View Full Version : Saltwater Chat
- Gold Coast Reefs - GPS Mark Map
- shallow tempest
- area for livies around the banks
- Skittish spotties?
- Catching VERY Finnicky Bream
- Handline off Lucinda jetty
- Sunshine Coast
- Mooloolah River Yabbies?
- barwon banks
- SP's
- Instant bait
- live bait
- Barwon Banks GPS Marks
- Barwon banks
- brissy southside/g'coast pike eel spots
- What fish is this?
- jacks in the dark
- I need a boat ASAP!
- western rocks cobia
- Another sp convert.....
- Tide times for Jew
- What fishing do you think is the best?
- logan or schultz?
- SP'S - How Many Species
- moreton bay fishing spots??????
- Check out the 'Jack'
- It Might be Time For A Change
- snapper on sp,s
- the banks of maloolahba / pics would be great
- Any land based Brisbane River fisherman here?
- Fish I.D
- Non plaining zones.
- Getting to Mud..
- Biggest effort for a fish, Brunswick jew 17/04/06
- Sp's: fish stop biting
- ideas for a newbie??
- Beach worms
- Guest Speaker wanted !
- Green Back Fishing comp.
- shark rigs
- Fish ID
- help needed
- difficult to capture, sp species
- Looking for feedback on "bait on line"
- Fish ID in Botany Bay 18-04-06
- Where's the Prawns?
- Mackerel in the Bay???
- straddie
- samoa
- Laguna Quays/Repulse Bay
- No fishing for next 2 weeks
- parts or repairer for Everol reels ??
- Wire for Wahoo
- Lures and tackle for the Big Loop
- Live pike Gold coast ???
- Squid Light
- From Squire to Snapper
- Whats the most prawns you've caught?
- Gar
- [m]: New Snapper Bag limits
- Fishermans Island
- peel island?
- Gold Coast fishing areas?
- Shark ID?
- [m]: 1770 pic
- Does anyone eat Flounder?
- Fraser Island Fishing Comp
- magnetic island
- Scarborough Reef
- Who gave today a miss??Anzac Day
- Your faith in Sounders??
- fishing the brisbane river
- Bream: rate the bait.
- Brunswick heads / New Brighton
- Guide to big fish trolling anywhere?
- Brisbane River (Small Fishing Comp)
- iluka
- rigs for spanyids/wahoo
- Best burley for spotties
- cairns fishing
- berley recipes
- salt water fly fishing
- Mud Island
- What Colour Line?
- What Colour Line?
- baby sharks?
- the Broadwater
- Logan River Dam
- Flattie Riggin
- how to catch the mullet?
- Jumpinpin
- stingray fishing
- Spots around Coffs'
- Bribie Island - surf side - what's doing?
- Mackerals in Moreton bay still?????
- best beach formation 4 tailor
- Four Beacons
- Any Sandies in the Southern Bay??
- Jacks on SP
- Deep water Jigging
- longtails,mackeral??
- fishing around Townsville area
- Fishing Bribie/Passage
- pike eels
- Anybody Know where to get livies in the Bay?
- Water Police spot checks
- spot rigs
- Artificial Bait
- Redcliffe
- Kookaburra Park Tide Time
- Observed behaviour, plastics and bait
- Hot Spots in Sydney?
- spottie mackrel info
- Ain't no squire......
- camden haven
- Persistence Pays.....
- Snapper for dinner
- Deep Sea Charters?
- What Wind Direction To Not Going Fishing On
- Trolling for Tuna
- Cod ID???
- lift n retrieve, vs hook n run,,,,,,,
- landbased Burley
- beginners going to QLD. Any charters?
- haven't seen that before!
- sp fishing
- Qld Social Bream Sunday 7 May
- long w/e @ bribie
- Beacon to Beacon
- Cockle Banks
- Long Tail Season?
- Threadfin Salmon in the Brisbane River
- Your choice of soft plastic?
- Burley Information
- Deepwater Creek
- 40 cm taylor fillits
- Wave Rider Bouys
- Mackeral in Moreton bay
- brisbane entertainment center
- water depth off Lucinda walk-on jetty
- Tropical Tide Tactics
- School or Spottie Mackeral
- Seaway Golden Trevally
- Gold Coast 4/5/06
- How safe is Scarbrough ramp?
- Giveaway dilly rings
- aldinga / sellicks fishing spots
- Charter Boat
- Any Whiting around?
- Live baiting question
- Cast Nets
- Yabbie Banks
- Darwin fishing ?
- Peel Island fun
- Bream on the increase
- CRAB bait
- mullets!!! how to catch them
- River tides.
- Sand Crabs Noosa River
- best fighting fish in the river P4P?
- Bongaree to Caloundra
- Fish Attracting in the Future
- threading a prawn????how do u do it????
- Prawning
- Red Emperors
- best colour for trolling????
- Live Bait
- Keeping Unidentified Fish
- Swains Again
- Recent Ballina form
- Pelagic's at Night
- Grinners??
- Barwon Banks
- hello everyone
- schoolies out from Goldie
- Kings in the bay??
- SP's around the pin
- Fish ID???
- fussy arsed squid
- sandgate pier for squid??
- ABT Gold Coast Round
- Camping at the Pin
- Webby on 'how to' in Moreton Bay
- Offshore Southport Friday 5th. May
- schoolies
- Fishing ShoalHaven?
- livebait hook position
- Jewies
- good way to catch lots of fish
- Where Can I Fish @ Mooloolahbah
- How do you care for your rods ?
- Best eating Mackerel
- Wicked Promo Video, Big Kingfish Tournamnet
- patternosta surf popper rig?
- Catching blue parrot
- Livies in Moreton Bay
- Help please, fishing tomorow 13th
- Fishin' the Pine - tips for a new boatie
- Full moon
- Gold Coast inshore/offshore spots?
- Fishing books
- Talking of the moon
- Pin Area Thursday 11.05.06
- Hutchies on Saturday
- Trolling Advice required.
- [m]: Bagged Out
- manly harbour
- Looking for a location around the river for kids
- Freezing fish
- Bream plastics
- Fish ID please.
- Cardwell by the sea fishing info
- black rock reef
- looking to fish
- hex head colour
- Cod ID
- Help................... Surf casting like a girl
- Tweed Heads Seaway
- Fraiser Island Fishing Comp
- Pine river... ??
- mud island advice
- Blackfish/Luderick Burleys
- where can i use hard body?
- what happened to wa pillies?
- Mangrove Jack???
- Fishing SPs at Nudgee Creek
- slimery mackerals down the coat
- Tangalooma Wrecks
- fishing from land or jetties best spots
- Fishing off Green Island and around Wynum/Manly
- gladstone
- Fishing Southern End of North Stradbroke
- Spinning for Tailor?
- What fish @ This Time and Where @ Bribie
- Jewies off the beach
- pin bar crossing
- sharks
- Re: what happened to wa pillies?
- Does this tidal advice make sense?
- Ballina, the old girl is back in action.
- JigHead Size ??
- Popper fishing for bream
- New SP outfit 6'6" Stella with Siena 1000
- advice for Green Island
- strange fish
- The tweed Bream
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