View Full Version : Seaphone

04-01-2003, 09:39 AM
Is there anyone out there that can tell me why it is you can't buy a V.H.F. radio with Seaphone any more.I've rang just about every manufacturer and retail outlet and can't get one.
I rang Telstra and spoke to a person that handles Serphone calls and was told that there was no plans to drop the service, so why can't you buy a V.H.F. with seaphone? I know that you can make manual calls but it's much simpler direct dial.
I've made direct dial phone calls from Fitzroy Reef and Hoskin I's area to home no trouble try that on a mobile phone.A good service but can't buy the radio.

06-01-2003, 11:11 AM
From memory Seaphone was just about closed due to lack of use, which was probably a result of mobile, satellite phones and Inmarsat.

Again from memory there was some questions asked at the time regarding the north of Australia where mobile coverage is nil but maybe there was some politics involved .

Radphone has certainly closed, which was probably better than VHF Seaphone for isolated areas.

Probably the writing is/was on the wall and manufacturers couldn't see the point in producing seaphone capable radio's at a cost for a shrinking market ???

As for being
told that there was no plans to drop the service, possibly the ACA wording would have been more appropriate "No decision has yet been taken on the future of the VHF Seaphone system, which remains in service until further notice."

Cheers, Kerry.