View Full Version : Going Fishing? - Meet & Greets

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  1. I had a dream
  2. Offshore fishing clubs Sth GOld Coast
  3. I need a weekday fishing Partner
  4. fishing spots
  5. Wreck off Burleigh
  6. Pt lookout reefs - 35's 13/10
  7. Noosa North Shore
  8. Banks ?
  9. wed murphys
  10. murphys
  11. Anyone need a deckie for tomorow? (13/10)
  12. Awoonga-28th to 30th
  14. Hinchinbrook For the week
  15. Last chance for 2005 Barra
  16. mullet heads
  17. gladstone waypoints
  18. Hervey Bay Holiday Booked
  19. looks like a wet butt tomorrow
  20. sat Barwon Banks day???
  21. Carbrook
  22. the pin
  23. Dohles Rocks/ Pine River
  24. bay run tues?
  25. charter tomorrow, then where? or not haha
  26. Newbie near Hope Island
  27. cairns niter fri sat??
  28. redcliffe tommorow
  29. out of the wind
  30. i know its early ........
  31. fishing karumba
  32. brissy to cooktown and back, over 2 months
  33. anyone need a deckie for any sydney boats?
  34. Goldcoast Houseboating this weekend
  35. Well who's up for a B/Banks mission this weekend??
  36. Pin this w'end
  37. Learning to use plastics in Hervey Bay?
  38. Caloundra 12 mile.
  39. Mud or the Pin (cant decide)
  40. spare seat whiting fishing donnybrook
  41. Looking for a spare seat.
  42. sat 30th banks what do you think
  43. pin sat 29/10
  44. Fraser Is. here we come
  45. Bay Friday?
  46. MORETON BAY TUE 1st nov
  47. GC landbased this w/end
  48. Golden Lure
  49. barwon banks sat  29/10
  50. Mud or Wellow
  51. Camping @ the Bedrooms 29-30
  52. Banks area
  53. Thru the Seaway
  54. I need a fishing mate in Caboolture area
  55. houseboat northern broadwater pin 7 days
  56. seaway landbased
  57. Campin/overnighter up the pin 5th & 6th Nov
  58. MUD Day off 4-11-2005
  59. Noosa offshore 7,8/11
  60. Northern Bay Sunday 6th
  61. Sunshine Coast Jacks
  63. fraser 25/nov-2/dec
  64. camping
  65. Got to go
  66. Fishing Mate
  67. WiLl I gO fIsHiNg ThIs WeEkEnD .....
  68. Gold Coast Sun 6 /11
  69. Off to Evans Head for 3 days
  70. fishin from the bay this weekend
  71. Hervey Bay this weekend
  72. Mooloolaba fishing comp
  73. sunday the bay
  74. Fishin down south
  75. Mud Island
  76. no boat for 1 month in CAIRNS
  77. think i will chase a few tings this weekend
  78. pin tomorrow
  79. Looking for a fishing club Brisbane Northside
  80. banks mon nite
  81. Wahooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  82. landbased mission 6 november..any takers?
  83. weather 4 tuesday and wednesday???
  84. Freshwater trips anyone keen?
  85. FiShInG tHiS wEeKeNd......
  86. 1770 this weekend 11 - 14
  87. mate bunderberg
  88. Weather forcasts
  89. Looking for Barra Charter/Guide around Mackay
  90. noosa river houseboats this weekend
  91. Thursday night - Cape Cleveland Chopper session
  92. Jack Attack 12/11
  93. Live bait off Tweed
  94. Monduran this week end? 12-14th
  95. caloundra fishing
  96. Gold Coast Sunday
  97. russell & mulgrave rivers
  98. Nerang River......Fishing spots
  99. Taking the boss fishing (the pin sunday)
  100. the pin and sorounding
  101. Ballina
  102. What should I chase out the seaway NOW!
  103. keen for the muds
  104. logan river
  105. Fishing Spots
  107. Looking for a fishing partner
  108. Going out on Sunday from Bribie
  109. Looking for fishing partner
  110. Off S'port Sunday
  111. Middle & North Banks Area
  112. Tempest ?
  113. Crew for Tuesday?
  114. Re: Cape Moreton Late Notice
  115. friday night moon banks
  116. need a ride.need to go fishing
  117. The Pin Saturday 19/11
  118. Unargan M&G Bound
  119. Family Overnighter down the Pin.....Sat 19th
  120. Chasing Mackies Sat.
  121. Sat. Logan
  122. Perfect Reef Weather (NQ)
  123. spare seat donybrook whiting fishing
  124. Banks tomorrow?
  125. Fishing Bowen
  126. cal wide bright light
  127. crew or will be deckie Wednesday
  128. the group
  129. SNAPPA: Where r u
  130. Mud tomorrow! Anyone else going?
  131. Hinze dam next saturday morning.
  132. Sea FM Rocky River Fire Sat 3 dec
  133. Moreton Bound!
  134. Straddie Run
  135. Virgin with wife
  136. Midweek mack attack
  137. Moreton tommorrow
  138. Burrum Heads  15/12/05
  139. banks tommora
  140. pin this w'end
  141. Moreton 4 days
  142. Hutchies / Flinders Saturday 26/11/05
  143. land based Gateway
  144. Curtian & 4Beacons 24/11
  145. coffs harbour
  146. 1770
  147. sat nite banks
  148. Gold Coast trolling (Offshore)
  149. Moreton Bay South? or North?.....Crew for Saturday
  150. mud in the morn
  151. Saturday
  152. Who is sneeking around
  153. Whats Biting Where
  154. crabbing bribie
  155. Gladstone Fishing / Boating Advice required
  156. wed - North Straddie
  157. Saturday ? too many options.
  158. land based fishin
  159. Fishing Partner Innisfail area
  160. fishin hutchies fridy
  161. Hummock Hill Is - See you there??
  162. Coomera river Friday and Saturday night
  163. week ahead
  164. wanted, whiting
  165. weekend weather
  166. Anyone planning on REEF trip this weekend - NQ?
  167. Bay tomorrow, need a deckie.
  168. 50's sunday
  169. banks sunday
  170. HOO chasing Sunday
  171. gold coast sunday
  172. bait shops
  173. Richmond River
  174. whos going fishing tomorrow
  175. fishing soon
  176. Looks like sunday now,curtain, bulwer ,Crew?
  177. Goldy 5 Day assault
  178. Friday - - Moreton (Curtain - Hutchies?)
  179. Moreton again- 10th-17th
  180. coomera jacks
  181. Moreton Bay this Friday/Sat ,Offshore Sunday
  182. Look out Nth QLD
  183. Heading South
  184. Mackay
  185. barwons sat nite sunday
  186. Want 2 Head out Jigging/reef fishing-got no boat
  187. game fishin off mool?????
  188. When to Go ??
  189. ROD $ REEL ready
  190. Goldie sunday the 11th.
  191. Noosa 17th
  192. Hutchies Thursday!!
  193. Port of Brisbane
  194. Any good spots
  195. Awoonga Trip
  196. Curtian / Cowan Wall 14/12
  197. sth passgage fri  morn trip
  198. Need help with straddie fishing
  199. banks tues or wed
  200. Looking for a Seat
  201. inconsistant weather !
  202. Wello Friday 16th
  203. Cheech & Chong Charters
  204. Cairns this weekend 17th and 18th of Dec
  205. straddie sat
  206. Coffs Harbour
  207. Russell Island Sat / Sun!
  208. Yeeeeeeeeeees! Fingers crossed
  209. fishin yeppoon
  210. help needed turkey beach
  211. banks sunday
  212. Logan river
  214. Grafton - any fish?
  215. Moreton Camping - Info Required  - Yellow Pat
  216. Where is a good spot?
  217. Hinchinbrook
  218. Harry atkinson reef
  219. Monduran Dam over Xmas
  220. heading to merinblua????
  221. south durras at new years?
  222. any good spots out past warick/toowoomba
  223. Sunshine Coast Yabby Spots?
  224. Hervey Bay - Christmas Break
  225. Bjelke-Peterson Dam, 27 Dec to New year !!
  226. The Santa Clause Run
  227. jiggin @ hutchies ?????
  228. were to fish abouts the georges river
  229. North Bay
  230. Off to peel
  231. What's the Wide Bar bar like in northerlies???
  232. Crew? To moreton/mud before tues 3rd Jan
  233. monduran and the baffle
  234. the pin
  235. extended mack trip friday
  236. How's Somerset fishing?
  237. whats biting at borumba
  238. how's mud fishing
  239. Tomorrow's weather??? Would you go???
  240. banks.
  241. New Years eve...Down the Pin..
  242. safety gear
  243. scarborough
  244. any good gutters (waddy)
  245. port bundy deckie
  246. Mooloolaba Sat/Sun
  247. Hervey Bay spottie attack
  248. Pine River Monday 2/1/06
  249. anyone want to come and spearfish with me
  250. Deckie available...