View Full Version : Snyder  Glas  FS-156-MT-6W, surf  spin  rod.

31-01-2002, 06:14 PM
I recently bought a 2-1 ratio,high speed Alvey to use for beach spinning off a 6Wrap, 12ft, Multi-Taper Snyder Glas rod.
I'm happy with the outfit, but see that there is a Snyder Glas, Fast Surf(fast taper I guess?),6Wrap,156"(13ft)rod designed for surf spinning. I was wondering if anyone out there has had experience with both rods and can tell me if there is all that much difference in lure casting ability?
I usually use the MT-144-6W for 6 kilo drummer fishing for which it is excellant. It has a medium taper, best for bait fishing.
Thanks for help, Andrew.

01-02-2002, 05:11 AM
Hi Andrew

I have the same Alvey reel, and am using the Regal S177 to throw poppers and metals.

The poppers are in the 1.5 ounce to 3 ounce category, and this rod is a rocket launcher.

Snyder Glas rod are excellent, I'm happy.