View Full Version : Barra Lures

15-02-2002, 04:57 PM
Has anyone got any thoughts or advice on good casting lures for Barra ? I have bought 50 already, and will probably buy another 50 before our trip to the Cape in September! My collection so far consists of :---- Classic Barra, gold, black, red head, green & blue. Stumpjumper, gold, black, & orange. RMG scorpion, black & gold. Mann, red head, & blue. Spearhead, pink, orange, red, & blue. Tilsan, pink & blue. Smiling Jack, gold, redhead & green. Reidys Rattling spots, red, pink, green & blue. Rapala deep diving Shad Raps, brown orange & yellow, blue silver & orange. Rapala jointed minowws, dark green & orange, blue yellow & orange, dark green & gold. What do you think anything else I may need?

15-02-2002, 05:30 PM
Mateee ! ! ! Trade all those lures in and you'll be able to buy a Barra farm ;D ;D

As far as I know the RMG scorpion is the killer for Barra up there. Good Luck 8) 8)

15-02-2002, 06:04 PM
Reidy's B52 if you do any trolling, now available in four clours. Gold, Silver, Black top Silver belly with blue sides (H-Bon), Green top Silver belley with gold and red flank (H-CA5).

Tilsan Barra Fingerling, Gold Tilsans due to be released soon.

Strike Zone PSYCHO http://www.ausfish.com.au/strikezone/psycho.htm colours 49 & 50

15-02-2002, 06:37 PM
Theres something nice about those wooden lures. I'm also a big fan of Tilsan

15-02-2002, 07:51 PM
Try the Richo's (Richardson) Lures.

They are locally made here in Yeppoon. they are made out of wood. and are all tested to specifically catch Barra's and jacks.

I don't know if you get them down there. but if you wanted to see a few of the colours. i can take a photo of the ones i have a show u.. just let me know.

16-02-2002, 05:16 AM
Yep I think u pretty much got it covered. It's amazing though when you go on a trip with a squillion lures and only seem to use 3 or 4.
Don't forget the ever reliable gold bomber. Yeh have fallen for the Tilsan myself. The neutral boyancy and even slow sink with larger trebles is a good thing - keeps you in the strike zone longer.

All the best

16-02-2002, 04:06 PM
Lucky_Phill if I owned a Barra Farm I'd probably have all your money and I'd buy more lures. ;D

regards Rolcar52,

16-02-2002, 04:15 PM
Jason_L, Yes mate I'd really appreciate a look at your collection of { Richardson } lures if it's no trouble!

Regards Rolcar52.

16-02-2002, 04:36 PM
Jack_Lives_Here Mate I know what you mean. The question is which 3 or 4 lures & if we all knew the answer fishing might get boring! They say lures catch more fishremen than fish, down south anyway! I've got 3 gold pattern lures, classic barra, stumpjumper & smilin' jacks, i'll get a couple of gold bombers though seem popular with you blokes! Tilsans are a nice looking lure, ;D nice wiggle when retreived if I was a fish I'd eat one. ;D

Regards Rolcar52

17-02-2002, 01:13 PM
Here's the pictures of the lures u wanted to see of the richardson lures.

the red white lure is a Sure Catch lure. i've found it extremely effective with salmon. unfortunately for me the sharks were just as abundant as teh salmon one day and i lost it. i've been thre 3 of these lures.

the bright pink one is known to be a flathead killer so i'm told by the tackle store.

the darker one is supposidly used for night or murky water fishing.

and the bright one is for use in clear water during the day

these are only a few of the range. but i asked the tackle store guy whta 3 would he pick and this is what he chose for me.

17-02-2002, 01:15 PM
forgot to add. the prices of each lure was only $12.95
the sure catch one i think might have been $9.95

18-02-2002, 07:10 AM
Well boys the hottest lures last week on barra were in my preference.....

1:Tilsan Barra in the new gold chrome.........(take 10)

2:Reidy's little lucifer in assorted colours

3:Gold Bomber long A

4:Tilsan barra in fingerling and spotted black herring......

Just take 5 of each thats all you need...........


21-02-2002, 02:07 AM
Trav is the man...

I would only add the nils master spear heads any thing with green stripes and stuff. Also the good ole bleeder mullet and the rainbow trout patterens. Also the invincibles are the goods.

My most cast lures are

Bomber (gold and tiger lily)
little lucifer (gold, green and yellow, elton john)
Tilsan fingerling
the spearheads (green stripe ones)
then its rubber shads they catch heaps of barra especially in the run offs...
classics and rmg are me trolling picks, any thing with a red/orange/pink head

22-02-2002, 03:44 PM
Jason , thanks for the photos, good looking lures, I'll keep my eyes open for them, but I don't know if they are available down hear in Melbourne, there are some very similar. Bought a Reidy River Rat today looks the same as your black & white only mines black & yellow and rattles

Regards Rolcar52.

16-04-2002, 12:02 AM
There are a few things you should think about. Barra normally feed in evenings, nights and early mornings, and during those times the underwater light levels are very low. So low in fact that the barra probably is in grey scale mode. that is it ain't looking at colour. Take a pic of a fish with a polaroid with a flash. If the fish has a white blooby weye, it is in grey scale mode and it's tapetum, reflective eye is in operation. Colour means stuff all under those circumstances, light and contrast are important, so is noise, the burblier the better. If the water is very brown or even brownish visibility will be down to a meter or less, noisy lures work best, gold is best for murky water flash.
And if you catch barra and want to release them, don't lift them out of the water, by the jaw or anything else, you will definitely light shock them, and they might cark it. release them in the water. Please. Max

18-04-2002, 05:40 AM
For Work around the shallows or the timbers GO THE GOLD BOMBERS.



18-04-2002, 05:56 PM
I am going to the Giru classic at the Haughton river this
weekend and I have a collection of DK's snagmasters,
ferrets& scalerazers,I"ll let you know how they go. ??? ;)

22-04-2002, 06:33 PM
If I was heading up north to target big Saltwater Barra and was told I could take only 6 lures. I would take 6 Bombers, the big ones, 16A in Gold, Green, Tiger Lilly, Pearl and a new colour that has Prism Body with dark Green Back and White Belly.

Don't worry small fish will take them too. If you are worried then maybe take some 15A Bombers.

Other good choices are Gaden's, Nilsmaster and Mann's.


30-04-2002, 08:29 AM
Interesting pic, see that eye, light from the flash went into the eye, back out and over exposed the film so the eye becomes white. Where was it, what water colour, looked pretty clear to me. Or was it caught in another place.
The eye says it was in grey scale mode, tapetum in operation, either deep in the water, came up to eat the lure or in very green water with lowish light levels. That fish, if you released it, would be very heavily light shocked. The flash gives it hell. Max

30-04-2002, 02:45 PM
Well Max,

It seems your 'theory' on optics must be flawed. Time to go back to the books as you got nearly everything wrong. http://www.ausfish.com.au/chat/images/smilies/cwm29.gifhttp://www.ausfish.com.au/chat/images/smilies/cwm15.gif

The eyes actually look like this to the naked eye as well.

The 'over' exposure of the fish was actually acheived by the adjustment of the brightness and contrast only, after the fact, to get everything else back to normal colours and brightness. As the fish was so reflective the actual slide appeared very under exposed on everything except the fish. You can actually see some reflection on the fish around my fingers. I'll attach another photo of a fish caught in the same spot on a different day and later in the day. The second, photo was taken with the fish slightly tilted so as the flatter side was not facing direct into the camera, this made things look a bit more normal.

The fish was caught in the exact spot where the photo was taken, the water only appears blue because of the reflection of a very blue sky and the low angle of the sun, if you look at the water closer to the boat you can seen some brown in it where the angle of reflection is different. The water was in fact varying, from a milk coffee colour to a colour that resembled coffee made only with a splash of skim milk, which was the fresher water being washed out of the creek. Visibilty into the water was only a matter of 10 inches or so.

The water was only around 1.5 meters deep and there was no real channel out of the creek and the fish were taking the lures nearer to the top of the water.

The only thing I am unsure of is that "flash shock" or what ever. In between photos she was biting my thumb and wriggling and when we let her go she swam away within a minute, but as I was unable to talk to her or interpret her thoughts, I didn't really know what she was thinking or seeing or feeling. She didn't seem to move or react to the flash at all.

Theories are good until you try to apply them to the real world. http://www.ausfish.com.au/chat/images/smilies/cwm33.gif


30-04-2002, 03:53 PM

You are obviously the only one who is getting there nickers in a knot over this, great pic Rev although I am not a real art or photo critic maybe the fish was trying to interpret the meaning of life through the flash in its eye or interpret the sex of the angler who caught it by the sensing of the pulse in the said anglers fingers. As I said MaxG who give a toss and once again, great fish Rev.



03-05-2002, 04:44 PM

I've just got back from Hinchinbrook and Townville and teh C Lure Mini Barra Pro in the Chrome "Bleeding Mullet" and the Tilsan Barra in the Jaffa Colour worked well. Also Predatak Spoonbills trolled caught a lot of Jacks and Fingermark.

HOpe this helps, all I can think of is my next trip up north.