View Full Version : Redclaw Recipes
06-01-2007, 04:18 PM
Whats the best way to cook redclaw?
06-01-2007, 06:37 PM
I have just boiled them as you would prawns or crab depending on size or amount,just make up a salt water mix about the same as sea water.
Otherwise use any crab or prawn recipes and substitute with redclaw,creamy garlic sauce is popular around here,but I have done Honey,Chilli, Soy all good.
You will have to clean & devein them for the marinate or sauce to work.
Drop redclaw in ice water to put to sleep then pull the head off, grab the middle section of the tail fins twist gently from side to side then carefully withdraw the vein then just shell like a prawn they can be hard to shell but its worth it :).
Enjoy with a nice cold ale.
Cheers. :)
06-01-2007, 09:14 PM
This is a yummy way to cook & serve Redclaw.
The amount below fed 18 PPl at xmas time and there was nuthin left ...Give it a try you wont be disappointed.
cheers baldy
Redclaw Wokka Noodles.
50 plus Redclaw Tails.
½ a jar of Minced Garlic.
6 – 8 cloves Garlic. Chopped.
5 lge Onions. Roughly chopped.
2 tins of Reduced Fat Cream. 250ml each.
Or Optional 1 – 2 tins of Coconut Cream. 400ml ea.
½ a tin of Milk. (Only use if too thick).
2 Pkts (4sachets) of Wokka Pre Cooked Noodles.
Try 3 sachets first…may be enuf.
Salt & Pepper & any herbs & spices that you like.
3 Tblsp Marg or Butter.
Chop Tails into bite sized bits.
Boil the Green Redclaw Tails for 2 minutes then cool in Salted Cold Water. Shell and devein & clean them. Leave in the cold Salted water for @ least 1 hour (absorbs salt). Chop Tails into bite sized bits.
Put Butter into large pan and melt.
Fry the Onion & Garlic and then add all other ingredients.
Fold in the Noodles and serve piping hot.
07-01-2007, 06:25 AM
Never eaten em, but if was to i'd be pulling the tails off green, wiping em with a little garlic butter or just salt and peper and wrapping em in bacon, securing it with a toothpick or sharpened sprig of rosemary or thyme.
Cook em on the barbie and dab em with a bit of Char Sui sauce (bbq sauce would substitute in the bush) while turning.
07-01-2007, 07:04 AM
1 cut longwise (lobster),garlic butter & white wine on barbie with lid.
2 shell, then throw into a bag with fish coating mix or crumb in one and lightly fry in olive oil
have never had left overs with either method- missus complained too much over smell when
boiling. also thai seasoning(mild)masterfoods with garlic....i got to go and change my drip tray- full of drool
01-02-2007, 07:52 AM
I've tried a few ways to cook these suckers as there so easy to get. I have'nt liked anyway i have eaten them. They have there own taste and lets face it they don't taste like prawn/crab or lobster. I make chilli crab, garlic prawns and honey soy crab/prawns these are all a great taste bud treat. Sorry to the people that rate these.
02-02-2007, 06:59 PM
Here is a recipe i threw together for some Redclaw.Could also be used with prawns or bugs
2 chillis finley sliced
3 cloves garlic finley sliced
Chives chopped roughley
Green peppercorns crushed.
Combine all this in a wok with some olive oil.
After a couple of mins add 1 tin coconut cream.
Then add the Redclaw tail meat and simmer until cooked.Serve on a bed of Jasmine rice.
Eat and enjoy
Cheers Dazza
27-03-2007, 09:20 PM
cook in salt water for a few minutes and drain water off. let them cool on their own
28-03-2007, 03:19 PM
boil in salted water with a good dash of white vinegar
or, throw straight onto fire coals. Bit of charcoal adds to their character
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