View Full Version : Yo-Zuri Hybrid Fluoro- worth buying?

05-03-2002, 01:51 AM
It's time to reload the baitcaster and a couple of light spin reels.

Tried Spiderwire Fusion but am not happy with its performance, on 2 out of three knot attempts (Palomar), the outside casing splits when tightening despite lots of spit to lubricate, and am going to get rid of this crap, should have gone Fireline.

Thinking of trying a mono type, particuarly for the baitcaster, fluoro has been recommended, and I've run across this hybrid version.

They claim less stiffness, but I'm now dubious.

Anyone used this line? Is it worth the bucks, or is there another alternative.

Or should I load with Fireline and use fluoro as a leader?