- Surface lure with its own action??
- Certate 4000 handle
- Length of Barra Rods for Flicking Lures
- waders
- Saragosa 6000 vs 8000 ??
- What Bream Rods ?
- Cork grips
- Silstar RXB 80 Parts Diagram
- China lures... gotta love samples.
- Looking for a particular rod.
- Soft Plastics Rod for Trout and other Beefy Reefies
- exceeding rod line class rating
- Egrell vs Millerods?
- new baitcast rod
- Abu Garcia Nexus Nanotech Rods
- 10lb braid with 20lb backing?
- Mould on display reels
- Bucktail jig with trailer
- reccomened me a jigging combo
- plastics in depth how to fish with them.
- alvey reel
- A need for a soft plastic rod?
- Moving back to Darwin
- 12 Ball sinker mould
- Leder
- barra rods again
- Opera Pot Entry Size?
- Silstars new reels any good?
- Fishing Rod Socks/Sleeves
- Shimano CU200G7 Curado G or Daiwa TD Tierra
- 50 vmc short shank rb treble hook combo - 4 & 6 (25 each) - black nickle- 9651bn
- How to Catch Live Bait with a Home Made Trap
- Squidgy Mongrels
- New Caldia any good ???
- Shimano
- Leccy bracket
- Stradic FJ or Sustain FE 2500 Reel
- Baitcaster Lox Versus Samki Vamp phase II Versus T curve revolution inshore???
- Anyone actually had swivels fail - what quality and what is overkill?
- Leader for Flathead on SP's
- Redcliffe tackle store?
- Changes in Squidgies
- Forsyth reels
- Chasing Mack's
- Oil seal / mag seal does it work
- backing line on sw8000PG
- Fair dinkum trading
- fish culling tags
- Reel TSS4
- Braid friction on runners
- new bream/flathead/whiting rod
- High Speed Spinning Reels
- NEW Shimano X-SHIP Technology
- Breaming Rod
- G.Loomis Pro Green range
- downrigger advice needed
- Okuma Coranado spinning--Baitrunner
- Rod/Reel setups for liveaboard fishing Sth GBR
- some funny looking hooks.
- Timber lures
- Shimano Jewel Spin Rod
- Can you use stainless steel hooks in Australia??
- Berkley Fireline does it competetors proud...
- Reel suggestions - bass/yella etc
- Vacuum sealers - whats the go?
- Un breakable line guides
- Scumline tackle
- Fin Nor soft plastic combo
- Anglers Warehouse
- 24kg Jigging Combo from the Downriggershop
- Penn International 50w.
- Gorilla 12 jigging reel
- The great "BUFF" rip off
- Spin or Overhead for 1st reef rig
- Daiwa Ballistic & Exceler TSH Spinning reels
- Reel took a swim in saltwater
- Braid colour varieties
- Alvey 725 non-casting: improving free spool?
- Z Man plastics..........sizes, styles and matching Jig Heads ???
- Spinnerbait and line twist questions.
- Knife Sharpening
- Meat Grinder
- general offshore and bay reel
- New reel and rod
- Daiwa ballistic spinning reel
- Fishing at Night - Lumo lights on your line
- equivalent for eagle claw 635 hook?
- Looking for a new lure ,on tv show on sat 2/6 austar i think
- Brains trust - Line lay on reel?
- Reel maintenance
- Shimano 2500 spool on 2000 body?
- LOX snapper 7225 vs 7925 rods - opinions?
- Sol parts
- Deep Drop Fishing Tackle
- Medium BC/OH Reel Advice
- Shimano Symetre 1500 FI Reel for Sale
- daiwa 4500j phantom
- New Estuary and Bass rod
- Pelagic Hyper Bait scented soft plastic lures - Ebay
- Fish processing facility
- Best Travel Rods
- starlo stixs 722 squidgy spin
- Electric Conversion Kits Any Goog?
- hook sharpner
- Updated Qld Fish ID Chart offer...
- Sonar ball wireless sounder smartphone app
- Balista Lures, LED technology
- Shimano bait Runner 3000 spool assembly
- Cushite rod holder
- Fishing & Boating Face protection (NOW IN STOCK)
- Which braid for Stradic FJ 2500
- Fireline exceed
- technium or stradic?
- New Penn reel
- soft plastic hook with no jighead
- Shimano Symetre ... Anyone Rate Them
- Tairyo Nano Speed
- Great Ebay Flathead Plastics
- Advise on rods
- Stella 5000 SW
- Can anyone identify this lure???????? please
- Advice on which high speed over head reel
- reccomended rod repairer
- Land Based Jew Spinning Rod
- Daiwa Steez Chilli dog
- Daiwa pirate jigs
- New replacement section for 2 piece Gloomis
- DIY Jigheads
- Ideal Barra Lure Rods to Fit These Baitcasting Reels
- New Shimano reel
- Right or Left Hand Baitcasters??
- M and H. CINI RODS
- Not a bad collection
- suggest me a plastics starter kit
- going to enjoy testing these out
- New DT deepwater jigheads
- Tiralejo rods
- twinpower sw5000 vs certate 3500HD
- Canyon Reel review
- Nitro 15 ft Frankenstein 3 pc surf rod
- Advice for my son to get his first baitcaster
- Tackle for the Swains
- waders
- Fold down rocket launcher
- Need Advice - converting from Mono to Braid??
- Circle hooks and lost fish
- reels
- Live Target Lures
- Okuma makaira reels
- Which Super Spinner - Saltiga vs Stella vs Other?
- nitro voodoo?
- Loomis 800ml esp gl2
- hooks for ganging
- laydown style rod holders.
- Silstar Traverse X 10ft
- Pflueger Patriarch Spin Reel
- Bling on paternoster rigs
- LURE of the year
- Black Lures and Black plastics?
- Shimano Service Recommendation for Brisbane
- List of water proof reels for surf fishing
- what rod and reel ?
- which leader
- A reel good score
- Shimano curado 200 G series
- Made in China - a change in attitude?
- Night Vision Device
- galvanised crab pots anyone interested in two?
- Best Plastic Rod for Deep water 80m ?
- New Lightweight Estuary Spin Reel needed
- River & Sea STEEL TREMOR
- khanh tran special penn senator 113h
- Custom jigheads
- Reasonably Priced Sinkers Canberra or Sydney
- Which colour /shade lens?
- Which hook for soft plastic
- Spare Spool for Shimano Seido 1000FA
- Current Choice of Lines for Barra Fishing
- Wilson Tackle Lift your Game!!!!!!!
- Downrigger Rod Holder
- Spare spool for Stella 5000sw
- Securing rods in rocket launchers?
- How do these prices compare?
- Face protection
- mono
- Sinker weight vs line class
- how much backing on a stella 20SW?
- New Rod - TCurve vs Black Label
- Ok guys - what is your new "I want" at the moment ??
- Throwing beach plastics on an 11 foot rod?
- Manns stretch on special $2.50
- Kids offshore fishing outfit??
- Fishing gear on graysonline
- platypus super 100
- buying large reels fluorocarbon line
- Fluorocarbon leader - does it work?
- New Stella
- Spin rod for 3000 Stradic
- Surf Spinning outfit
- Crab Pots
- whiplash pro
- Glass V Graphite Rod
- Cheap Penn Spinfisher reels
- Cheap Penn Spinfisher reels
- Cheap Gear
- I bought this $380 USD reel on ebay and got seriously stoned
- 10/5/2012 - a double anti-reverse roller bearing upgrade for the accurate boss extrem
- Internet fishing tackle and online security
- fishing line?
- You've heard of microwave popcorn....now microwave guides
- New lightweight surf setup (advice welcome!)
- Daiwa Crossfire Surf Rod
- large Mouth nannygai tactics, hooks
- Saltiga boat braid
- Braid - horses for courses?
- Anyone know this brand and where I can buy it?
- TLD15 or Penn Squall LD for Small Blacks / Trolling
- Daiwa Aird Drag sticky
- Hi vis trolling line
- Troll with Braid.
- Reef spin stick
- Ridiculously Cheap Spectra Braid
- New Daiwa 2012-13 Dogfight 7000
- X Zoga rods
- Which surf rod?
- What Diawa spin reel would suite Gloomis SRj844 IMX
- Ecooda Spin Reels
- Whiting / light surf rod
- what size castnet?
- Old Uglystiks
- importing soft plastics
- Big Eye bucktail jigs
- Where Do I Find One Of These Tackle Storage Boxes?
- Wind knots / Casting knots - Pain in the backside - Why
- Berkeley gulps
- Stradic 4000- finally bought one!!
- Gumtree Fraud
- Rod Repairs
- strike drag setting
- WD40 & Sticky Reel Handle on Stella
- ideal length of rope for sandies in moreton bay
- best bulk 4kg IGFA line???
- WHICH BLANK? REEF Plastics / 7ft 1 piece, Tippy with Balls!
- HELP - REEL SCHEMATIC/ DIAGRAM NEEDED FOR DAM Fising Reel ( Quick Finessa 35 )
- Quantum Smoke Baitcaster
- What other model spools fit a Shimano Accort XT 2500 Reel?
- Which Rods and maybe reels
- Light Surf Rod
- tackel and rod storage in the boat