This is a pic of a black king
that me and a mate landed out at Murphys reef on the
Sunshine Coast .. The day was a day full of surpirse we
started the day with getting a flat tryre on the trailer
at around 4am on the Bruce highway. Then arriving at
Kawana boat ramp at about 9 am so it was a late start to
the day. We then manged to get a few small reef fish,
then Jon was good enough to land me a great sizeing whip
tail witch as we all is know is not the best live bait
but well we thought well we will give anything ago.. The
live bait was hooked upto a gang of 3 by 5/o's on a T.L.D
20 two speed on a Gary Howard M10 rod... after a few
hours of getting a few Squire and parrot.Then all of a
sudden the live bait took of screaming into the
distance,we were both unsure what it was at first.
After a half an hour of tag
teaming this fish he came up and gave us a look at him we
were both said were are we going to put him. You must
under stand we are only in a 14ft tinnie . At first we
thought it might be a shark so we went for a knife but
that was soon put away, and the pumping and winding
begain again as it was one of those fish that we were not
going to let go easy.After about one hour he was up next
to the boat and now we had a to find the best place to
gaf this creature from the deep. The gaf shot was a great
one at that right under the gills. The rod was put to the
floor and we both draged it over the stern of the boat.
That moment was full of high five's. The rest of the day
was as it always is a few more keepers and a happy trip
home..The black king went 23kg's. When he was cleaned we
were shocked to find a whole sand crab in his gut.
We both have no question about
two speed reels after that day the reel was second to
none the rod was just a dream .. Please remember this
fish was landed useing 13kg Platapuss pre test.. We both
agree that light line fishing is the way to fish for all
fish ... We both hope you enjoy our story as much as we
enjoyed catching the Black King.
M and Andrew A
Return to Hall of Fame
