Reels,Line,And the list goes on.........

Some people are competative by nature and really enjoy these things.I'm sure you understand this,And respect their decisions to compete against not only each other,But the fish as well.

The progress towards the U.S. style comps is here to stay,They (The Americans) have been doing it for years now,And have the organisation side of things well and truly sussed.The ABT and AFC will only get bigger here in years to come.

For alot of guys in the U.S it is their job.They do nothin else but compete on the pro circit,And a couple have earned over a million U.S. dollars in prize money.Ask these blokes if they'd rather be back in their factory/Labouring jobs.Somehow I don't reckon you'd get a yes from any of em.

I personaly don't like to compete.But,I enjoy watching Bassmasters on fox,And the AFC tour over here.It's a good way to learn.

Sounds to me like your a proud Aussie kid who loves his country and Australian Bass.You are entitled to your opinions,And to speak your mind.Don't change for no one m8.

Regards hardb8.

04-12-2006, 04:00 PM
just because they have $80,000 buck boats doesnt mean that they are stealing the show.

in the abt barra comps recently, a 16 year old took some of them out in a 375 size tinnie!!

but hay, who wouldnt like to be driving around in one of them boats?

04-12-2006, 04:22 PM
Wallis Bassman,

I have noticed you have copped a flogging regarding your views on bass fishing, my earlier comments included. I think as a young bloke and a new member we should cut you some slack but be aware that impoundment fishing / tournament fishing is gaining in popularity by the second in Australia and most people think it is a good thing.

If you enjoy your river bass fishing then I think that is great and make sure you keep the posts coming as you have sent some good ones.


04-12-2006, 04:43 PM
Interesting topic Wallis Bassman. A few fisho's have been talking about this one lately e.g. the future direction of the comps.

Well said Phatty - some can have "all the gear and no idea" ha a saying that is used in sport a lot. We bet there have been a huge number of comps won in 14ft tinnies in OZ! & good to see.

We just hope that the comps don't charge thousands of dollars to enter in the future which would take a lot of the younger generation out of the sport which would be a shame. We heard kim bain went over to compete in the American comps and she had to spend around $30 000 ish on comp fees. Check 2004 BBB to confirm etc.

Thats the main worry - hopefully this will never happen to limit spots on TV etc. Just get more cameras like the american bass comps have etc so everyone gets a go. Then you can make final cuts like they do etc to limit numbers on final days etc. Basically like golf etc.

However if fees are going to rise everyone needs to be made aware to let people plan to have the time off and save etc. Because as things currently stand people with sponsorship will be the only ones able to compete if fees rise astronomically. eg people with tv exposure fishing certain comps will be ahead of say the barra comp that wasn't televised etc however there were many very good barra anglers there. Especially with the corss over of the bass & bream comps to include barra now!

In any sport you will always come across someone with more cash (doesn't mean they can fish)- if it was the national sport of Saudi Arabia there would probably be pink (Stefan) like race boats with 2000 Horse Power fishing the comps ha rocking up in Yellow Monster trucks ha.

Each to their own (boatwise) but lets fight the elitist brigade to keep entry fees down so dreams can come true like the 17 year old Taylor boys winning the Barra Comps. If the comps cost too much to enter this dream would never have come true. Well done again boys & Ruben(camp cook-cleaner-chauffeur).

See you on a Dam one day - Cheers SeekingBarradise

04-12-2006, 08:21 PM
They also do a lot of research on the fish that are caught.

G'Day Gismo, I dont know about that one. Except to say that, as a long standing member of fish stocking groups, I have surveyed the waters around release sites the days "after" comps & have found some numbers of dead fish. I guess that counts as research. :-/

On the original topic
I've been a vocal about pro style comps in Oz since their inception here. My main concern was that the fisheries may suffer as a result of a comp being run on any given lake. I must say that the ABT, after some initial issues, now are leading the way in giving some financial support back to the fisheries that the comps are run on. I must also say that there are others around who dont do such a good job in supporting the fisheries they are exploiting, shame on them!! We are deifinately better off without the no hoper, cardboard box comps on lakes that have been created, developed and maintained with public & private monies, be dedicated volunteers.

There is definately a place for pro comps & still a place for family based comps. The fisheries in our many great lakes have been developed with the community in mind. I would ask everyone to respect each others style of fishing & encourage everyone to play an active part in maintaining their local lake's fishery, ie support or join your local fish stocking group.



04-12-2006, 08:49 PM
I respect your opinion, but these ABT events are extremely good for our waters mate... Chance to meet new people and fish amongst some of the best fisho's Aus has to offer, Educates other anglers (Importance of C&R, Environets etc), and most importantly they give back to the Fisheries as Fitzy said. Also it's a big learning thing... We are all still learning, we always will be - With all this new gear on the market, and different techniques etc. Brings out the best in your game too, fish hard and reap the results as far as Im concerned.

Fishing for Fun is always good, it's what gets us started, but for those of us who have a competetive streak, and theres plenty of us out there, this is paradise.

05-12-2006, 02:16 PM
I personally like the "American style Comps". Just got back from a Barra comp on the weekend and had a ball. I also do some of the Bass comps and have learnt a lot and met a lot of great people along the way. I also agree with Fitzy and Tinaroo Triumph in regards to giving back to the sport of fishing. I'm not sure what type of gear you use or the style of fishing you do, but I'll bet that a competition angler somewhere in the world help to develop that rod that you use, the line, the reel and so on.
And as for river fishing for bass being harder, I can't say. At least with these impoundments being stocked its taking the pressure of presitine waterways like the Upper Noosa River to enable the wild native bass to be sustainable. That is one reason why so far there isn't to my knowledge an ABT planed for any rivers. And I have to agree with the statement about the fishing getting toughter with the pressure of all the comps on certain dams. But fish still have to eat, it just improves ones angling skills. These comps aren't really people competeing against each other, its fisherpeople competeing against fish. I for one am all for comps such as the ABT and Bassin QLD series. Helps to educate and develope our sport. And keeps the natural water ways from being raped clean by those who don't beleive in catch and release.

06-12-2006, 01:52 PM
Good string with some valid points here guys.

Sniper, firstly the comps you speak of (AFC, ABT etc) are not the gravy train you may think they are.
Believe me, there is not a SINGLE competitor on the AFC who is doing it for the money.
The reason for that is because there is simply no money in it (yet!)

These guys are there purely because:
1. They earned their slot
2. They are passionate about their sport and want to reach the pinnacle of the Australian comp scene.
3. They (like anyone) enjoy getting a boat like a Skeeter to use in a comp.
4. Get to fish against the best comp fisherman in the land.
5. Increased exposure can lead to other doors opening.
6. Because they are bloody good.

These comps invent and drive cutting edge tecniques to new levels, commit to stocking programs, and bring bucks to local economies.
Its a win win situation mate, but sure its not for everyone.
Some of the countries finest anglers have never fished a comp, each to his/her own.

Im personally extremely excited at the prospects for the future generation of up and coming comp anglers.
Who knows.......one day these guys might be able to give up their day jobs and be full time fisherman.
If Steve Morgo's got a say in it...................wouldnt mind betting it will be sooner rather than later.

Its also true you dont need a 60K Skeeter to win a comp.
I dont recall reading anywhere that I will win a comp when I get a Skeeter??
It makes for good viewing, the boats look and go sensationally, and they are an absolute pleasure to drive.
But in all honesty you can still beat a bass boat in a pair of floaties if your in the zone.

If you go back a few seasons, the AFC boats were Tinnies, now they are Tournament boats. Thats how much its grown here.
I certainly respect people views on the subject, but in my opinion credit where credit is due.
Well done AFC, Im sure the stage is set for a bigger and better year this year.

06-12-2006, 02:23 PM
Hi All,

Great string,think that the Bass tournaments are excellent for those so inclined to pit their skills against any piscatorial quarry that they are after bass, barra or bream.
But a comment on the give up the day job thing this is going to be an extremely long time coming, someone mentioned the next generation I think maybe the one after that or even after that, most of the pro sports in Australia had been around for 50 years or more before the participants became true professionals ie no other job so for those thinking about tossing in the employment may need to get the grand kids or great grand kids to have a look at it.
we just don't have the corporate population to support every sport that comes along with merchandise deals sponsorships etc look at Rugby Leage and Rugby Union it has only been the last 10 years that the real money has been flashed about.
But like I said great string and the bass comp concept is excellent.



11-12-2006, 08:55 PM
Barramad, I totally agree with everything you have said. I never implied that the guys that compete on the AFC series do it for the money or don't belong there. I myself am an ABT member and would love to be in the same class of fisherman as those guys. Have had the pleasure of fishing and camping with some of the top anglers and have learnt a lot. And most of them are great blokes. As for guys giving up there day jobs, the money isn't there. Maybe one day. I love this style of competition and would started competing to improve my angling skill. These guys and girls keep developing new techniques. I doubt that without these comps that lures suck as Jackals and Ecogear would be here in this country the way they are now. To anyone who wants to have a great weekend and learn from the best, enter a comp then decide if its your thing or not. Not everyone is going to like them, but don't judge them till you've given them ago. Everyone has their right to an opinion, but don't judge till you've tried. Like a drink, how do you know if you don't like it till you've tried it. As for the boats that some are now using? I'd love on myself but wouldn't buy one. Not practicable for myself. I'll stick with my alloy boats.

12-12-2006, 02:43 AM
Yeh cool mate, my mistake anyway because I was actually refering to the original post of WB and not what you posted.............too many night shifts me thinks! ;D

12-12-2006, 05:26 AM
In regards to the original post:

Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion, that's what makes the free world great. I see things from a different view. As a BASS fisherman, some would say hardcore, I tend to look at what tournaments have done for us over here. The publicity fishing gets is out of this world. Record numbers of fishing permits are have been sold for the past 10 years in a row. That happens to be about the time that the big money tournaments started. With every permit sold money goes to improving habitat, cleaning up the water, building newer and better launches, and research to see how well the fish population is doing for management purposes. We now have self sustaining bass populations in almost every body of inland water in the U.S.. Our water is cleaner now than it has been in the past 25 years. And now it is easier and easier to catch fish of truly trophy proportions. The Texas ShareLunker program has already passed the 100 fish over 13 lbs. mark and its only been around for a few years. These fish are studied, spawned, and released to improve the genetics of the fish population. We also see the benefits in the equipment we use. Newer motors are cleaner, quieter, faster, and more fuel efficient than ever before. Fishing rods and reels are to the point now that every technique has a specific set up that works best for it. And the baits being put out now are on par or better than the baits we used to have to pay high dollar for from Japan.
As far a tournaments becoming Americanized, its not a bad thing when you look at what is does for the sport. The one thing you guys will want to avoid is Americanizing your entry fees. A single Bassmaster event will cost you $5,500 U.S. just to enter, with $55,000 U.S. for a full year. The top levels of the sport have become cost prohibitive for many, myself included. There are however, thousands of grass roots level competitions all around the country every weekend. The fees are low but the good intentions are still the same. For most of us it is just a way to get out and enjoy the day, catch some fish, make some friends, and a little money while we are at it. I personally fish the FLW/TBF Federation tournaments and the ABA trail. These are more for the regular working guy who wants to try to move up in the ranks at his own pace while helping to promote the sport to others.
Whatever you like, whether its grass roots level or big time tournament fishing, just enjoy it and pass it on to others. Don't let your hobby become a second job. And when you see someone fishing in a competition cut them a little slack after all they probably helped pay for the launch you put your boat in at. At least that's how it works over here.

I'll gladly answer any questions you may have!

13-12-2006, 01:01 PM
Personal views:
I lament the apparent lack of respect for the fish in those US comps! You'd swear the fish were covered in dollar bills, not scales! Is that typical of Aussie comps too? I wouldn't know. But it could be argued that skulldragging them out in 10 secs flat is kinder than fighting them to an exhausted standstill on 4lb line.
Personally [and I stress it's only my personal view] I prefer my fishing trips to be just that - fishing trips, not ego trips, so I'll continue to avoid all comps like the plague. Similarly, supporters of comps won't be actively seeking my company!
If comps contribute to a better fishery for all then more power to them! I like the view that they draw people away from the rivers [however temporarily].
Billyboy wrote "That is one reason why so far there isn't to my knowledge an ABT planed for any rivers."
And a very good thing too!! From what I've read such things seem to be in good hands.
Good fishing to all.

19-12-2006, 09:03 PM
For me fishing any bass comp is more than just fishing, it's also about new friendships and information shared. I have a 10 year old son that fishes the bassin rounds with me and he takes in an amazing amount of info from guy's like Carl, Greeny and Motty or anyone else that will take the time to talk to him. I bought him a 10' quintrex punt 4hp motor and little electric, now on spare weekends he takes me fishing, no sounder he just reads the bank contours and fishes where he chooses to and i must say we have never gone fishless, all fish are released and the smile on his face after he releases a fish is priceless. He cops a bit of flack from uncles and grandparents that like to eat everything they catch but he has learnt to let them go so he can catch them another day. To see the thirst for knowledge that comp fishing has brought out in him is great and hopefully will only increase as he gets older. Do i like the fast boats, super light rods and ultra smooth reels, high res sounders and bow mount electrics that have come with the Americanization, you betcha. But i am also happy in a little tinny or fishing off the bank with a handline. So i say bring on the comps and fish them or stay away everyone has the choice.


20-12-2006, 01:12 PM
Well said Damien. Thats also one reason why I do the Bassin QLD series, for the people that you meet. It doesn't matter how fast (Damien lol) or slow, big or small your boat is, its getting out there and enjoying yourself, whether its in a competition or just social fishing. Whats the point in fishing if you aren't having fun!!!! Thats why we all took it up isn't it?

21-12-2006, 11:43 AM
I don't particularly like the style because its all about being bigger and better and let's make a big deal out of everything. Most of the footage is the strike and I don't get much chance to see technique or tackle and therefore don't learn much. Who wins or loses does not interest me that much.

What I do hate about the AFC series, and this goes with my comment about making a big deal about nothing, is the comentator SHOUTS all the time. Most annoying when I'm trying to relax on the couch.


21-12-2006, 12:43 PM
Most of the footage is the strike and I don't get much chance to see technique or tackle and therefore don't learn much

This feedback was given to AFC last year hence the hour long episodes this year......and I'm sure SM and the boys will be open to any more constructive feedback that's provided!

Matt C

07-01-2007, 05:41 PM
I don't like the yanky style comps, I think they're simply typical of all things yank. Sensational and expensive. Games like basketball, with 7 foot tall players, dropping a ball in. It's a very boreing game, but freeze frame shots, taken at just the right moment senationalise it, inspire the imagination and so on..

Same deal with these comps, and I have to admit I watch and enjoy them. But like basketball, and other big money sensationalised sports, old dingies and slow motors aren't going to draw in the TV audiences either, and so it's a bit naive to think the organisers really lay awake at night hoping against all hope such boats and outfits regularly win these comps.
How long will sponsors pump money in while plebs like me have a chance to steal away the camera at the crucial moment?

I don't for a moment believe the fishermen are less than anyone for any reason; that's totally off the point. I'm speaking entirely of the intents and direction of the organisers. Money raised by interest in the sport (permits) returning fingerlings to lakes has to be a single best co-incidence, but is certainly not the inspiration for these turn outs.

I quoted this from baramad, because I thought the issue was caught just right, but as always, seem from a different angle. (nothing personal)

Its also true you dont need a 60K Skeeter to win a comp.
I dont recall reading anywhere that I will win a comp when I get a Skeeter??
It makes for good viewing, the boats look and go sensationally, and they are an absolute pleasure to drive.
But in all honesty you can still beat a bass boat in a pair of floaties if your in the zone.

If you go back a few seasons, the AFC boats were Tinnies, now they are Tournament boats. Thats how much its grown here

From what I can tell, "skeetrers" or whatever are becoming an essential tool to have, to win these comps. A large dam, with a short fishing time is going to destroy any hope a person has that isn't driving a ski boat to get to the spots and back in time.
the ever increasing number of these types of boats ("that's how much it's grown") testifies to this. And as quoted, the "skeeters" make better telivision and not to mention sales.. and after all, isn't this the real motive for the comps?

And a bloke with an ol crabbing dingy cranking in fish of any size/quantity is just never going to fit the coprate image sponsors demand, and so I'm quiet sure that with time, subtle if not acute measures will trim away the unsponsored, ordinary bloke; no matter how "in the zone he is. Large entry fees, invited comps, whatever it takes to filter out the "un-photogenic"

Let's face it, fishing permits restocking dams, or any other percieved benifits are purely co-incidental or pious actions to either self serve the comps, or to raise the image of the comp. The bottom line is dollars, and as such, is what will drive it further and further in that direction. I'll continue to watch the comps for sure, but that's how I see it. As staed, a few years ago, it was all tinnies, now it's changed.. and this is what the sponsors wanted, and have managed so far. It is not in their interests to have grandad win these comps in a dingy, simple. Sure they may have a chance still to do so, maybe. But it will and is becoming increasingly unlikely.

The notion that professional fishermen are required to develope rods etc is a bit far fetched, we've had great rod development for years. More rod development promotion is for certain though, but that's what I said; "dollars".
Someone else thought that without sponsors we'd have no comps, and that's a bit short on history too. There's been 50 years of healthy fishing comps in South east Quessneland at least, with nothing more than club donated trophies and patrron donations all that time, and we've had no end of talented fisherment compete and enjoy, develope techniques and pass on advice... all on shoe string budgets.

I'm not trying to bag the yanky style comps, I know I'll never compete in them at trophy level, I don't know the right people. But I won't become a movie star either, but I'll still watch movies. (unlike the movies, I would compete in these comps if I had the dough but.. so please don't think I'm attacking anyone personally, except maybe the sponsors a bit)

I just wanted to clarify that rod development, techniques, and mentoring has been going on a lot longer than these money driven comps.


08-01-2007, 11:21 AM
Have you thought about giving the Bassin Qld comps a go, they are inexpensive to fish and you have toddlers to grandparents fishing and learning from each other. You will see boats from 10 foot tinnies up to what ever, and quite often the rounds are won by people fishing from smaller boats, it really comes down to local knowledge and knowing what the fish will take, not how fast the fastest boat is. If there were 70 boats fishing a round at somerset dam there would not be very many of them that had any sort of sponsorship, just a lot of people who relish the opportunity to fish competitively in a friendly and enjoyable family environment. :) :)

Cheer Damien

08-01-2007, 03:55 PM
Rob, nothing personal taken.........however in my opinion you are wrong. On all accounts.
Check results of recent ABT events (Barra) to see what boats were used by the winners. Quite a few "crab dingies" in there, in fact two round wins were in "crab dingies".
Not a SINGLE "American Bass Boat" won a round over the whole Barra tour. Little tinnies...............yep, they were the go.

If you speak to the majority of ABT tourno fishers, they will tell you about someone who has showed them a technique that they didnt know. Who shares wins. I have learned, and I have passed on what I learned. That is why a vast majority of anglers enjoy them, talking to young kids is great, their excitment rubs off on many.

Tackle, rods, tecniques and styles have evolved from EVERY sector of the fishing fraternity, including pro-fishing. Tournaments have been a big part of that. That is fact.

Comps are for everyone, at every level, even "plebs" if they wish to fish them. If you dont wish to, than simply leave it to the people who enjoy the mateship, fun, competition and banter. Easy fix.

Knowing the right people will not help you win an ABT event, which means you wont make AFC. Doesnt matter who you know, you need the results. Same with your comments regarding not having enough money. A million bucks still wont sew up an ABT event either, so money has very little to do with it.
Angling skill, luck, effort, preperation and patience will though. Theres very little money in that! Two guys who cleaned up this year had a shoestring budget. But they also had a ton of talent.

You, like everybody else is entitled to an opinion, and I certainly respect everybodies views on the subject.
Its a two sided coin.
Dont like 'em?
Fine, dont fish 'em.
Easy solution.


08-01-2007, 04:15 PM
Well gotta say some Aussies are often sheep following big brother Mr USA in their trends !! ::) - A mate reckons the AFC on tv originally started with tinnies admittedly pretty smick ones with about 60hp on back - now theyve got glass and 200hp what next!!!?? remember those yanks love to do it bigger and better than everyone !!! :D :D :o whatever i say !! like the joke about the little guy with the big 4wd !! all a bit of a w.>< to me ! Talk about boys with their toys!! I wouldnt care 2 hoots if I never saw them zooming along in Ski ooops Skeeter boats. got to admit thou they are versatile if ;D your into Sking as well!!
As for the bream fishing they still look like theyre still using SPs to me :o I prefered the days of Bushie and Starlo and shock stun old Rexie boy!!


Keep smilin Fellas PPS. anyone know how those fish go when they are released - do they float upside down?? and I hope the boys with the 100kph Skeeter/Ski boats stick to the Dams - suits me fine!! :D :) :) :D

08-01-2007, 07:16 PM
On the topic of Bass boats, the highest ABT money earner, John Schofield, is fishing out of a 475 Hornet with a 75 Merc on the back. I've had the pleasure of being a non-boater with him and even though I didn't land a legal bass, I learnt a hell of a lot in regards to fly fishing for Bass. I'm confident to say that without fishing with him, my fly fishing wouldn't be where it is now. Same with the Bassin series. I have learnt so much and met so many nice people who don't have EGO's as some have been saying. Yes, some guys have developed EGO's, but you get that in any sport. Its all about having fun. If you can't have fun no mater what sport you participate in, then don't do it. Everyone has an opinion on the current style of comps, whether or bad.

09-01-2007, 08:50 AM
Id like to see the fish weighed onboard and released straight away with the video guy filming for record save dragging the poor fish around the country side !!
how many of these guys float upside down when released from their plastic bag at the other end of the dam!!. And while Im on the subject how many fishos put fish theyre keeping out of the misery straight away or give em a slow painfull death. hmmm!! whoops thats another subject ?!

Anyway ill try and kep smiling :-/ :)

09-01-2007, 05:23 PM
I too have fished with Schoey on a number of occasions. A top bloke, gun angler and a pioneer of the Impoundment Bass fishing scene.
He is never shy to help out, and bloody hell he knows how to have a laugh.

09-01-2007, 08:25 PM
why not bring money and sponsors to fishing instead of golf, tennis and motorsport.these guys on the curcuit do the miles and the testing so us working class guys on our holidays can go out with the best lures and techniques and get straight on to fish.and with a bit upstairs and a bit of practice you or me can go and kick their ass at thier own game i know i have done it

10-01-2007, 02:19 AM
Why not bring big money into fishing?" Why not indeed. I don't begrudge anyone (except a bit of covetedness I suppose) indulging, winning these comps at all.
I'm just sure I know why people sponsor anything, and it isn't altruism.
The comps make great viewing on a sunday, unquestionably fun to compete in, but if the model is USA, then we're in fledgling times, on that I'm sure most would agree.

As noted by all of us, the trend is greater amounts of money spent on the flashy gear.. is this a good thing? That's not even the point. Rather than get into a debate on the philosophical "pros and cons" of sponsors, free market economies, desire etc.. it ought to be enough really to simply note those who organise these events ( making the telivised series, selling it to the media, market research on disposable incomes available to be accessed from studying the demographics of the targeted species (the fishermen) to allow sponsors to calculate what dollars will be returned to them for their commitment etc.. and various other stradegies used) are not doing it for the greater benifits stated. Freindship, mentoring, stocking etc.. they're what WE bring.

I spent most of my life involved in competative fishing in South East Qld, and they were true comps overflowing with spirit. No way am I wanting to measure one against the other, it's just that I know without a shadow of a doubt that all the very best of benifits cited from these comps are what foster in any serious level comps, and it can and has been done for many years this way.

That doesn't negate the validity of the yanky style comps at all, but I do feel defensive when people believe that without this commercial format; it won't happen.

If fears such as mine are realised, and it becomes more and more important to have money to compete (as mentioned somewhere, an Australian fished a yank comp series recently and it cost 30 thousand Amercian dollars simply for entry fees); then broadscale sponsoring is the way it will have to go.

I did watch a yank bass contest one day and a huge comotion wasmade over the fact they let in unsponsored fishers (for that event), and weren't they the novelty. All the usual talk of how "even they could win with their gear".. and that I think says it all. If it's worthwhile noting that these comps can be won with average gear, then what's the underlying thought, and why really spend such huge amounts of money at all then? And why don't the sponsors put their name on the side of grandad's crabber? and forget wasting all that cash on skeeters? After all, it's not like big business to spend more than it needs to.. why now?

All that said, I can't see anything intrinsically evil, just not my cuppa tea.

However, it will simply be the epitome of sponsored fishing, not "fishing" per sae. By that I mean as great as it will be to watch, or to partake in, this road (more and more so as organisers and sponsors realise their goals, such as the US$30 000 dollar entrents fees in USA) excludes many people, people that may well be able to fish the arse off anyone that holds the coveted trophies.

That's just how I sees it is all guys, nothing personal. Hell, come around on a weekend, and I'll either be watching it on Tv, or cursing and swearing for the lack of it being on the tube..


10-01-2007, 02:36 AM
Speaking of the tube,And fishing shows.....I wanna know who the clever bloke is that decides to put these programs on when 90% of his target audience is actually out fishing? >:(

The ratings would probably go through the roof if it was shown at 7:30 Tuesday night.....Am I thinking straight?Or have I been awake to long?

10-01-2007, 07:21 AM

An opinion. The TV Show is about entertainment and the ssociated business that goes with it - marketing, adverts, et.c

The Tournaments are about providing a location, actors and a plot to make the 'entertainment' product.

It is the same as many other 'things' in that redefines the recreational activity and tries to turn it from being recreational to to being commercial.

And to be fair the show is reasonably slickly produced and more interesting than the competition (Could someone give the commentator something to calm him down just a little before the show).

Taking all that into account it is fine by me.

10-01-2007, 07:29 AM
I agree completely mate, I do genuinely enjoy watching the stuf. I don't like "speco" stuf, excitabiliy grates on me, and I detest big business getting involved in something in my mind is a puritant sport.

But life's like that, and ideology is one thing, reality is another. I sincerely feel no animosity toward anyone on the subject, no reason I should either.
