View Full Version : General Fishing Chat
- cancer in fish
- Dirty tricks
- I Hate Bosses @*&%@#*^
- Active Weekend for Water Police
- Why 1st light and last light???
- HMAS Brisbane
- Any tips for Whale watching
- Where do you live
- Dangers of eating unidentified fish.
- Fish Smelling Hands
- lake conjola/south coast nsw
- any rocky lads here
- It's blowing a gale (again)
- Lightning hits a boat in Sydney
- What would Happen if Something went wrong????
- yeppoon fishing licence
- Yeppoon 2006
- Touchy
- VMR.....Great people
- elliot river-heads
- Whales
- Boats N Bites - Bris 31
- Deep Water Bend Burning??
- Happy Birthday Crestcutter
- MR & MR's T1 had a boy Today at 8.26 pm
- citrus on your hands
- Award for Ausfish most valued member
- [m]: Hello from Alabama!
- what did you do,,, when they 1st said the "F word"
- Brain spiking
- [m]: Awoonga bush camp
- Thanks Mr. Kingtin
- Is Ausfish represented at Brisbane Boat Show?
- Gold Coast Houseboats?
- Agnes Water Annual M & G
- Where can you fish?
- Are We a rare Breed?
- Are you coming to the rally on Saturday?
- TOUCHY's Finally In The Ward
- lead poisoning
- 819 pound shark
- [m]: All soft plastic tragics please respond.
- [m]: 1000 boring posts
- [m]: 1000 club
- [m]: Brisbane Boat Show
- time for introduction
- [m]: Curse of Northwest
- Caution flooding Bellinger river 30aug
- Fishing Charter
- Wet day in QLD?
- Good/bad news Coast guard ramp townsville
- dfox you in mate ? love your stories and pics!
- Family Fishing Photos Sought
- Nice article, Webby
- Needed a boat for hire, shute harbor QLD
- Older Men not Skin Smart
- canabals
- River Fire !
- Red Emperor caught in tassie
- Heads up for MS kids Camp !
- what the VeR'DiCt .....boat show
- [m]: gday, new member
- boat show specials??
- radio log
- Brisbane Boat Show
- tewantin barge
- [m]: fishing party?
- Red faces at the boat show
- Great White: A TV star
- wheres fisherfreak?
- That many boats/reports
- what time TV Boating show on
- Happy Father's Day one and all!
- Just interested to know how often you all fish
- Steve Irwin dead
- Croc Man a Goner
- First class service from Sundown
- [m]: new member
- sharks
- Seeking Noosa Accomodation 2 nites later in week?
- [m]: Jerusalem Creek
- Ausfishers & The Flathead Classic
- WeEkEnD "shocker" ...... snappa's ready
- [m]: Another New Member
- Stringrays,retallation by Recreational fisho's
- anyone fish boaga
- Roving Fishing
- WHAT A CATCH! The Apprentice....
- Do you release fish in a different location????
- Bundaberg action and clubs
- Do cobia mate for life?
- thanks for the concerns
- cutting fingers
- Knifes and cops
- Panic! How it Works and What To Do About It
- Peter Brock Killed
- A Tribute to Steve Irwin by Rupert McCall
- water restrictions: the stupidity
- Boaties Market 22nd October Victoria Point :-)
- Legal Lengths
- interesting study
- Volunteers needed to help vip / blind fishing trip
- Fish change sex depending on mates
- witches hat prat
- Imported Rubbish Fish.....%#@&^%*$@
- Who makes a check List?
- Pumicestone Dredger sinks
- Fishing when its windy
- [m]: New To the site.
- Fishing in KL
- Webby wears another Cap
- Water shortage.
- odd live baits
- [m]: InSuRaNcE ... i know ..
- [m]: New to BrisVegas and the site
- [m]: G-day every1 new member here !!
- Why not build more FADs in Moreton Bay
- DPI&F Strike Sunday
- Slaughter of flathead
- Commercial Licence Buyback
- weather, what going on?
- Which fishing charter to go with?
- lazy sunday hervey bay
- [m]: G'day everyone!
- Fishing Video Games
- Townsville Breakwater dvelopment
- Weather Forecast 1770
- Fish Too Pretty
- navlight now on ausfish
- I'd like to help the professonal fisher man.
- Are Bananas a Myth or not?
- A Red or Two or Three
- Most embarrassing moment!!
- baby dolphins
- [m]: goverment buy back
- Next Radio Course 4th Nov @ Vicky Point
- [m]: new member saying thanks
- [m]: new member
- bloody northerlies no fish ?
- Boating and Fisheries Patrol Feedback.
- Fishing software/ Log Australia Specific
- g,day from piggin81
- One eyed fish
- ifish music
- Weather forecast woes
- lazy croc house boats,,,lucinda,,, need help
- the REAL story behind seabreeze predictions... :-)
- [m]: Fined for wrong PFD?
- Holiday units near Bribie-Storage 4 boat
- Be honest, whos taken a dive?
- I'M coming up on holidays
- [m]: newbie
- Kids Camp MS
- Confirmation of Australian fishing licences?
- A good call on the weather tonight...
- Peel Island Tragedy
- The Things You See
- beware e-bay
- A Change Of Pace
- Shark slaughter
- Who sent you?
- [m]: hey guys im new here
- anyone we know?
- Moved: Got em' Thanks to all
- [m]: Interesting sign
- Road Kill for crab pot bait
- what fish is this?
- Is Fishing a Sport, Hobie, Obsessionetc
- Jabba The Shark
- Moved: Fishing brawl or pub brawl
- Unidentified fish
- Here's a weird one for you...
- [m]: Newbie
- flathead classic
- Animated fishing knots
- Where to buy fresh fish - Gold Coast/Brisbane
- Going for a paddle around the Brisbane area
- Crock on Fraser Is. Photo
- Who thinks 'em up? :-)
- How did you get the fishing bug?
- SEABREEZE - What's going on???
- Packing luggage for a flight
- 'Crestcutter' famous
- [m]: Congratulations Golden Great_White
- Goldfish for livebait
- [m]: New Member to AUSFISH!!!
- Author/Writer
- I'm ticked off.
- Howdy
- google earth
- How many rods do you fish with at the same time?
- Council Theives
- Weird Piscatorial moments
- [m]: having trouble
- [m]: Anyone fished FIJI?
- fishing life
- Marlin/ Bill Fish Charter
- [m]: Garden Island near hinchinbrook
- any regular TV programmes on fishing?
- ipswich
- Got a question
- whichway
- [m]: Mariner Outboard
- Gold Coast Bulletin shark story
- Can this be why ramps aren't maintained?
- Coast guard membership
- Solo Fishing?
- Ads with mistakes- Fishing
- right or wrong?
- [m]: crabbing the passage
- [m]: reckless position of crab pots (having a whinge)
- Thinking fish
- Got any photo of whole Wavebreak Island for 2006?
- Who likes seafood?
- [m]: THE BUNGS
- The TLD Affair - Justice At Last!
- [m]: help .....
- Long range weather forecasts
- don't dump your rubbish
- Highjumping Mako Shark?
- club ramps
- [m]: Nice map, Nugget.
- [m]: Dire Warning - Don't Focus Solely On The Pros
- [m]: Ausfish Members Call Sign & Radio Register
- [m]: Meet & Greet Jukka
- Leaping stingray stabs Florida man in chest
- [m]: New Member
- brisbane river classic 2nd
- [m]: Trout Fishing
- Fish damage
- Staaten River
- Stanage & Clairview
- [m]: When to call it quits?
- Reading Ausfish during working hours
- IQF pillies in short supplies
- Boaties Market is tomorrow (Sunday)
- young fellows first flathead
- [m]: "feathers" teasers?
- [m]: stoked to get the job
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