View Full Version : dip and glo for soft plastics

13-10-2002, 05:28 AM
a couple of weeks ago on ch7 they had an article in jig`n the fella dunk it in dip & glo . ???can anybody tell me what the dip & glo is like for soft plastics? does it work or is it a gimmic of sorts would it assist with salt water jig`n

14-10-2002, 01:15 PM
G'day ;D

I'm guessing you are talkin about the likes of "spike-it" catch scent? ???

If so I have had quite good results with it. . .when the fish are a bit hard to get it can be quite handy. . .I dont use it all the time. . .when times are tough is when i use it

Thats just my experiences with it


CJ ;)

14-10-2002, 01:29 PM
G'day Stephen-t

Can't say I have personally used it but a mate of mine uses the 'garlic' scent occassionally. Apparently it seems to 'eat' into the rubber for at least a dozen casts then you re-apply. Make sure you don't totally dunk - just the tail section or no closer than 2-5mm from the top of the rubber. It seems to discolour and sort of rot the rubber if it gets down inside the jig. I have been outfished when not using - either having a bad day, beaten by better person or the stuff seems to work. K-mart has it for about $19-$20 but will last forever!
Good luck - send in a note if you try!

16-10-2002, 02:13 PM
thanks CJ and scroman,
well it sound like a postive response I guess with the rotting in to the rubber I probably would lose the ends any way to little nips and bites. >:( I`m off this weekend to caloundra I`ll get back to you guys monday after a visit to the local store.thanks for your input..

cheers guys :)