View Full Version : Loomis baitcaster

25-04-2002, 07:57 PM
Hey there!

I was hoping that somebody could help me out with a recommendation for a new baitcasting rod. I've been doing a lot of lure casting for cod recently, but a run-in with a 12 or 13 kilo fish yesterday on a rod that is obviously way too light has suddenly made me realise that I need to get serious about all this. :)

I'm looking at a GL3, and have settled either for a C663 or an MB783. I'm using a Chronarch SF with 14 pound Fireline, but I might upgrade to 20 pound Spiderwire or similar. I don't want to be undergunned if a good fish does climb on, but I also want to have fun with smaller cod and golden perch, so I was thinking that a lighter rod might be better than a heavier one (like a C664.) I use lures from the small Wiggle Warts up to Mag Wiggle Warts, 85mm Hammerheads, Australian Crafted plugs and No 2 Stumpjumpers, as well as spinnerbaits up to about 3/4 ounce.

Am I trying to do too much with the one rod? Help please!
Thanks and best regards.

26-04-2002, 08:28 AM
Hey there!

I was hoping that somebody could help me out with a recommendation for a new baitcasting rod. I've been doing a lot of lure casting for cod recently, but a run-in with a 12 or 13 kilo fish yesterday on a rod that is obviously way too light has suddenly made me realise that I need to get serious about all this. :)

I'm looking at a GL3, and have settled either for a C663 or an MB783. I'm using a Chronarch SF with 14 pound Fireline, but I might upgrade to 20 pound Spiderwire or similar. I don't want to be undergunned if a good fish does climb on, but I also want to have fun with smaller cod and golden perch, so I was thinking that a lighter rod might be better than a heavier one (like a C664.) I use lures from the small Wiggle Warts up to Mag Wiggle Warts, 85mm Hammerheads, Australian Crafted plugs and No 2 Stumpjumpers, as well as spinnerbaits up to about 3/4 ounce.

Am I trying to do too much with the one rod? Help please!
Thanks and best regards.

Its a catch 22, you can't have a big rod for cod and and have a perfect rod for smaller yellows. You already have a good rod for lighter work I'd go heavier, 664. It will help casting some of those big cod lures too. I know people that recommend C665s. Any decent yellow will still put a good fight up on a C664.

As regards lines, you would be going backwards switching from 14 pound Fireline to 20 pound Spiderwire. 14lb Fireline is stronger than 20lb Spiderwire, and is a little thicker. That extra thickness is handy around snags. 14lb fireline actually breaks closer to to 28lb, its completely underrated and that p*sses me off because it very misleading. Its like sticking a ford falcon badge on a mack truck and calling it the most powerful family sedan ever........

01-05-2002, 06:18 PM
I have got a GL2 643. It is a fantastic rod. It has plenty of stick to pull fish out of snags, while being soft enough to have a bit of fun with smaller fish. I got mine custom made, and it is perfect for my application. I run 30lb BB onto a knotted dog leader. I have pulled stacks of Fingermark ,Barra, Jacks etc out of some fairly tight country. Dunno how she'd go on a 12-13kg fish though. Might be taking it to the limits.