Australian Fishing Tackle
Manufacturers & Boat Builders Listings
Site listing information
1 - $600.00 a year
This will give you your listing on the tackle manufacturers
Your listing will include:
Business Name
Contact Numbers
Website Link and/or Email Address
Graphic and link
This will be done on a first come first served basis.
Graphic listings paid for first will be at the top of the page and
subsequent listings will be under them. Non graphic listings will
be under these and then the free listing will be listed at the bottom
of the page.
If you do not have a graphic we can create one for you, extra charge
will apply.
2 - $400.00 a year
This will give you your listing on the tackle manufacturers
Your listing will include:
Business Name
Contact Numbers
Email Address
This will be done on a first come first served basis.
Graphic listings paid for first will be at the top of the page and
subsequent listings will be under them. Non graphic listings will
be under these and then the free listing will be listed at the bottom
of the page.
Option 3 - $300.00
a year
This will give you your listing on the tackle manufacturers
Your listing will include:
Business Name
Contact Numbers
This will be done on a first come first served basis.
Graphic listings paid for first will be at the top of the page and
subsequent listings will be under them. Non graphic listings will
be under these and then the free listing will be listed at the bottom
of the page.
Banner advertising throughout the website is also
available see click
here for more details.
If you wish to have a website presence we can also
design a website or webpage for you to have your information displayed
on the Ausfish website.
Note - Free listings will be at the bottom of the
page, although they may be deleted soon.

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