View Full Version : Most popular Alveys
19-07-2003, 07:25 PM
For all you Alvey lovers out there...
What would be the 10 most popular Alveys ??? ???
20-07-2003, 08:04 AM
alveys i use & what for
500B - whiting in the boat/shore (simple centre pin, small reel balances well on a sloppy rod, doesn't need a huge amount of line to cast well, small diameter makes for easy fingering of spool when boating fish
600B - bream or lizards (larger spool than 500 gets fish off a snag quicker), I most commonly use in the surf for bream, dart & whiting. Once again simple centre pin - easy to back spool to "feed" a bait before hookup. The bigger heavier reel is a better counterbalance for the bigger casts sometimes needed in the surf
550C5 - the money maker - big live bait for jew etc - deep spool holds 1000yrds of 18 - 24lb nlon. I match it to a Penn Slammer - wierd combo but works as you don't need to cast. Star drag. Small spool size is an advantage in a dogged fight. It is a bugga though if the fish throws you a whammy & runs straight at you & you have to get lots of line in quick
700C5 - star drag surf reel for tailor & jew. similar line capacity to a 500C5 but big diameter gives the speed needed to use chromes or catch up to a tailor running at you. Casts an absolute mile
I'd love to hear feedback (pros & cons) from anyone with one of those geared alveys for high speed casting work.
22-07-2003, 06:16 PM
#1 Favourite - 650BCV Matched up to a 13' SnyderGlas Magtip (all sourced on this site) Best Tailor and general Beach rig I have ever had. I love having the choice of a lever drag or just wind it up and fish like a plain centrepin.
#2 600b Matched to an 11' Butterworth is ideal for bream and flatties. Cant be beat for general purpose use. The first Alvey I ever bought new.
#3 400 A1 9 - Bakelite Spool - My grandad bought it sometime in the sixties, it's caught fish in three States and the Teritory and for five years sat unloved on the roof of my garden shed, patiently waiting for me to dust the cobwebs off and throw a line into a creek one day. The first fish landed hooked me back into fishing and I have not been the same since. My sentimental favorite, I use it out of the canoe for plastics and bait still.
#4 500A5 - General all round boat rig, Mostly use it for the bait jig but often gets rigged up as the 'Guests' rod. Mum has it at the moment for whiting and Dart off the beach.
#5 500b. Light rig on a sloppy joe 8ft rod, best described as general purpose. flathead, bream and whiting. Simple and bulletproof.
#6 Ancient 650 A5 wooden spool. Of great sentimental value, have caught my best bream with it.
#7 35/9 Model with Bakelite Spool - Not mine, Linda was given this one for her 5th Birthday. Still going strong, it is the only Alvey I have seen with the 'push button' side cast system. It works perfectly and gets the occasional run from the Canoe and estuary, mostly bait.
Obviously we are very sentimental about our Alveys' We do a lot of different fishing these days, but my ideal place to be is standing on a beach somewhere taking it all in and waiting for that next bite. alvey in hand. It's a fantastic fishing system and it won't be too long till I have another...
24-07-2003, 02:54 AM
i have four 6" Alveys, have had these for over 25 years and none have ever missed a beat.
one of the greatest products to ever come out of Australia. !!
hookin,Brett :D
24-07-2003, 07:35 AM
my freaky Alvey / Penn hybrid combo & a wee silver target.
I'm looking forward to the day (soon I hope, anywhere between Aug10 - Aug 16 acceptable) I enter the 30lb club using this outfit.
24-07-2003, 07:43 AM
that worked :-/ sorry - don't know why it went so dark
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