View Full Version : Electronics
- Help with am/fm aerial for glass boat
- Lowrance 10 hds soft keys.
- My HDS5X just died? Repair or not repair?
- After market kit 15 hp mercury 2 stroe wanted
- Simrad NSS12
- Wiring Solar Panel to Boat
- Suzuki NMEA 2000 and SMIS gauge software updates available
- best combo for $700-$1000
- Humminbird question.
- furuno 585 owners, question
- Best Way to Connect Multiple Devices to Single Battery
- auto pilots - which one
- Navionics with Chinese Android Tablet
- simrad nss chart gps zoom
- adding yamaha interface ?
- Garmin GPS 750, Can't unlock maps
- Transferring texts and voice messages from mobile to more secure storage
- New VHF Radio
- Hand held 27 meg
- Major starting problem with Inboard V8 12V
- Naionics Gold Card
- Transferring waypoints from my Lowrance to my Garmin 7012. HELP PLEASE
- furuno waypoint file type??
- Hummingbird sounder question
- looking to buy fish finder sounder under $500
- HEEEEEEELP.........Lowrance Elite-5 DSI Sounder
- Advice- Humminbird 798cxi HD SI Combo
- Wanted: HDS - 5 second hand chart plotter
- 585 vs 620
- Sensabrake
- PWC Transducer installation
- eagle seacharter 500cdf wont turn on
- furuno 587 where to buy overseas
- sync your mobile phone ?????
- Re lowrance HDS 7 gen 1
- Go-Pro 3
- best GPS/sounder combo unit
- Re- A Navionics new Gold card and its use in an older LCX 27 c combo unit
- Mac users - Navionics application now available online.
- Offshore Internet Options
- re Lowrance HDS SS version 1 - upgrade tranducer
- Transducers, 3 different types , Pro's and cons to each
- lowrance electronics from the US
- Raymarine e7d + P58 Tranducer
- Furuno FCV and Garmin 750s - still the best combo for small boat?
- Icom M604A VHF.
- Evilbay weird.
- navman 5000 series??
- Better reception smart phones
- trailer brake lights not working
- Garmin 750s Transducer Question
- setting up garmin 350 sounder
- LCX Sounder not recognising a SD card with "usr" file on it
- HDS 5 - taking multible attempts to start up
- Sliding transducer bracket
- SIMRAD NSS7 replacement transducer
- Garmin 5012
- DC wiring Question
- Battery Charger 12V
- Warning!!! ausfishers Hds 8 on ebay! ending on (29 Jan, 201312:28:29 AEDST)Do not bid
- TM260 vs TM270 - which should be the better for fishing 40 - 4000M?
- 3D Fish eye view on Garmin 750S
- Garmin 750s or humminbird 858cx or hds7?
- Heat Shrink - converting non-adhesive to adhesive?
- Fish Finder for first boat
- Lawrence HDS 5 sounding in deep water
- Navionics Gold
- Koden sounders
- Bilge pump karked it, what brands?
- Raymarine e125
- Homeport Maps View. ????
- New Garmin 751
- chartplotter - which one is goood
- HDS10, No Signal from Structure Scan
- Hel updating software for HDS-5x
- Help new garmin 750s not getting a GPS fix
- HDS10 Radar antenna
- Help understanding generator output & battery charge rate??
- Lowrance Ethernet Cable - Where to Buy with Quick Postage?
- Networking Lowrance HDS Units (And a Raymarine Autopilot)
- waterproof ipad cases
- How to transfer waypoints from Garmin Dakota 10 to Lowrance HDS5 gen 2??
- transfer marks Lowrance to Furuno
- dvd doesn't want to play as the hand brake on the boat is not on
- Good Furuno Deals from Shotgun Marine
- Navionics new map cards
- Screen protector film
- elite 5 nav card question
- Radar dome for sale
- DRAGONFLY by Raymarine!!!!!!
- Anyone with hands on experience with Garmin GMR18 HD radar?
- Navionics card
- Northstar 567 GPS what would it be worth??
- Motor Battery - Charging
- NMEA parts
- Huminbird 835
- Garmin 8000 series?
- Video editting
- External radio speaker interferes with compass
- lowrance sounder settings for prawns
- Vhf antenna cable question
- best combo $1000
- J and H products
- Tiny Tacho
- Did I break it?? Changing batteries while the engine is running.
- 50 Hrs added to STBD engine Tach Honda BF150
- Thru hull/shoot thru kevlacat 5.2
- Ram Mounts for Hummingbird 898SI
- Llowrance geofencing
- Removable transducer mounting bracket
- simrad nss 8 and structure
- GPS module and hummingbird 898si
- battery dramas..
- New Combo Sounder - Is side scan worth the extra
- Minn Kota bI-polit link
- QLT rim Tabs - Garmin GBT 10 Trim Tab Adapter - NMEA 2000 Smartcraft Trim Information
- Bus bars
- Format to import into GPS Utility for a Garmin 750
- Phone app for Green zones
- Battery dramas
- Garmin 750s users... Help
- Coastguard Safetrx App
- Camera for sounder
- lowrance software update
- furuno gp 1610cf
- what GPS???
- Lowrance touchscreen won't acquire
- A few cool Lowrance sceen shots
- Deck wash kit. Which brand
- GPS-Sounder
- Digitech VHF Radios/ Handheld
- Lowrance HDS - lost my tracks after a mate uploaded marks from my old GPS??
- scroll back feature
- Furuno transducer
- Sounder Plate/Brkt
- just for sounding out snapper drops, which of these two?
- Foruno FCV 620 / 627 users.
- Navionics iPhone App
- which gps chartplotter
- Furuno 620 wats it worth
- Garmin 5012 for sale
- Lowrance Elite-5 and Navionics Maps and Google Earth?
- Trollpro from 7/4/13 tuna underwater.
- About to buy a Fish Finder
- Lowrance Question
- Mounting hds 9 gen 2
- 1198 hummingbird
- New Furuno Chirp.
- Question: Garmin Echo 300c transducer placement on a RIB with a Cat Hull?
- Deck wash install pics
- yamaha nmea sounder options?
- looking for advise on hooking up batterys.
- Single switch for electronics
- Gps combo advice
- 4 way battery isolation switch.
- Garmin Echo 100c
- Best Transducer For Raymarine DSM30 Sounder
- Raymarine e7d NMEA interface to E-Tec 225hp query
- Thru-Hull Vs Transom Mounted 600w Transducer
- starter 40 tohatsu
- c-map,blue chart,navionics????????
- Garmin Echo 300c current draw & battery info.
- gps maps for lowrance globalmap 3500c
- Flat battery in tinnie
- South Passage Bar crossings - at the present time - indicative only
- Battery size for tinney
- HDS 5X Sounder Readings
- Which type of fishfinder ?
- Lowrance LSS2 image problem
- Furuno 587 programs
- Another post on what chart plotter to buy.
- Lowrance
- lowrance Gen 2 touch
- Tmq nmea2000 ?
- Advice needed on rewiring.
- Best way to edit/delete route maks with 750s
- usa vhf radios
- Bung lights
- Which are the better VHF radios?
- Furno 620 issue
- Humming Bird 798CI Losing Fish Life at Speed
- Battery for Watersnake and starting
- Fish finder for $400 ish !!
- isolator vs VSR questions
- Lowrance HDS 7 Structure Scan Transducer
- Elite 5 dsi combo
- humming bird 1100 series
- Help needed on Furuno 627 wiring.
- Lowrance SonicHub on special
- Finally. New lowrance Gen 2 update
- DSC (Digital Selective Calling) question
- Lowrance querie
- Elite 7 DSi or Dragonfly?
- simrad n7ss
- Which battery charger??
- Fitting airmar 1kw thru hull
- Furuno 585 / 587 sounder
- New navigation package needed on a 7m cat.
- Another battery question. Well sort of?
- Question for Garmin techs...
- Hummingbird 360 OR Lowrance Gen 2 touch
- Furuno gurus, please help
- Furuno Reading Accuracy Help Please
- battery charging question
- battery charging question
- hds 10 power cable ?
- battery charging question
- hds help please
- Furuno 585 Bezel & knob Wanted
- Need some help from GPS owners other than Garmin
- beware stolen Garmin chart cards
- Anyone have a garmin montana with marine charts?
- Another buggered antenna.
- warning to galaxys2 users
- gps data conversion
- Easy GPS
- Garmin GPS72 recovery
- Trip data minus the drift
- Batteries that discharge down to 10%
- furuno gps reviews??
- furuno fish finder reviews??
- Bait tank Timer
- Is this Transducer set up ok?
- Lowrance Elite 5 DSI settings
- Batteries and voltage
- Navionics Platinum Plus XL3 CF Card Information
- Navman Smartcraft gateway cable for a Trackfish 6600 and Single Verado 275
- Garmin GPSMap 451 vs 551
- Well that's a bugger
- furuno gp 1610cf
- Garmin on a tablet
- GPS vs Speedo.
- Lowrance help line
- Lowrance software
- Dragonfly owners -- some advice please
- Problem with JRC 3300 radar!
- Furuno 587 and 1kw Transducer price
- A quick question for the guru's
- Humminbird 898
- Underwater video camera suggestions please
- Hand held cb radio
- Auto pilot problems
- Sydney Marine Electrical - any issues +poor service
- Melb boat show.... newly released Garmin electronics? Promos?
- GPS Map Limitations
- Garmin 750 VS garmin 751
- NMEA interface cable
- What Size Cable???
- Thru hull trans + skid trailer
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