View Full Version : Fish soup recipe anyone?

01-05-2006, 12:01 AM
Has anybody got a recipe for making soup out of fish frames & heads. It seems a waste when you have 5kg of fillets & you are throwing away just as much in the frames & the heads. I have heard of people on the odd occasion raving about the great soup they have had that was made by a friend of a friends Greek auntie for instance, but don't know of any great recipes & how to go about it. Any advice would be appreciated.


01-05-2006, 05:50 AM
Just boil up the frames to make a stock & use that in a chowder.
I put a recipe up for that recently.


13-07-2006, 11:08 PM
My mum used to boil jewfish heads/frames & makes a soup with lots of celery, carrots & barley.

Then again she used to make soup out of chooks feet too.

I remember both being nice.


14-07-2006, 09:44 AM
i got one but is family sicret recipe
and it is mind blowing think
i can post here but one day if i see u on ramp will tale u
it is so goood


17-07-2006, 11:22 AM
Just which type of mushrooms have you been putting in the soup?? ;D

16-08-2006, 05:49 PM
Greek Psarosoupa(Fishead soup) :P!!..PM me for the recipe, be no probs...

19-08-2006, 01:18 AM
Hokeydokes will try upload few pics of progress to making your Psarosoupa ::)..
First ya gunna need a good sized Cod head, Red Emperor head or halfe a dozen lipper heads.
With the Cod or Red head(redhead :-/ !!!!) make sure the wings accompany the head into ye ole pot ey..
Get yourself a good sized pot akin to what ya cook your crabs in...
Chop or cut the head in halfe (having made sure you thoroughly wash the headnbone of any residue blood stuck to any part of it.
Drop into ye ole pot along with two whole onions as shown in attatched Pic ..If i can upload Pic that is...?????>...

19-08-2006, 01:32 AM
Whadyaknow :-/, wanders will never cease ;D, the pic uploaded :)..
okay whack the lid on and let it all brew along nice n steady, lid covered and heat at a steady pace so ya dont overboi; and overflow the contents..
Now whilst this is cookin away you can go ahead and chop up a coupla carrots into smallish pieces, celery,and offcourse the other onion...
Did i mention a third onion!!??...
Two for the pot which can be ditched later and one for the pot fer later ons to be added with the cellery and carrots ;) :-[ not fergettin the potatos(Three of) unless you really like spuds and can make it four or five or six or whatever number ya think will fit the pot comfortably ::)..

19-08-2006, 01:42 AM
Hokeydokes, yourve let the cods noggin brew away fer a wee while and ya thinks its abouts ready to part with its flesh ;) :-/..
Fergots ta mention but ya gunna need one of them strainers and another pot to strain all them good juices which are in the pot along with the flesh.
Now, strain your juice stock or whatever ya call it into ye other pot and place back on the stove at a gentle heat . Drop in thems vegies we chopped up in little wee bits earlier on along with some salt n pepper and again let it brew away nicely .. Nope!!! ya dont drop in the choped spuds as yet!! leave em be a wee bit longer till your celery is at least broken up some along with the carrots..
AND!!!!!! whilst thats perkulating away nice n steady you can start parting company of the flesh around the headbone n all that other jelly yukky lookin stuff that wants to cling to the flesh...You know the stuff that looks like black snot :-[ Just joshin joice ::)...
Okay here's the flesh all parted away:)..

19-08-2006, 01:57 AM
Fergot ta mention!!! you know thems onions we first dropped in the brew with the head??...Well ya can ditch them along with all the bones etc unless offcourse you have a sweet tooth fer onions, you can let them swim along..
Now where was we???..Okay about time to drop the spuds that we chopped up in aprox one inch cubes ..We did mention that didnt we :-X??...
Drop the spuds in and let them brew away so they can break up and add a bit of thickness to the brew ey..keep the lidon along the way at heat that wont overfow pot and doesnt let all that stock n juice evaporate away so you wont go needin to add any more water and break down the flavour of the whole brew..
Now the it depends on you if you like to have them fish pieces you seperated all nice n chunky in your psarosoupa or broken down as to how long prior to eating you add them to the kaboodle but i e say aprox halfe an hour prior is ample as the fish is or should be quite enough cooked anyhows.
Now weve added the fish, vegies are quite broken down unless ya like em lumpy or solid..
last n near final step is toadd enough dilted cornflour to the bacth to make it as thick as you wish as its just used as a thickening agent to suit.
And lastly , squeezing two or three lemons into the lot just prior to serving adds a certain flavour to the lot..try it and see fer yerself..
I did mention salt n pepper dint i :-?????..

19-08-2006, 01:59 AM
Coupla more pics

19-08-2006, 02:01 AM
And lastly Loui le chef..

19-08-2006, 02:02 AM
Nope the hats not fer sale 8-)..
Kalli Orreksi